等等)。而婦科抹片在世界各地的細胞病理檢驗室大多使用Papanicolaou Stain (柏氏染色法),因此常稱婦科抹片為Pap ...
至今Pap smear已發展成全世界性子宮頸癌最佳的篩檢方法,其間取樣技術,固定製片技術與染色的改進,以及抹片判讀標準化的共識,我們可以在子宮頸上皮細胞開始有變性 ...
巴氏涂片检查(英語:Papanicolaou test,簡稱Pap test),在港澳地區稱為柏氏抹片檢查,是一种子宫颈医学诊断方法,用于检查子宫颈癌等疾病。巴氏涂片检查的方式是, ...
(Pap smear在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯© Cambridge University Press). See the definition of Pap smear in the English dictionary ...
#5. Pap Smear Test - 子宮頸抹片檢查 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 雙語詞彙-公告詞彙 業務標示, Pap Smear Test, 子宮頸抹片檢查. 以子宮頸抹片檢查 進行詞彙精確檢索結果 ...
使用Reverso Context: Health providers are being trained on how to conduct pap smears and provide continuous sensitization to women on having regular ...
#7. 醫檢學園-病理組
片(“monolayer” smear),目前國內巿場上二種液基式備製技術被使用,其先後為Thin Prep(Cytyc Corp., ... The Pap Test: Exfoliative Gynecologic Cytology. ASCP.
#8. pap smear test - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"pap smear test" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
顯示可能是細胞病變,但並非癌症。這病變可能是陰道感染,所引致的子宮頸外細胞病變。約50%的ASCUS由人類乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)感染所造成。大部份會轉為正常。建議每隔4至6個月 ...
Evaluation of the Abnormal Pap Smear: • ASCUS: 1. 近來的處理是controversial。 (1) 每隔3-6 個月後再做一次Pap test,若連續兩次結果為negative,Pap test 回.
#11. 关于宫颈癌筛查的五个必知事项
“在美国,子宫颈涂片筛查(Pap smear,也称巴氏涂片)帮助人们提高了对宫颈癌的防患意识,它也是帮助降低宫颈癌确诊频率的一大助力”,Ursula Matulonis博士(Ursula ...
#12. Pap Smears 四大癌篩檢:子宮頸抹片檢查說明(英文)
The Papanicolaou test (abbreviated as Pap test, also known as Pap smear) is the best way to prevent cervical cancer. It can show the possibility of ...
#13. pap smear 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
pap smear. 分享單字. US /pæp smɪr/. ・. UK /pæp smiə/. A1 初級. 定義 影片字幕. n. 子宮頸抹片檢查. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play ...
一個子宮頸抹片檢查(Pap smear). • 通過子宮頸抹片檢查、早期發現異常的細胞. 可以幫助停止子宮頸癌的發展,並提高癌症. 的治愈率。所有女性都應該從21 歲開始做.
#15. 妇科检查及宫颈抹片- Female Exam and Pap Smear
pap smear is a test that checks for changes in the cervix, which may be an early sign of cancer. A breast exam may also be done. Female Pelvic Exam.
#16. 子宮頸抹片異常的處理原則
關鍵字: cervical cancer screening, cervical cytology, human ... 文章中指出HPV DNA test相較於傳統的 ... test為陰性,建議一年後再作抹片檢查.
#17. Papanicolaou Smear | 醫學快紀| Fandom
簡稱Pap Smear,子宮頸抹片檢查,為子宮頸癌篩檢的主要檢查項目之一。目前採用的Bethesda III system (2001)分類。 false-negative errors 高, 有報告指出可到50% ...
#18. 子宮頸細胞抹片與人類乳突病毒DNA檢測應用於台灣子宮頸癌篩 ...
繁體中文. 子宮頸癌 ; 子宮頸細胞抹片 ; 人類乳突病毒檢測 ; 成本效益 ; 篩檢 ; cervical cancer ; Pap smear ; HPV DNA testing ; cost-effectiveness ...
#19. pap smear翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
pap smear中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:子宮頸抹片檢查。英漢詞典提供【pap smear】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#20. pap smear中文 - 查查在線詞典
pap smear中文 :smear]巴氏涂片…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋pap smear的中文翻譯,pap smear的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#21. 柏氏抹片檢查/子宮頸檢查有效預防子宮頸癌 - 健康網購health ...
