An explanation of what power is, and a derivation of the three formulae for electrical ... 17K views 8 years ago VCE physics (units 1 & 2 ). ... <看更多>
An explanation of what power is, and a derivation of the three formulae for electrical ... 17K views 8 years ago VCE physics (units 1 & 2 ). ... <看更多>
P =IV applies to all circuit branches. P=I2R or P=V2/R are restatements of the general rule that apply when we are considering power ... ... <看更多>
國立嘉義大學農業科學博士學位學程莊惠文所指導安地軻的 分析蕈狀芽苞桿菌在促進生長及提高逆境耐受性的功能(2020),提出p iv i 2r v 2/r關鍵因素是什麼,來自於植物 ... ... <看更多>
國立嘉義大學農業科學博士學位學程莊惠文所指導安地軻的 分析蕈狀芽苞桿菌在促進生長及提高逆境耐受性的功能(2020),提出p iv i 2r v 2/r關鍵因素是什麼,來自於植物 ... ... <看更多>
國立嘉義大學農業科學博士學位學程莊惠文所指導安地軻的 分析蕈狀芽苞桿菌在促進生長及提高逆境耐受性的功能(2020),提出p iv i 2r v 2/r關鍵因素是什麼,來自於植物&nbsp;... ... <看更多>
A capacitor with capacitance C is attached to a battery with voltage V. ... The power P = IV = I 2R is always positive. ... A: onI R 2 B: oI r 2 /(2R). ... <看更多>
傳送:P=IV(高電壓低電流) 消耗:P=I^2R(低電流消耗少) ... 以公式看,電線長度越長,電阻越大,電壓越高,電流也越高,所以W(j/s)=V *I, W 也也越高,所以高壓在傳送 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 請問計算電功率時該用哪個式子? P=IV=I^2R=V^2/R - Clearnote
#2. 為什麼電功率損失只用P=I^2*R而不用P=V^2/R來解釋呢?
而不用P=V^2/R,若無電流表,而知R值,就用它來計算負載功率的公式。 若有電壓與電流數值,才用P=V I. 第二章:常用元件之有趣實驗. 2-2、 ...
#3. Re: [問題] 高三選修物理電功率- 看板SENIORHIGH
P = IV = I^2R = V^2/R 這三個公式都是一樣的,在任何情況下都可以用,只是好不好算的問題而已。 最基本就是從做功來,將某電量q 從低電為移到高電位 ...
#4. 電流熱效應
正常使用時,通過的電流. 正常使用1小時,用電多少度(後述). 有電壓、有功. 率,用什麼公. 式求電阻? P=V2/R. 有電壓、有功. 率,用什麼公. 式求電流? P=IV ...
#5. 發問
第(2)小題有問題,詳解如下:. 我不懂為什麼詳解這樣寫,三種電功率公式到底什麼時候要用什麼? (P=IV=V^2/R=I^2R) ; 第五章:電與磁的統一-變壓器與電力 ...
電功率基本的定義是電功除以時間, P=W/t=IVt/t=IV 推導可得電功率等於 ... 推廣成:P=I 2R ,即:電功率與電流平方成正比,與電阻也成正比或P=V2 /R ...
#7. 為啥發電所的電功率不能用P=V2R而是用P=I2R | 健康跟著走
但在參考書上有看到發電所的電功率(R不變)是用P=I2R,卻不能用P=V2/R,是因為後者所產生的... 要證明「高電壓」、「低電流」確實可以減少輸送能量的損失, ... P=IV.
#8. 001(1-1電流的熱效應) - 阿賢老師的理化教學網站
(2)P=IV [ I:電流,單位為安培; V:電壓,單位為伏特] 推導: P=E/t , 因E = QV=ItV代回, 故P=(ItV)/t =IV。 (3)P=I2R [R:電阻,單位為歐姆] 推導: 由(2)知P=IV, ...
