He had perceived a highly unwelcome sight . 他看到一幕極為討厭的景象。 The men perceived this with conflicting feelings . 工人們看到這情形,情緒很矛盾。
perceive verb [T] (SEE) ... Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance. 比爾注意到遠處有個很小的身影。 I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice. 我從她的 ...
perceive 是感官动词,基本意思是“觉察”“理解”“看到”,指通过视觉等各种感官,也指依靠敏锐的观察力很清晰地“感受”外界事物,理解或获得关于该事物的知识。引申表示“心里明白”。
#4. 用perceive造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 字典
1. I can't perceive any difference between these coins. 我看不出这些硬币有什么差别。 · 2. He gradually perceived that his parents had been right. 他渐渐地了解到 ...
#5. perceive造句_perceive例句_趣词词典
perceive 造句 / 例句. 1. Perhaps the most significant issue in 3D interaction on a 2D screen is that surrounding lack of parallax, the binocular ability to ...
#6. perceive (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"perceive" 意思. perceive. /pərˈsiːv/. 動詞. "perceive" 例句. We perceived a change in the tone of the meeting once the CEO left.
perceive 的中文意思翻譯:v. 意識到; 察覺,發覺; 理解。perceive的中文翻譯、perceive的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、perceive的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
#8. perceive是什么意思? perceive翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
perceive 的解释是:察觉, 感知, 感到, 认识到… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:perceive的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#9. perceive 造句 - 搜狗搜索引擎- Sogou
...e evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. 也许是一些证据,一些更高维度的文明,只是我们目前还不能感知。
#10. 用perceive造句子-三思语文网
用perceive造句子 · 1、时间像一条缓缓流动的长河,将我们的喜怒哀乐慢慢带走。 · 2、太阳像一个巨大的火球,为我们带来无尽的热量。 · 3、满天的星斗像一双双明亮的眼睛,一 ...
#11. 用perceive造句- 河智科学网
perceive 造句 / 例句1. Perhaps the most significant issue in 3D interaction on a 2D screen is that surrounding lack of parallax, the binocular ability ...
#12. 關於Perceive的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: Perceive is a verb that means to be aware of something or to understand something. Here are some examples of how to use it in a sentence: Present: "Me and my ...
#13. perceive造句加意思- 布格伦科技网
#14. "perceive"是什么意思 - 名欧网
学术英语高词汇365每天五分钟跟我扩词造句141perceive带; perceive造句; 觉察造句用觉察造句大全; 包含perceive的英语例句; perceive是什么意思 ...
#15. "perceive"是什么意思_用perceive造句- 硕尔网 - 传递湖南知识!
perceive. d that his behavior had changed. 同学们发觉他的行为有些变化。 ... 学术英语高词汇365每天五分钟跟我扩词造句141perceive带; 包含perceive的英语例句.
#16. 句型四: S主詞+ Vt及物動詞+ O受詞+ OC受詞補語例句
若與第三種句型做一比較,本句一樣有主詞I,動詞make,及受詞the child 三個字(中文翻譯為我使得這個小孩)。 可是,很明顯地,從中文的翻譯來看,這個句子的意思並不完整 ...
#17. perceive在劍橋學習詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
perceive 中文,大家都在找解答。 perceive的意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. to think of something or someone in a particular way: 2. to notice something that is not easy ...
#18. perceive意思完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活
perceive 漢語(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典- Cambridge Dictionary4 天前· How do the French perceive the British? 法國人是如何看待英國人的? Women's magazines are often ...
#19. 英文知識卡-ceive - 形拾室研
今天要來補充「 -ceive 」這個字根! ... 所以receive,在英文裡就是「收到」的意思喔! 那,另外兩個比較不常見的字conceive (v.) 認為、想像、perceive (v ...
#20. perceive - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
perceive · 查看更多. KK[pɚˋsiv]; DJ[pəˋsi:v]. 美式. vt. 察覺;感知[O3][O4][+that];意識到;理解[O2][O8][O9][+that][+wh-] ...
#21. perceive的意思在线翻译,解释perceive中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
per.ceive. perceive的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [pəˈsi:v] KK音标发音: [pɚˈsiv]. perceive的词性:及物动词). perceived, perceiving, perceives.