子宮頸檢查(又名子宮頸抹片檢查,英文為Pap Smear)是現時最有效篩查子宮頸癌的方法,可以快捷而簡單地檢測子宮頸細胞異常。本文將為你分析柏氏抹片 ...
#22. 巴氏涂片_百度百科
中文 名: 巴氏涂片; 外文名: Pap Smear; 别 名: 宫颈脱落细胞涂片; I: 正常细胞 ... 即Pap Smear,我们常常叫它“巴氏涂片”,这个称呼是根据英语发音引申出来的。
#23. HPV DNA & Pap Smear (ThinPrep) - Test Details - Parkway Lab
Cervical Screen - HPV DNA & Pap Smear (ThinPrep). Test Code: CVSCN. Specialised Test: Yes - Cytology. Turnaround Time: Test Schedule:.
#24. pap smear - 英汉词典
pap smear - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文 ... pap smear, pap test[p[+ae]p-] n [c] 子宫(宮)颈(頸)涂(塗)片检查 zǐgōngjǐng túpiàn jiǎnchá [英= ...
#25. 子宮頸癌的篩檢與預防 - 台灣癌症全人關懷基金會
子宮頸抹片(Pap smear)檢查:. 六分鐘,護一生: ... test or Pap smear),. 是以發明者美國柏氏 ... CIN: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia指子宮頸上皮內贅瘤.
#26. 子宮頸- ASCUS 和CIN - 家庭醫學手冊叢書
相信各位讀者對這口號都不會覺得陌生,這個正是衞生署為配合推廣子宮頸癌普查(Cervical Screening)的宣傳廣告。 如果你是介乎二十五至六十四歲,曾經有性生活的 ...
#27. PaP Smear - 專業名詞
( PaP Smear ). 目的:, 子宮頸抹片(PaP Smear)檢查是篩檢子宮頸癌用。通常開始性生活的女性,應每年檢查一次。 檢查是以擴張器撐開陰道,然後用採集`棒於子宮頸外口沾取 ...
#28. 子宮頸細胞檢查
子宮頸細胞檢查亦稱為柏氏抹片檢查(Pap Smear),是子宮頸癌的常規篩查方法。檢查利用放進陰道的窺器(又稱「鴨嘴鉗」)找出子宮頸位置,再以小型木製棒或塑膠刷輕力 ...
#29. 陰道鏡檢查(Colposcopy) | 服務專區 - 衛生福利部朴子醫院
(1) Papanicolaou smear consistent with dysplasia or cancer. (2) Papanicolaou smear with evidence of HPV infection (don't assume it is only HPV).
#30. 子宮頸普查計劃
保障你⾃⼰ 預防⼦宮頸癌. 圖片顯示一個女孩拿著咖啡. 在香港,子宮頸癌是女性中常見的癌症。科學證據已證實定期接受子宮頸篩查是有效預防子宮頸癌的方法。
#31. 子宮頸癌治療準則 - 臺北榮民總醫院
所以子宮頸抹片檢查就用他的名字命名-- 英文叫Papanicolaou smear 或簡稱. 為Pap smear。 步驟及圖示:. 1. 首先用陰道開大鏡將陰道撐開。 2. 用採樣棒條在子宮頸抹擦 ...
#32. 意義不明的鱗狀異形細胞ASCUS - 家庭健康服務
子宮頸癌的發展是一個漫長的過程。子宮頸細胞須發生一系列的變化,由正常細胞到異常細胞、至輕度、中度、嚴重變壞、到最後演變成子宮頸癌。在變壞過程當中,子宮頸細胞亦有 ...
#33. 單純人類乳突病毒檢測(HPV DNA test) 適合當作子宮頸癌第一 ...
未曾做過子宮頸癌抹片篩檢,由於以上這些原因,即使使用HPV DNA test 替代 ... Older Than Pap-Only or Pap-HPV Co-testing, Finds National Study).
#34. 人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)检验法与宫颈脱落细胞涂片(Pap ...
该综述的目的是了解哪种检验方法可以更准确的发现宫颈的癌前病变。 背景人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)检验与宫颈脱落细胞涂片(Pap)检验是医生为了解宫颈癌病情 ...
#35. 'pap smear' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
'pap smear' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#36. 女性体检须知Pap Smear知多少 - 北美省钱快报
... 它有个难以言表的中文名人乳头状瘤病毒这种病毒通常会引发宫颈癌 ... Pap Smear 是指宫颈抹片检查具体来说是指从子宫颈部取少量的细胞样品将其放 ...
