6 天前 — /ˌper.ɪˈniː.əl/. relating to the perineum (= the area between the tops of the thighs). 會陰部的. perineal pain 會陰疼痛.
#2. perineal region 中文 - 查查在線詞典
perineal region中文 :會陰部…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋perineal region的中文翻譯,perineal region的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#3. perineal region 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
perineal region 中文 意思是什麼 · perineal: adj. 【解剖學】會陰的。 · region: n. 1. 地方,地域,地帶;地區;行政區,管轄區,區;左近,鄰近;(大氣、海水等的)層, ...
#4. perineal region中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
perineal region中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:會陰區。英漢詞典提供【perineal region】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#5. 快速導航 - 學術論文修改
1.anus 2.perineum 3.area between inner canthi 4.another name for Hengku 下極,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,傳統中醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文 ...
#6. 在"英语"词典里perineal}的意思 - Educalingo
该章节所呈现的将perineal由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«perineal»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文.
使用Reverso Context: Proper perineal hygiene should be stressed.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"perineal"
#8. perineum - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"perineum" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... moment around the perineum area, to facilitate suture.
#9. perineal - 會陰的 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
會陰的. perineal. 以perineal 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 動物學名詞, perineal, 會陰部的. 學術名詞 醫學名詞
#10. Perineum - Wikipedia
The perineum in humans is the space between the anus and scrotum in the male, or between the anus and the vulva in the female. The perineum is the region of ...
#11. Perineum 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Perineum 释义: the region of the body between the anus and the genital organs , including some of the... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#12. 會陰沖洗及尿管清潔Perineum Washing and Urinary Catheter ...
Place a bedpan beneath the area from waist to hips or use an under pad, ... Observe and record amount, color and odor of the perineal discharge of the ...
#13. 中文題目 - 台灣外科醫學會
A Rare Case of Postoperative Perineal Hernia Repaired with Mesh. Wen-Yao Yin ... We found a soft fist size protrusion mass at the perineal area.
#14. 外陰癌Vulvar Cancer - 中山醫學大學附設醫院
The entire vulva, perineal and inguinal area should be examined carefully and thoroughly to make a exact staging. FIGO (1995) Staging of vulvar carcinoma
#15. 14 生產&女性生殖系統編碼新知導讀與案例討論 - 衛生福利部 ...
張力性懸吊術」(TVT, tension free vaginal tape),SPARC sling ... Second degree Involving the perineal body and deeper ... 0JQC0ZZ Repair Pelvic Region.
#16. Perineum wash 會陰沖洗(英文) - 中國醫藥大學附設醫院
Timing for executing perineum wash; within 6 hours after the childbirth; once urinate, ... Separate the labia and clean urethra and vagina area.
#17. 壹、 泌尿外科之常規作業及特殊檢查 - 台中榮總
gorin or tecticular area. Pain of scrotum and its content. Perineal pain – suggest prostatitis or perianal disease. Urethral pain – related or not related ...
#18. Reconstruction+of+Perineal+Defects+after+Fournier's+ ...
Background: Aggressive debridement of Fournier's gangrene often results in skin and soft-tissue defects over the perineum.
#19. Childbirth: Perineal Massage Before Labor | Michigan Medicine
Top of the page Childbirth: Perineal Massage Before Labor Topic OverviewIn women, the perineum is the muscle and tissue between the anus and the vulva.
#20. 性能好的褲墊能陪伴騎士馳騁更遠更久 - 台灣嘜TW-My
The Road Master system is installed in the perineal area of the seat cushion, through the dual-effect design, to obtain more excellent breathability and ...
#21. 臀部化膿性大汗腺炎-大腸直腸外科 - 三軍總醫院
含有apocrine gland之部位皆有可能產生,但最常侵犯的部位是在axillary及inguinal-perineal area。男女比相當,而當其侵犯perianal部位時,則明顯的以男性居多。
#22. Rectovaginal fistula - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Recurrent vaginal or urinary tract infections; Irritation or pain in the vulva, vagina and the area between your vagina and anus (perineum) ...
#23. Vulvar Cancer | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Clitoris: a small protrusion of nerve tissue sensitive to stimulation. Fourchette: area beneath the vaginal opening where the labia minora meet. Perineum: area ...
#24. 產品資訊-鼎眾| Mediland
CPA303.20. Fracture Table Post Pads. 快速詢問. Overview. To avoid compression injury on the perineal area. Size:27cm×20cm×1.5cm.
#25. Vulvar Cancer 外陰癌
The entire vulva, perineal and inguinal area should be examined carefully and thoroughly to make a exact staging. FIGO (1995) Staging of vulvar carcinoma.
#26. Absorbable mesh repair of perineal defect for Fournier's | IMCRJ
Background: Fournier's gangrene (FG) is a rare but deadly form of necrotizing fasciitis involving the genital, perineal, and anorectal region.
#27. 一名年轻女性的外阴和肛周区域出现丘疹。 - X-MOL
Leprol. › 论文详情. Papules on the vulva and perianal area in a young woman. ... 中文翻译: ... Annular papules in the perineal area: Porokeratosis.