#22. 文法講座二十三:把A 看成/ 描述B | 大學堂英文
片語,且搭配介係詞“as”的有:; 1. view/ take/ regard/ see/ deem / perceive + 受詞+ as + 受詞補語。 2. think of / refer to/ look upon +受詞+ ...
#23. 考量多元詮釋資料並提供情境式造句的中文成語練習系統 - Airiti ...
中文成語練習 ; 成語多元詮釋資料 ; 情境式造句 ; 知識本體 ; Chinese Idiom ... and the students also perceived that the system is easy-to-use and useful.
#24. perceive 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释perceive这个英文词呢? perceive这个英文词,中文意思如下:察觉, 发觉, 理解。 Meaning of perceive for the defined word.
#25. 字彙計畫:1100個你一定要會的單字(附MP3) - momo購物網
我按照這本書的規劃,再自己用書裡的單字每天造句、寫幾個段落。 ... implore 懇求/ drudgery 乏味的工作/ interminably 無止盡地/ perceive 理解
#26. 一口氣學會!6個「把A視為/認為B」的英文說法
2. 用英文「請求」,怎麼說才有禮貌? 3. 「打招呼」不再只是Say Hi或How are you,你還可以這樣說! ... 8. 「take note of」不是「作筆記」的意思! 9. 「build A into B」 ...
#27. 「認為」英文是什麼?think? consider? regard? - 英文庫
perceive 的用法搭配as 或to be 皆可,意思也是「認為…是…/把…視為…」,例如:. The painter perceives his work as/to be a masterpiece. 那個畫家認為他的作品是個 ...
#28. 英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑 ...
牛津字典上well noted的解釋是:Particularly or carefully noticed or observed. 意思是特別且仔細地注意到、觀察到。收到email,熟一點的可以用. Noted.
#29. perceive翻译 - 百度一下
积木英语学堂perceive-单词讲解(发音、释义、例句与搭配、场景) ... perceive造句并翻译 ... 欧路词典|英汉- 汉英词典perceive是什么意思- perceive.
#30. 十多年前「愛老虎油」的英文口訣,到了現在仍然不過時啊!
還有利用相似字義的單字群作說明,例如同樣都是有「know (知道)」意思的單字就包括:「understand懂」、「comprehend理解」「perceive察覺」「recognize ...
#31. perceive是什么意思中文 - 男霸网
"perceive"是什么意思|"perceive"的中文翻译 ... 免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为程序自动获取互联网,目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点 ...
#32. 每日一詞:perceive - 人人焦點
perceive 的意思是察覺,感受。 In the days following a constitutional referendum that gave Putin a new mandate to stay in power for 16 more years ...
#33. 【實用英文】recieved an e-mail 錯在哪?注意這35個超容易拼 ...
... 字根有「拿;取」的意思,所以接收的英文就是receive, 其他擁有這個字根的單字還有:perceive 察覺;感知、conceive 構想;想像、deceive 欺騙。
#34. 除了『說』之外,tell 還有什麼意思? - 希平方
Not only does the verb "tell" mean "say something to someone," it also has a meaning similar to "know," "recognize," "understand," or "perceive.
#35. 詞素覺識與詞彙教學法
to perceive the basic structure of the relationship between words, to structure words and to realize ... 詞、瞭解字義,教師也常用造句練習,讓.
#36. Hear, Hear! 中文意思是? hear 英文用法大集合! | 全民學英文
to perceive with the ear 聽(用耳朵感知). ex. Can you hear me now? 你能聽到我嗎? ex. I heard you singing. 我 ...
#37. 感知的英语怎么说
You can make that lute discourse, I perceive. 啊!我发现,你是能够让那只弦琴发出声音的。 perceiving是什么意思: v.[T]
#38. 《成語意思》察言觀色造句_察言觀色中英文解釋和造句
Perceive : This third eye continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks. 靈敏的長耳朵——能激起很多不善察言觀色的 ...
#39. 用observe造句
perceive 指使用各種感覺器官去了解事物;. notice指觀察並注意到某個重要卻又很容易被忽略掉的細節;. note比notice意味更強烈,指不但注意到,而且記錄下來 ...
#40. [混淆] perceive (v.) 察覺、感知& receive (v.) 接受 - eru 的 ...
perceive (v.) 察覺、感知• receive (v.) 接受relieve (v.) 緩解、消除.