#37. 人類乳突瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus; HPV) 與子宮頸癌的關係
子宮頸抹片篩檢(Pap smear)推廣成功降低子宮頸癌發生率,是癌症防治上成效最好的篩檢。所謂抹片篩檢是以抹片棒(spatula)或子宮頸刷(brush)等器具,採集外子 ...
#38. Pap test - Mayo Clinic
In a Pap test, your doctor uses a vaginal speculum to hold your vaginal walls apart and to see the cervix. Next, a sample of cells from your cervix is ...
#39. pap smear 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
pap : n 1 〈古、方〉奶頭。2 〈pl 〉奶頭狀雙峰。n 1 麵包粥,奶面粥;果肉。2 〈俚語〉(官方給與的)援助,... smear: vt 1 搽上,塗上,抹上(油、漆等)。2 塗去, ...
#40. 子宫颈涂片检查PAP TEST - ASPIC
我何时做宫颈涂片检查? Quando devo fare il PAP Test? 需要视你的年龄和上次的检查结果而定。
#41. 「pap smear中文」懶人包資訊整理(1)
月美國FDA ... ,沪江词库精选pap smears是什么意思、英语单词推荐、pap smears的用法、pap smears的中文翻译及用法、翻译pap smears是什么意思. , PAP TEST 子宮頸巴氏 ...
#42. ThinPrep、Integrated Imager - 歐盟EMA於2012年7月提出「A ...
2. 將子宮頸抹片(ThinPrep Pap test slides)放置到本系統之顯微鏡上,. 藉由內建影像儀自動載入玻片上之細胞圖像。成像之後,系統中內建. 的軟體,會去 ...
#43. liquid based cytology (thin layer specimen) - 臺中 - 台中榮總
(中文). 子宮頸細胞檢查-薄層細胞製作. 檢驗 健保碼. 15021C. 檢驗 計價碼. 94001067. 檢驗項目. (英文). Cervical cytology - liquid based
#44. CERVICAL SCREENING CHINESE The Facts 子宮頸塗片檢查 ...
中文. 資料. 甚麼是子宮頸塗片檢查? • 子宮頸塗片檢查(cervical screening) 的目的不是為了診斷子宮頸癌。它是. 為了檢驗位於子宮下部的宮頸(通常稱為子宮頸) 的健康 ...
#45. 子宫颈筛查
your-health-cervical-screening或 ... 查(Cervical Screening Test)。 子宫颈筛查是在子宫颈中查找HPV,子宫. 颈筛查取代了巴氏检查(Pap test)。
#46. What Should I Know About Cervical Cancer Screening? | CDC
Two screening tests can help prevent cervical cancer or find it early—. The Pap test (or Pap smear) looks for precancers, cell changes on the cervix that ...
#47. Understanding your Pap smear or cervical screening test results
The Pap test (sometimes called the Pap smear) has changed to the cervical screening test. Find out about how the changes impact you here.
#48. Cervical Cancer Screening - Multiple Languages - MedlinePlus
Health Information on Cervical Cancer Screening: MedlinePlus Multiple Languages ... Chinese, Simplified (Mandarin dialect) (简体中文).
#49. Pap smear"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
Pap smear. 专业医学词典. [=Papanicolaou smear]巴氏涂片. 与"Pap smear"相近的词条 ... Pap in. canthus · PAP interval · Pap-kaps · PAP-LAP · PAP method ...
#50. Pap and HPV tests | Office on Women's Health
Pap tests (or Pap smears) look for cancers and precancers in the cervix. ... An HPV test looks for HPV in cervical cells. Most women 21 to ...
#51. 高雄醫學大學醫學系病理學科- 柏氏染色(Papanicolaou stain)
柏氏染色(Papanicolaou stain). 染色目的:. 細胞的內部細微結構,經過特別的染色化學藥物作用之後,會起化學反應而產生特別顏色,經過染色的細胞其細胞核與細胞質的 ...
#52. 一份让您了解宫颈癌筛查结果的指南
新的宫颈癌筛查与巴氏涂片检查(Pap test)非常相似。基于最新的医疗与科学 ... 癌筛查计划(National Cervical Screening ... 检查,即阴道镜检查(colposcopy test).
#53. 子宮頸異常細胞及子宮頸癌
含人類乳頭瘤病毒(HPV) 6、11、16、18、31、33、45、52及58型L1蛋白的九合一疫苗,可預防由疫苗內含相關HPV病毒引致的生殖器疣、子宮頸/ 陰道/ 外陰/ 肛門的癌前病變及癌症 ...