B燈泡的電功率P=I 2R=(4) 2 x50=800(瓦特) (3) 電池提供的總功率P=IV=5x200=1000(瓦特) (5) A、B燈泡串聯時的總電流I=V/R=200/(200+50)=200/250=0.8(安培)
#10. P=IV, P=I^2R, P=V^2/R, what are the distinctions between ...
For example: P = IV. Well, what is V? V = IR. Therefore, P = I(IR) = I^2R. P = IV. V = IR, so I = V/R. Therefore, P = (V/R)V = V^2/R
#11. 負載的平均消耗功率:到底是V平方除以R? 1/2 - ByParams Blog
現在回想起來,覺得當時的自己真的是沒有好好讀書呀! 什麼問題呢?就是我常常在書上看到,一顆電阻負載R,在他身上的平均消耗功率P, ...
#12. 焦耳加熱- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
... P=I^{2}R} {\displaystyle P=I^{2}R} 其中Q(熱量)、I(電流)、R(電阻)、t(時間)、P(熱功率)各量的單位依次為焦耳、安培、歐姆、秒和瓦特。
#13. 为什么有的时候用P=IV有的时候用P=I2R? 如果题目中 - 百度知道
在直流电路中:R=V/I 根据欧姆定律:V=I R ,将V=I R代入P=IV,即有: P=I×I R=I 2R 如果题目中给你了【纯电阻电路】的电流和电压,就可以直接用P=IV ...全文 ...
#14. 歐姆定律和計算電功率的P= IV 是否有矛盾 - rlz87tm45t的部落格
註: I (電流) V (電壓) P(電功率) R(電阻) 更新: Why P=V^2/R?How can we get ... From the formulae,you get it P=IV V=IR P=I(V) P=I(IR) P=I^2R
#15. 第六章 電與磁
解析由功率P=IV=,V相同時,R小,P大 ... 解析燈泡之電阻(R)一定又由P= V2 ... 解析令每個燈泡之電阻為R,3、4號串聯則為2R,再與2號並聯,則為R,再串聯1號則為R ...
#16. 為何用高壓電輸送電力?
對同一功率P=IV 而言, 電壓V 越高, 電流I 越小, 輸送電路的總電阻為R, 則電路上損失的電能I^2 * R 也越少. 糊塗佬的疑問是 ...
#17. Error404 - Error Page
Error404. 回首頁.
#18. 虛功率-實功率-視在功率-功率因數: 一次搞懂它
直流功率很簡單,幾乎有學過基礎電學的人都知道,直接將電壓I與電流V相乘,這樣的計算方式很好理解沒有太 ... P_{R}=\frac{IV}{2}cos \theta, for R1
#19. Electrical Power (P=IV, P=I^2R, P=V^2/R) | Teaching Resources
Electrical Power (P=IV, P=I^2R, P=V^2/R). Subject: Physics. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Lesson (complete). davidhuggins. 4.3523 reviews.
#20. 電的應用
歐姆定律V = IR,功率P = IV = V2 /R =I 2R) (A)甲燈泡產生功率較乙大,電阻 ... 詳解:設電源之電壓為V,燈泡之電阻為R,則由V=I×R可知,通過a點之電流=0.8=V/2R。
#21. I don't get the difference between P=IV, P=V^2/R and P=I^2R
What are the differences between these equations? I don't know when I'm supposed to use each one. I know that P=V^2/R and P=I^2R both involve power loss.
#22. 102 學年四技二專第二次聯合模擬考試電機與電子群專業科目 ...
P IV 0.5 (60 20) 20 W. = = ×. −. = 2. W 200 6 800 (8 6) 200 (12 8) ... 48 V. = = ,開關閉合,電. 路電流I 6 A. = ,電路總電阻T. E 48. R.
#23. 基礎地球科學(高一全)
歐姆定律. (2)導體的種類. ①線性導體:遵守歐姆定律,又稱「歐姆式導體」,電阻值與外加電壓無關、I-V圖是直線,例如金屬;. 電阻的算法為:R=V/i.