#41. 10個以“can't”開頭的英文片語,您懂得意思嗎?
... 自己反覆地練習造句,並且一有機會就將它們實際運用在日常生活或工作中。 ... 並不是意味著不能談論某些事情,而是意指“can't perceive/observe.
#42. 聞一知二意思 - 三度漢語網
孔子問子貢與顏回哪一個優秀一些,子貢說顏回聞一知十,自己只能聞一知二. 英語翻譯 perceive all on hearing a little. 相關漢字成語:聞 一 知 二
#43. reality 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典
7. The concept reality means to each of us what we perceive, what we experience. 真实的概念对我们每个人都意味着我们感知的一切,经历的一切。
#44. 楼上的词[br]perceive vt.感觉
perceive vt.感觉,察觉 convene vt.&vi. 召开,召集 maxmise vt.最大限度的使用某物今日的词 commencement n. 开始 gather v. 认为 master adj. 最重要的,熟练的造句
#45. 感知的英语怎么说_感知的英文 - 沪江网校
You can make that lute discourse, I perceive. 啊!我发现,你是能够让那只弦琴发出声音的。 perceiving是什么意思: v.[T]
#46. precognition中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
precognition中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 預知;先知。英漢詞典提供【precognition】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#47. 視A為B 片語 - 莓喵英文Fun
10.conceive A as B 11.reckon A as B 12.think of A as B. 13.think A to be B 14.treat A as B 15.conceive A as B. 16.perceive A as B.
#48. 用tonometry造句 - 乐学英语
用tonometry造句,tonometry例句,关于tonometry的英文句子. ... will have too little optic nerve function to perceive any useful phosphene .
#49. 巫術- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
... Wolfgang Behringer, undertook his task, he termed witchcraft 'a generic term for all kinds of evil magic and sorcery, as perceived by contemporaries'.
#50. 服務品質、滿意度與顧客忠誠度間關聯性之研究 - 成大機構典藏
知上的差異(Expected Service-Perceived Service Gap)。 縮小這五個缺口的差距可讓顧客的需求或期望達到滿意水準。在其研究. 中,期望服務又足以代表顧客認知之服務 ...
#52. 畫個圓,關鍵英單EASY K YAHOO!奇摩購物中心 - 大家找優惠
... 圖表,網羅高同義單字並加以說明,讓你瞬間明辨每個單字的精確意思,作文造句都能信手拈來不混淆! ... comprehend/know/perceive/realize/sense/understand
#53. perceive是什么意思啊 - 美摄网
perceive 是什么意思 ... 免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为程序自动获取互联网,目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责;如此 ...
#54. 全台寒顫!用這6種說法形容「冷」瞬間提升你的英語力!
用在食物上的意思是脆脆的,所以才會變成「乾」冷。 The beautiful day in Taipei, a bit crisp though. 今天台北天氣不錯,雖然有點冷。 2. brisk
#55. performance造句简单 - 查理资讯站
performance造句31、These systems often require some experimenting with ... 本文标签: introduce造句 up to造句简单 perceive造句简单 break up ...
#56. audible是什麼意思audible的用法audible怎麼讀 - 三毛英語季
... 'hear' (which came from the Indo- European root *awiz-, source also of Greek aithánesthai 'perceive' and Sanskrit āvis 'evidently').
#57. 觉察的意思|觉察的解释|觉察造句-乐乐课堂
觉察的解释◎ 觉察juéchá[detect;perceive] 看出觉察出他行迹可疑觉察毯子很粗糙引用解释1.发...
#58. "accordance"是什么意思
In data communication, a sequence of signals counted as one unit in. accordance. with some specific criterion or measure.
#59. B. Reimer「美感教育」與DJ Elliott「實踐哲學」 立論分析之研究
... 在美感的風格(aesthetic mode)中去感覺(perceive)一個物 ... 此外,「情感」是各種感受特質之複雜的混合物,語言之造句法無法代表感受之.
#60. 觉察的意思,觉察的近义词,觉察造句和成语接龙 - 英语翻译 ...
觉察基本解释. 觉 察 看出. 觉察百度解释. 觉察,指察觉;发觉,看出来。例:他最近有心事,好朋友并没有察觉。 觉察的英语翻译. Perceive. 相邻词语.