#54. Attitudes and beliefs about cervical smear testing in ever ...
Knowledge of cervical cancer and the Pap smear test was inadequate in ... Major barriers to Pap smear screening included inadequate knowledge about the test ...
#55. Pap test - 抓鸟
Pap test 的解释是:〈医〉巴氏早期癌变探查试验 … 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:Pap test的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#56. Pap Test | Johns Hopkins Medicine
For a Pap test, your healthcare provider will collect and examine cells from your cervix. The cervix is the opening to the uterus.
#57. Smear... 柏氏抹片檢查|子宮頸抺片.香港婦檢HKWWC
柏氏子宮頸細胞抹片檢查. Cervical Smear (Pap Smear). 是一快捷而簡單的測試,可以檢測到子 ...
#58. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
Effect of pap smear collection and carrageenan on cervicovaginal human papillomavirus-16 infection in a rhesus macaque model · [HTML] from oxfordjournals.orgJN ...
#59. pap smear中文延伸文章資訊 - 生病了怎麼辦
pap smear中文 ,你想知道的解答。大量翻译例句关于"abnormalpapsmear"–英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。在Linguee网站寻...| 生病了怎麼辦.
#60. Pap test | Canadian Cancer Society
A Pap test removes a sample of cells from the cervix and is a screening test for cervical cancer. Learn about the Pap test.
#61. Pap Smear (Pap Test): Reasons, Procedure & Results
A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a routine screening procedure for cervical cancer. It's recommended once every three years for women starting at age ...
#62. 子宮頸抹片異常,該加做HPV檢查嗎? - 康健雜誌
#63. 子宮頸抹片檢查 - 國立陽明大學附設醫院
子宮頸癌現況. 子宮頸癌為婦女常見的癌症之一,96年約有1,800人罹患子宮頸癌,逾700人因子宮頸癌死亡,故子宮頸癌是婦女不可輕忽的疾病。
#64. 翻译'Pap smear' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
Pap smears and breast examinations were provided to more than 400 women. 为400多名妇女做了宫颈抹片检查和乳腺检查。 此外。
#65. 癌症防治 - 衛生福利部國民健康署
中文, 英文. 子宮頸細胞病理, Cervical Pathology. 全民健保, National Health Insurance. 衛生福利部, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 抹片, Pap Smear.
#66. 子宮頸/ 子宮癌前病變的異同點
瘤(cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN) ... (cervical canal)內襯為腺上皮,癌前病變腺上皮 ... 1941年的細胞抹片(Pap smear/test)試驗,可以早.
#67. 婦產科
Papanicolaou smear. パパニ. コロー. 検査. Tes Pap smear. Phết bào cổ tử ... 中文. 英文. 日文. 印尼文. 越南文. 泰文. 陰道分. 泌物. Vaginal discharge.
#68. What you need to know about changes to the Pap smear test
Pap smears will be phased out in favour of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) tests. This test looks for the presence of the HPV which causes ...
#69. pap and hpv testing frequently asked questions - test ordering
When ordering the Pap Test, select one of the following options for HPV reflex testing: ... Reflex HPV High Risk (ASCUS or LSIL Pap results).
#70. What Do Your Pap Smear Results Mean? - Verywell Health
Learn what a Pap smear test is and how to interpret the results, including what an ASCUS result means and how it relates to cervical cancer.
#71. Cytology versus HPV testing for cervical cancer screening in ...
We included comparative test accuracy studies if all women received both HPV testing and cervical cytology followed by verification of the ...
#72. Cervical Cancer Screening
Cervical cancer screening exams like the Pap test and screening for the human papillomavirus (HPV) help find cervical cancer early stage.
#73. 子宮頸抹片檢查 cer/chinese_pap.pdf (中文). 王嘉廉社區醫療中心鼓勵以非牟利性的電子信息或印刷品形式使用本資料, ...
#74. Virus DNA test better than Pap smear for cervical cancer ...
DNA screening for the virus that causes cervical cancer is the most effective method for detecting pre-cancerous cells, even in women ...
#75. National Cervical Screening Program – 巴氏涂片检查已经改变 ...
Chinese, Simplified - 简体中文. Description: Information in Simplified Chinese about the cervical screening test used in the National Cervical Screening ...
#76. 陰道窺鏡檢查
A Pap smear is only a preliminary test. If any abnormalities are found, then further investigation is vital. Cervical cancer can be detected in its earliest ...