#24. Electro thermo - SlideShare
甲乙丙V2 V2 V R 電功率R R V 4::11 R 4V : R V : R V P:P:P 222 丙乙 ... 2 R V P 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 4 P R V P 31 4PP R/2 2R R V PA 2 2 ...
#25. Electrical power (P=IV = I²R = V²/R) - YouTube
An explanation of what power is, and a derivation of the three formulae for electrical ... 17K views 8 years ago VCE physics (units 1 & 2 ).
#26. Solved Which is true? O Both P- V2/R and P iV apply to - Chegg
O The equation P - iV applies to any electrical energy transfer, but P V2/R applies only to dissipation. but P - applies. student submitted image, transcription ...
#27. 電工常用計算公式 - 每日頭條
電壓V(伏特),電阻R(歐姆),電流強度I(安培),功率N(瓦特)之間的關係是: V=IR,N=IV =I*I*R,精銳五角場。 點我分享到Facebook. 相關文章. 電工 ...
#28. 第二十章電磁感應 - 邱博文物理!!
2 2. 2 v B. P. F x. R. = ⋅∆ = ℓ. 外. 外. (5)電阻產生的熱功率:. 2. 2 2. 2 v B. P ... 2r. 4. = 1 r ε ε. ⇒. = 大. 小. 範例06:. 【解答】: (1)20 V (2) 20 V.
#29. Difference between I2R and V2/R and VI for measuring power P
P =IV applies to all circuit branches. P=I2R or P=V2/R are restatements of the general rule that apply when we are considering power ...
#30. When to use P=I^2R, P=VI, P=V^2/R? - Physics Forums
Hi, I know that P = I^2R is to find heat loss. but can we use P = V^2/R or P = IV ...
#31. 电机运行电流40的功率计算方法(详解电机功率计算公式)
根据功率的定义,功率可以表示为P=IV。 电机功率计算公式推导. 根据欧姆定律和功率的定义,可以推导出电机功率计算公式P=VI=I^2R=V^2/R。其中,P是 ...
#32. 普通物理(下冊)
由 P = V 2 / R 知: R1 =(120 V) 2 / (60 W)= 240 Ω, R2 = (120 V) 2 / (90 W) ... 可以很容易證得:此狀況可導出(R + r)= 2R 這個式子,由之得到R = r 。 P.
#33. 數學公式集錦
設平面上有一直線L,且P1(x1,y1)、P2(x2,y2)為直線L上的兩個相異點。 ... 向量內積的性質:設 、 與 為坐標平面上三向量,r為實數,則 (1) 。 (2) 。 ... 數學A(IV).
#34. When should I use which formula of power, P=v²/r or p ... - Quora
When do we use the power formula in electrical, V^2/R, VI and I^2R? ... V = IR. and we know. P = IV. and using substitution, we get. P = IV = V^2 / R = I^2 ...
#35. AC power, RMS and 3-Phase circuits - Physclips.
RMS and power in single and three phase AC circuits. ... p(t) = iv = v2 /R = i 2R. ... The average is exactly as shown above: P = Vm 2 /2R = V2 /R.
#36. Module 2 FXA © 2008 P = W t W = ItV P = IV
P = I 2R. P = V 2/R. W = IVt. (J). P = W t. (W). (s). ELECTRICAL POWER (P) of an appliance or device is the rate at which it transfers electrical energy ...
#37. The power in an electric circuit is given by the equation P = IV ...
Use Ohm's law to express V and show that power can be expressed by the equation P = I 2 R . Electric Power: The value of the electric power of a circuit can be ...
#38. Lab 1:HSPICE 介紹目的: - 輔仁大學學術資源網
2 -. 二、 HSPICE 計算方式:. SPICE 的計算方法是利用個節點連接之元件間電流值與節點 ... V. 在電路串接型態的描述中,用來表示元件名稱的開頭字母,如:R 表示電阻.