#61. polish是什么意思 - 凡华网
undertake造句; polish相关词组; polish的形容词 · polish什么意文 · polish造句 ... complete造句 · perceive造句 · polish翻译; polish的用法和短语 ...
#62. 大考中心字彙表LEVEL 1 (1080 words) a/an [æ n] art. 一able ...
perceive [pɚ`siv] vt.察覺;感知 perch [pɝtʃ] n.棲木vi.vt.(使)棲息 performer [pɚ`fɔrmɚ] n.表演者 peril [`pɛrəl] n.危險的事物 perish [`pɛrɪʃ] vi.vt.消滅;枯萎.
#63. 國小初任資優巡迴班教師資優課程設計之行動研究 - ntcuir
因認得字不多,常需要翻字典,造成造句困難,一段話尚未完整寫出來,就不時 ... Perceived factors influencing the academic underachievement of.
#64. HENG LI YANG | 政治大學商學院-資訊管理學系
2013, 楊亨利*;李瑄, 2013.10, "考量多元詮釋資料並提供情境式造句的中文成語練習 ... "How Enterprise Managers Perceive the Creativity of Information System ...
#65. 尾随同义词及其英文造句 - 瑞文网
尾随同义词及其英文造句. 一键复制全文. 2020-09-09 造句 ... Sony can constantly reset the eye, so you perceive the image on the TV as smoother and without ...
#66. perceived中文perceive是什么意思_perceive的翻譯_音標 - Vsrius
perceived 中文perceive是什么意思_perceive的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例. 發音, it may be to be perceived as more approachable,只有在覺察到的東西中才有丑陋。
#67. practical造句,perceive造句,用accumulate造句 - 移民攻略网
#68. 二型呼衰高流量吸氧先兴奋 - 帮博知识网
by 用anxious造句 at 2022-01-06 00:27:46. Lisa身高167cm左右,鞋码大概是37或38 Jennie身高163cmJisoo身高162cm,她们的鞋码大概是37左右哇没.
#69. Uncannily pronunciation. With noun/verb tables for the ...
... in a sentence and examples? uncannily造句, uncannily造句, 用uncannily造句, ... that we perceive it, thanks to scene-based picture quality enhancements.
#70. perceive-主題- 多益單字 - 英文995
perceive. [pə'si:v]. v.注意到, 覺察到, 認為, 理解. 例句與用法:. I perceived his comment as a challenge. 我認為他的批評是對我的激勵。
#71. Idolization synonym. This had the form of a provocative racist ...
When one is a young child, the mother and father are often perceived as ... idolization造句, idolization造句, 用idolization造句, idolization meaning, ...
#72. Collins Cobuild 英語語法大全(全新版) - 第 223 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... interpret take certify describe label treat characterize diagnose name use choose elect perceive view class establish recognize ... 遣詞造句:動詞的類型 223.
#73. 潮流英語- Glass half full 樂觀性格 - BBC
Step out of line 你知道這個詞的意思嗎? Latest 英語教學最新內容. Prison bank 每 ...
#74. Tumultuous pronunciation. Il est généralement placé après le ...
... the Bush administration, in the midst of what it perceived to be a state of ... sentence and examples? tumultuous造句, tumultuous造句, 用tumultuous造句, ...
#75. code veronica playthrough. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ ...
... examples? code walkthrough造句, code walkthrough造句, 用code walkthrough造句, ... En. When Claire does not respond to Steve's perceived Resident Evil ...
#76. Examples of theocracy. t. noun plural noun theocracies. The ...
If there is a political rival, any real or perceived followers of that rival ... in a sentence and examples? theocracy造句, theocracy造句, 用theocracy造句, ...
#77. 基本句型
此類動詞本身不能傳達完整的意思,需要兩個受詞才能完整句意。 S + (give, bring, send, show, lend, teach, write, sell, offer, etc.) + sth.
#78. perceive是什么意思中文 - 穆森网
"perceive"是什么意思|"perceive"的中文翻译. 2017-12-27. 简明英语-中文词典. pZˋsIv; pәˊsiːv < per.ceive > [次常用字] <> per.ceived,, per.ceives
#79. 「as far as」不一定「遠」,常見的五種用法分別有哪些意思?
像影片中as far as後面加了名詞my resume,意思就是「講到我的履歷...」。 而後面的as far as performing Pooh則是在as far as後面接了「動名詞」 ...