#77. Cervical Smear Tests: What Women Need to Know - HealthEd
Being part of the National Cervical Screening Programme and having cervical smear tests every three years can prevent cervical cancer.
#78. 关于Pap Smear(宫颈抹片检查) | 美国妈妈网
Pap Smear ,是指宫颈抹片检查。具体来说是指从子宫颈部取少量的细胞样品,将其放在玻璃片上,在显微镜下观察有无异常。
#79. Pap Smear Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find pap smear stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#80. Pap Test | Women's Health
A Pap test, also called a Pap smear, is a screening test to check for signs of: Cancer of the vagina, cervix, and uterus.
#81. 台安醫院產科病房常用英文
妊娠毒血症. Premature. 早產兒. Endometritis. 子宮內膜炎. Pap smear. 子宮頸抹片. Endometriosis. 子宮內膜異位. Pregnancy test. 驗孕. Ectopic pregnancy.
#82. Cervical Screening Programme - Centre for Health Protection
Cervical Cancer Screening. What is cervical smear? Cervical smear (also named Pap smear) is a simple and quick screening test that only takes a few minutes.
#83. Pap smears - Kids Health
A Pap smear is a medical test that helps doctors figure out if there are any problems with a girl's cervix. Find out what happens during a Pap smear.
#84. 如何在英国做宫颈抹片检查| Cervical Screening Test
不知道有没有小伙伴收到过NHS的信,要求你去做Cervical Screening Test。不要担心,收到信不要紧张,并不是指你的GP认为你的身体有什么问题,而是NHS ...
#85. 在美国做Pap Smear 宫颈抹片检查
Pap Smear 就是宫颈抹片检查,从子宫颈刮取少量上皮细胞,检查有没有异常和癌变。 ... CDC 网站有一篇生殖器HPV 感染常识篇中文版,大家可以了解一下。
#86. How is cervical cancer diagnosed?
These tests might include a colposcopy, a biopsy, or other types of tests. If your Cervical Screening Test indicates a low-risk HPV infection, you do not need ...
#87. Pap Smears | Abnormal Test Results | Mercy
A pap smear, also known as a pap test, is a screening test that checks for cervical cancer. It is the best method of finding cervical cancer in its earliest ...
#88. Cairde凯杰为您明确: 子宫颈检查(Cervical Check)
What is a smear test?) 子宫颈检查由宫颈涂片来检测女性的宫颈细胞是否病变,这是一个简单的程序,是在一个医生或护士(smeartaker)的帮助下,采取一个宫颈细胞的 ...
#89. Abnormal Pap Test | Michigan Medicine
Top of the page Abnormal Pap Test Topic OverviewWhat is an abnormal Pap test? When your doctor says that your Pap test, or Pap smear, was abnormal, ...
#90. My Plan for Myself - Cervical Health | California
What to expect at your cervical cancer screening. A Pap test is how doctors test for cervical cancer and HPV (Human Papillomavirus-the virus ...
#91. Cervical screening test - Healthdirect Australia
Pap smears have been replaced by a new cervical screening test to detect human papillomavirus (HPV), helping protect women from cervical cancer.
#92. 博碩士論文行動網
A number of studies showed that mass Pap smear screening once every 3 years reduced cervical cancer incidence and mortality by 60%-90%.
#93. What is Pap Smear? | 天津和睦家医院
There death could avoided by proper cancer screening. Now, there are 130,000 new cervical cancer patients in China every year. Through pap smear test, 90 to 95 ...
#94. Cervical Cell Changes on a Pap Test | Cigna
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL). Mild dysplasia. Minor cervical cell changes found during a Pap test may be caused by: Infection (including ...
#95. Preventive care benefits for women |
Pap test (also called a Pap smear) for women age 21 to 65. Chlamydia infection screening for younger women and other women at higher risk ...
#96. A cervical screening test - What can you expect? - YouTube
#97. Dynacare - Home ()
Dynacare Blood Test Labs & Health Services. The care you need is just around the corner. With handy locations and extended hours, our Laboratory and Health ...
#98. 新聞傳播學名詞 - 第 329 頁 - Google 圖書結果
英文中文 palette 調色板 palmcorder 掌上型攝錄影機 PAM {=Payload Assist ... 全景攝影 PANTONE 配色系統向上搖攝 英文中文 pap smear 抹片檢查 paparazzi 狗仔隊 ...
pap smear中文 在 A cervical screening test - What can you expect? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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