#39. 課程名稱電流的熱效應編授教師: 中興國中楊秉鈞. - SlidePlayer
圈內關係V=IR E=QV=Pt Q=It P=IV=I2R=V2/R ※ 圈間關係電池總電壓=電阻二端之電壓V=V1 電池總電流=流經電阻之電流I=I1 電池總電阻=線路上之電阻R=R1 電池總 ...
#40. Ohm's Law and Power - Scientific Review (Video) - Mometrix
The equation for electrical power is P=IV. ... The power equation and the Ohm's law can be combined to produce P=V^2/R and P=I^2R.
#41. Electric Circuits
Rtot = R1 + R 2 + · · · + Rn ... V=9V. Electric Power. The rate at which electrical energy is converted into another ... Power P=W/t = IV = I 2R = V 2/R.
#42. Electric Power and Energy | Physics - Course Hero
To see the relationship of power to resistance, we combine Ohm's law with P = IV. Substituting I = V/R gives P = (V/R)V=V2 /R. Similarly, substituting V = IR ...
#43. Electrical Power - TuHS Physics
So now we have all the formulas we need for solving electric power problems: P=IV P=I^2R P=(V^2)/R. Go back to: Table of Contents ...
#44. 交流電功率 - 磐石高中- 新竹市教育網
#45. The electric power consumed by a device may be calculated ...
How can the seemingly different dependence of P and R in these expression be ... may be calculated by using either of the two expressions P=I2RorP=RV2.
#46. Which of the following terms does not represent electrical ...
Which of the following terms does not represent electrical power in a circuit (a) I 2R (b) IR 2 (c) VI (d) V 2 R - The correct answer is ...
#47. 情報一人說一個電的公式 - 哈啦區
V =IR 謝謝各位. ... P=IV=I^2R. 很萬用. 0. 0. 關閉圖片影片 收藏 回覆本篇檢舉. June (asd900606) 2017-08-14 16:53:38 ... P=I^2R=V^2/R.
#48. P=V^2/R in this equation p is indirectly proportional to ... - Byju's
P =V^2/R in this equation p is indirectly proportional to R. P=I^2R here P is directly proportional ... Q. Power=I2 R=IV then is P proportional to I or I2 ?
#49. Ohms Law Calculator
Please provide any 2 values and click "Calculate" to get the other values in the ohm's law equations V = I × R and P = V × I.
#50. 負載的平均消耗功率:到底是V平方除以R? 1/2、1/4 還是1/8...
就是我常常在書上看到,一顆電阻負載R,在他身上的平均消耗功率P,會出現以下幾個式子:. \begin{align}P_{L}=\frac{V^{2}}{R}\end{align} ...
#51. P v P v F ? 甚麼是「向心力」? 甚麼是「離心力」? P v F
P.1. (A) 向心力(centripetal force) 製造圓周運動. 在下圖,物體P 正以速度v 行走。 ... 不同的是我們稱mv2/r 為「向心力」,而m(v2-u2)/2s 則沒有特定.
#52. 4.4 Electric Power and Energy – includes Heat energy
P = I V. P = I 2 R. P = V2 / R. Note that the first equation is always valid, whereas the other two can be used only for resistors. In a simple circuit, ...
#53. Parallel and Series Circuits - ucsc physics demo
P = IV. Or equivalently: P = I 2R P = V2 / R ... If we add another bulb in series, the total resistance of the circuit is now 2R. The total power output of ...
#54. 高壓電輸送@ LIFE DIARY :: 隨意窩Xuite日誌
而在能量固定下,功率也固定,自然P=IV,電壓升高,電流就下降了。 ... 同樣的,你所說的P=V^2/R也是沒錯的,但是,小心不要把整段電路和一段輸電線看 ...
#55. p iv i 2r v 2/r的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都能 ...
國立嘉義大學農業科學博士學位學程莊惠文所指導安地軻的 分析蕈狀芽苞桿菌在促進生長及提高逆境耐受性的功能(2020),提出p iv i 2r v 2/r關鍵因素是什麼,來自於植物 ...