#28. 罕見術後會陰疝氣一病例報告- 月旦知識庫
林秀真,尹文耀,會陰疝氣,腹部會陰切除,腸壞死,Perineal hernia,Abdomino-perineal ... 中文摘要. 會陰疝氣是一種臨床上罕見疝氣的疾病,最常發生於老年婦女。
#29. Root-knot nematode perineal pattern development - Brill
Abstract. The perineal pattern, a unique and complex structure located at the female posterior body region, comprises the vulva-anus area, ...
#30. Rinse-Free Perineal Cleanser - Cardinal Health
A gentle cleanser for the perineum area.
#31. What is Incision and Drainage of Vulva or Perineal Abscess
The perineum, on the other hand, is the region located between the legs, just below the pelvic diaphragm. Among males, it is the area between the scrotum ...
#32. Educational Model Female Perineum Anatomical ... -
Showing female perineal area, anterior urogenital triangle (urogenital area), posterior anal triangle (anal area) and anatomy of perineum (including ...
#33. 菜花朵朵開---該如何治療? - 台灣男性學醫學會
其他在anogenital region存在HPV types 16,18,31,33,35具有和cervical neoplasia ... vulva, scrotum, perineum和perianal skin之外,也可長在uterine cervix, vagina, ...
#34. Perineum Pain Treatment - Explore Symptoms And Treatment
The perineum area located between the anus and the scrotum in men and between the anus and the vagina in women. The major muscles of the pelvic floor all ...
#35. Vaginal and groin irritation and infection | healthdirect
There is delicate skin around the groin, vulva and inside the vagina, making these areas vulnerable to a wide range of conditions that can cause irritation.
#36. 國家教育研究院-醫學學術名詞 -
英文名稱 中文名稱 55817794 perineal hernia 會陰疝 55817795 perineal muscle 會陰肌 55817796 perineal syndrome 會陰徵候群
#37. About Your Abdominal Perineal Resection (APR) Surgery
Your perineal area is the area between your vagina and anus or scrotum and anus. When your surgeon removes your rectum and anus, a large empty ...
#38. Massage for perineal, episiotomy and caesarean scars - Guy's ...
By massaging the perineal area, you can reduce your scar tissue. Glossary of terms. Episiotomy: a straight incision from the lowest edge of the vaginal opening, ...
#39. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Traumatic injuries to the pelvic area (like a car accident). ... The electrodes are placed on the perineum (the area between the vagina and ...
#40. 壓瘡及其分期
Intact skin with a localized area of non-blanchable erythema, which may appear differently in darkly pigmented ... Clean and dry perineal area thoroughly.
#41. Your Recovery After Vaginal Birth - Simplified Chinese
The perineal area, or perineum, is the area between your vagina and anus. It may tear during vaginal birth or be cut at the vagina to help your baby come out, ...
#42. Episiotomy and Perineal Tears | CS Mott Children's Hospital
Recovery from an episiotomy or perineal tear. If you had an incision (episiotomy) or a tear in the area between your vagina and anus (perineum) during delivery, ...
#43. Provides Perineal Care Peri Care For Female - YouTube
Provides Perineal Care Peri Care For Female. 95,050 views95K views. Jun 23, 2017. 352. Dislike. Share. Save. whatcomcc. whatcomcc. Subscribe.
#44. 醫學術語概論
中文. 數量 poly polyplegia. 多肌麻痺. 多重感染 ... the area leiomyoma. Benign tumor of smooth muscle ... Perineorrhaphy Suture of a lacerated perineum.
#45. 中文DOI
期刊名称:, 中华整形外科杂志 ; Title:, Clinical application of perforator flap in defects after wide resection of tumor in perineal region.
#46. Episiotomy and Perineal Tears | Cigna
An episiotomy (say "eh-pih-zee-AH-tuh-mee") is a cut the doctor or midwife makes in the perineum (say "pair-uh-NEE-um"), which is the area between the ...
#47. Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for ...
Vaginal births are often associated with some form of trauma to the genital tract, and tears that affect the anal sphincter or mucosa ...
#48. Enterostomy can decrease the mortality of patients with ...
Fournier gangrene is a rare necrotizing fasciitis of the perianal, genitourinary and perineal region, characterized by perineal pain and ...
#49. 【perineal scar】的中文翻译和相关专业术语翻译-SCIdict学术词典 ...
【perineal scar】的中文译词:会阴部瘢痕; 【perineal scar】的相关专业术语 ... perineal massage 会阴按摩; perineal area 会阴区; perineal disinfection 会阴消毒 ...
#50. Understanding Straddle Injury |
A straddle injury may also hurt the area between the genitals and the anus called the perineum. Severe injury can cause breaks in bones in the pelvis. Falling ...
#51. Perineal region - vet-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The perineum extends from the anus to the genital region. Very short in females, where it separates the anus from the dorsal commisure of the vulva, it is much ...
#52. Continuous versus interrupted sutures for repair of episiotomy ...
Millions of women worldwide undergo perineal suturing after childbirth ... When women give birth the perineum (the area between the vaginal ...