#56. 156. 20.4 Electric Power and Energy
$latex \boldsymbol{P = IV} $. $latex \boldsymbol{P =}$ \boldsymbol{\frac{V^2}{R}}. $latex \boldsymbol{P = I^2R}. $. Note that the first equation is always ...
#57. Electricity and magnetism 5.2 – Heating effect of electric currents
P = IV = (V / R) (V) = V2/ R. P = VI = I 2R = V 2/ R electrical power. Power dissipation ...
#58. Physics Exam 2 Flashcards - Quizlet
The equation P = V ^2/R indicates that the power dissipated in a resistor ... The power dissipated by the light bulbs is I 2R so the light bulb with the ...
#59. of my notes on electricity in the home igcse/gcse 9-1 Physics ...
ALSO power and energy transfer calculations including. P = IV = I 2R = E/t, E = Pt = IVt and electricity cost calculations.
#60. The power of an electric circuit is given by the equation P = I V ...
Use Ohm's law to express V and show that power can be expressed by the equation P = I 2 R . Conceptual Physics: The High School Physics Program BUY.
#61. Electric Power - Summary - The Physics Hypertextbook
This equation is often combined with Ohm's law to produce variations. P = VI = I 2R = V2. R. Electric Energy.
#62. P=iv(P=vi)やP=I2RやP=v^2/Rといった消費電力の公式 ...
それでは、P=I^2Rという公式をより理解するためにも、計算問題を解いてみましょう。 ・例題2. ある電機機器に電流3Aを通電したとします。この負荷の抵抗 ...
#63. What is Watt's law? - EngineeringClicks
Watt's law can be combined with Ohm's law to get many useful formulas including P=I2R and P=V2/R. In the study of electronics, many laws and ...
#64. How to Manipulate Ohm's Law and Joule's Law - wikiHow Life
#65. Biology
given in Column II. Which one of the following combinations is correct? (a). CORRECT ANSWER. P - (iv); Q - (v); R - (i); S - (ii). (b). P - (v); Q - (i); R ...
#66. MCAT Physical : Voltage, Energy, and Power - Varsity Tutors
P = IV = I 2R = V2 /R. To solve for P, we first need the current supplied by the battery. We can use the formula V = IR because we have the voltage drop ...
#67. 4. 一物體原先靜置在光滑水平面上,今對其持續施一水平定力F ...
率比P:Pe:Pc為(A)1:1:1 (B)3:5:3 (C)6:10:3 (D)1:1:2. (E)2:2:1。 m. 2L. 2m. 9.m質點的速度為(A). (B)(C)v(D) (E). 4. 5. ·gL. 3. 8L. 9. 15. 一圓形環的半徑為R, ...
#68. Power and Brightness - Wize University Physics 2 Textbook
If the current is constant, use P = I 2 R P=I^2R P=I2R (e.g. for resistors in series). If ...
#69. Power in resistive circuits - Mr Toogood Physics
Energy and power equations: E=IVt. P = IV = I^{2}R = \frac{V^{2}}{R}. The relationships between currents, voltages and resistances in series and parallel ...
#70. Electrical energy and powers
The power dissipated by the wire is. P = I*V = I 2R = V2 /R,. using our definition of resistance. For a given problem, which equation should you use?
#71. Concept Tests -- Final Review - Physics
A capacitor with capacitance C is attached to a battery with voltage V. ... The power P = IV = I 2R is always positive. ... A: onI R 2 B: oI r 2 /(2R).
#72. Power Dissipated by a Resistor? Circuit Reliability and ...
P (power dissipated) = V2 (voltage) ÷ R (resistance). So, using the above circuit diagram as our reference, we can apply these formulas to ...
#73. What is Electric Power (P) - RapidTables.com
Electric power is the rate of energy consumption in an electrical circuit. The electric power is measured in units of watts. ... P = V 2 / R.
#74. AC/DC Circuits - NRICH - Millennium Mathematics Project
Electrical Power P = IV = I^2 R = \frac{V^2}{R} Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred. Its units are joules per second, ...
#75. 5.5 Electrical Energy and Power - USask OpenPress
If a resistor is connected to a battery, the power dissipated as radiant energy by the wires and the resistor is equal to P=IV=I^2R=\frac{V^2}{ ...
#76. 20.4 Electric Power and Energy - UCF Pressbooks
\boldsymbol{P = IV}. \boldsymbol{P =} \boldsymbol{\frac{V^2}{R}}. \boldsymbol{P = I^2R}. Note that the first equation is always valid, whereas the other two ...
#77. Recitation 5
V = IR. (9). So power absorbed by a resistor is. P = IV = V 2. R ... battery emf is ϵ, and the resistor values are R1 = R, R2 = 2R, R3 = 4R, and R4 = 3R.
#78. A question about electrical power and the equation "P=I²R"
Then P=V2/R( Dividing the square of higher potential by higher resistance). Eventually both the equations yield the same power consumption by ...
#79. 26.4-26.5: Ohm's Law, power in electric circuits R = ρ i = / J
R = ρL. A i = / J · d A. R = V i. E = ρ J. P = iV = i2R = V 2. R. Question 1: The capacity of a 1.5 V D-cell battery is quoted at 8000 mAh (milliamp.
#80. Module 2 FXA © 2008 P = W t W = ItV P = IV - Studylib
UNIT G482 Power 2.2.5 Module 2 1 Candidates should be able to ... NOTE P = IV 2 P = I 2R P = V 2/R (b) The current taken by the appliance.
#81. อ่านเรื่อง กำลังไฟฟ้า ไม่ทันแล้ว ! ต้องเข้ามาดู - TUENONGFREE
หากำลังไฟฟ้าที่ใช้ในหลอดไฟจากสูตร. P = IV = V/R2. หลอดที่ 1 เราทราบตัวแปร. V = 10 V , R = 5 Ω. จะ ...
#82. 電力と電力量 - わかりやすい高校物理の部屋
さらに、オームの法則 V = RI を用いると、. P = IV = I 2 R = V2R V 2 R. などと表わすことができます。 電力と電力量の式をまとめると以下のようになります。 電力.
#83. EECS 40 Homework #2 Solutions Fall 2003 + + - -
Then P = VI or P = V2/R20 so solving for R20, we get R20 = V2/P which implies: ... R1=R2=R then the expression reduces to R2/2R which is equivalent to R/2.
#84. Chapter 4 - AC Circuits II - •Transformers and Impedance ...
V2. N2. V1/V2 = N1/N2 voltage ratio = winding ratio. I1 V1 = I2 V2 conservation of energy ... 2. Impedance matching - theory. P = I V =I2 R = [V/(r+R)]2 R.
#85. Power - math.illinois.edu
The power P absorbed at a circuit element with voltage drop V and current I in ... I^2R, but in the denominator of V^2/R. Does P scale linearly or inversely ...
#86. (a) All circuits have the same equivalent resistance
Power through a light bulb is P=i^2R. In X, with i=V/R. In (i), i=E/2R: dimmer. In (ii), i=2E/2R=E/R: same as in X. In (iii), i=2E/3R: dimmer. In (iv) ...
#87. Calculating Electric Power | Ohm's Law | Electronics Textbook
This discovery, published in 1841, followed the form of the last equation (P = I 2R), and is properly known as Joule's Law. However, these power equations are so ...
#88. Kirchoff's Laws and Their Use for Circuit Analysis
R. V. I. P. R1= 6 Ω. V1 = 8 volts % i1 =1-1/3 amps @. 14 W. R2 = 3 Ω. V2 = 4 volts & i2 =1-1/3 ... The power for each resistor is calculated with P = IV.
#89. 1 - Hand out
Conservation of Evergy. (current coming out of positive terminal). Piz. Power dissipated by each element. Power = I² R= IV. For resistors N=1,2,3. 2.
#90. (PDF) A new technique to compute padmakar-ivan index and ...
(ii) For any two vertices u, v ∈ G′i , a shortest path between u and v ... Then the vertex PI index of G is given by P Iv (G) = 2r(2l + 1)(6lr + r − l).
#91. If V=2r^(2) then find (i) vec(E) (1, 0 - Doubtnut
If V = 2r ^( 2 ) then find (i) vec(E) (1, 0, - 2 ) ( ii ) vec(E) ( r = 2 )
#92. Formulas PHYS 121 - Final Units: SI system: kg (kilogram), m ...
Power: P = IV = I2R = V 2/R. Simple connections: series (same current) Req = R1 + R2 + ...; parallel (same voltage). 1/Req ...
#93. 台電電力粉絲團- Q:為何電力輸送是使用高電壓?用低電壓 ...
傳送:P=IV(高電壓低電流) 消耗:P=I^2R(低電流消耗少) ... 以公式看,電線長度越長,電阻越大,電壓越高,電流也越高,所以W(j/s)=V *I, W 也也越高,所以高壓在傳送 ...
#94. Physics 102 - Lecture 9
9-2. A wire has a resistance R to the electric current. V=IR. R ... P = su. OQ ot st. DQ · V = IV. . P=IV. Ohm's Law: 1 = /. V=IR. P = I²R. V². R.
#95. Energy and power in electric circuits - AQA - BBC Bitesize - BBC
Learn about and revise electrical circuits, charge, current, power and ... by a current of 2 amps (A) driven by a potential difference of 230 volts (V)?.
#96. physics question hard?? | Wyzant Ask An Expert
P = IV; P = (I^2)R; P = (V^2)/R. We are interested in using equation 3. For the series circuit each resistor drops half the voltage (we call ...
#97. ถามคำถามโจทย์ฟิสิกส์ ม.ปลาย - Pantip
สวัสดีครับ ผมมีปัญหาเรื่องกับวิชาฟิสิกส์ เรื่องกำลังไฟฟ้าอะครับ ผมเข้าใจว่า P=IV =V^2/R =I^2R เเต่คือไม่รู้ว่าสูตรไหนใช้ตอนไหน เพราะ ...
p iv i 2r v 2/r 在 Re: [問題] 高三選修物理電功率- 看板SENIORHIGH 的推薦與評價
P = IV = I^2R = V^2/R
最基本就是從做功來,將某電量 q 從低電為移到高電位所需要的功為
W = qV ---1
W qV
--- = ---- --> P = IV ---2
△t △t
P = IV ----- 3-1 --> 通常用於算電池或電源供應器輸出的功率
= I R ---- 3-2 --> 通常用於算電器或電阻的損耗功率
= V /R --- 3-3 --> 通常用於算電器的電阻
假設輸出功率 P 與電線電阻 R 是固定的,那麼從 3-2 式可知道,
當電流越低時損耗功率會越低,再從 3-1 是可知這時電壓就要升高。
例如我隨便給你一個電路,只有一顆 9 V 電池與一個 3 OHM 電阻,
3 ohm 9 V
I = 3 A
V = 9 V
2 2
電阻消耗功率 P = IV = I R = V /R
= 27 = 27 = 27 W
你就要小心注意你帶的值對不對,通常在算損耗電阻的時候會使用 3-2,
如果電阻不會變,那你用 3-2 通常沒問題。
6 ohm 3 ohm 9 V
I = 1 A I = 1 A
V = 6 V V = 3 V
但是如果是在串連的情況,你用了其他兩條,你就要注意 V 是不是正確的值,
至於 3-3 式就是你去買電器時,電器會跟你說你要使用多少 V 的電壓,
他的消耗功率是多少 W,所以通常這一條是用來算電器內電阻用的,
Summary : 那三條在高中的情況都適用,只是數字你要確認清楚。
Fw: [問卦] 電影:決勝21點的機率問題 https://goo.gl/2BpbB7 #1MfN3FgZ (joke)
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