#53. 13. 肛門及肛門週邊惡性腫瘤(Anal and Perianal Cancers)
部會陰切除術(Abdomino-Perineal Resection. APR),將直腸肛門做根治性的切除及 ... 所謂肛週(perianal area)就是指anus 以外周圍5 公分之內的地方,這部份常見的腫.
#54. 搜索
[The clinical study of partial perineum area and wound repair in males]. Zhongguo xiu fu chong jian wai ke za zhi = Zhongguo xiufu chongjian ...
#55. Prostatitis - Men's Health Issues - MSD Manuals
Pain can occur in the area between the scrotum and anus or in the lower ... Pain develops in the perineum, the lower back, and often the penis and testes.
#56. Perineal area - Medical Dictionary
Looking for online definition of Perineal area in the Medical Dictionary? Perineal area explanation free. What is Perineal area? Meaning of Perineal area ...
#57. 因糖尿病藥品SGLT2抑制劑而發生生殖器部位嚴重感染之罕見案例
fasciitis of the perineum、. Fournier′s gangrene ... genital area with SGLT2 inhibitors for diabetes ... 經查,中文仿單於「警語與注意事項」刊載「生殖器黴菌.
#58. Perineum - Medical Dictionary / Glossary | Medindia
The exact meaning of the medical terminology,'Perineum' - External area between the vulva and anus in a woman or between the scrotum and ...
#59. 哭: Perineal massage, 期待器, 盆底肌训练的临床试验 - ICH GCP
描述: Perineal massage should be practiced once a day, from the 34th week of gestation ... start the massage in the outdoor area of the vulva with circular ...
#60. Monalisatouch® | Vaginal discomforts
Dyspareunia can also be caused by pain in the perineal region caused by scarring of the episiotomy or after a laceration from a spontaneous delivery.
#61. perineum是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译- 听力课堂
perineum 的中文意思:会阴,点击查看详细解释:perineum的中文翻译、perineum的发音、 ... or pressure on this area can often be felt deep inside the abdomen .
#62. Perineoplasty | Bucks County, PA | Female Pelvic Health Center
The visible area between the vagina and the rectum is called the perineum. This is the region where episiotomies are cut and where tears during childbirth ...
#63. 高雄榮民總醫院放射腫瘤部-癌症放射治療指引
2.1 若施行腹部會陰切除術(abdominal perineal resection, APR)者,應以鐵線,標記會陰部手術疤痕。 2.2 採用舒適之仰臥姿勢,病患腳部擺放在腳踝固定器(ankle fix ...
#64. Experience in surgical correction of genital prolapse caused ...
(简体中文) ... Complications are possible in both the perineal area and donor site [11]. ... Operation area on the 7th day of the postoperative period.
#65. Genitals, buttocks, perineum, Rash or multiple lesions - VisualDx
Change Language & Region Close. Select Language. English, Español - España, Español - América Latina, Português - Brasil, Deutsch, Français, 简体中文 ...
#66. Perineum - wikidoc
Overview. In human anatomy, the perineum, also called the "taint", "grundel" or "gooch", is generally defined as the surface region in both ...
#67. Surgical repair of spontaneous perineal tears that occur during ...
The perineum is the area between the vagina and rectum which can tear during childbirth. In clinical practice these tears are often sutured.
#68. 泌尿及骨盆底之解剖生理及診斷 - 台灣尿失禁防治協會
Pelvic Floor Anatomy • Peritoneum • Endopelvic fascia • Urogenital diaphragm (perineal membrane) and Levator ani muscles • Bulbocavernosus, Ischiocavernosus ...
#69. selle royal lookin 3d athletic - Sistema DIF Morelos |
... 简体中文 The Ellipse Moderate Women's saddle features a central anatomic ... 3D Skingel to guarantee maximum comfort in the ischial and perineal areas.
#70. Understanding Vulvectomy - Fairview
The vulva area has many parts. These include the inner and outer labia and the clitoris. The vulva also includes the perineum, the opening of the vagina, ...
#71. Postpartum recovery: What to expect after giving birth
Vaginal and perineum soreness. Both your vagina and your perineum (the area between your vagina and rectum) will feel very tender and sore from the strain of ...
#72. Stages of labour and delivery - AboutKidsHealth
Roughly speaking, vaginal birth, also called labour and delivery, is divided into ... it can help to prevent tearing in the perineal area.
#73. Perineal and scrotal lymphangioma in a 3-year-old male patient
The right scrotum was normal. Ultrasonography revealed a mass with microcystic areas in the perineal area. A diagnosis of lymphangioma was made based on the ...
#74. Vulvar cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
hard or swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. ... a precancerous condition called vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) that often has no symptoms.
#75. Tips for cycling in the summer: what's the right bike pad?
In the road position, the point of maximum pressure is shifted forwards where the saddle is narrower, in correspondence of the perineal area.
#76. perineal - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für perineal im PONS Online-Wörterbuch ... vagina and often a severe inflammation of the vagina and the entire perineal region.
#77. Perineum Pain | Pelvic Pain Help
The perineum area located between the anus and the scrotum in men and between the anus and the vagina in women. The major muscles of the pelvic floor all ...
#78. 尿道下裂 Hypospadias
perineal form:開口位於perineum. · anal form:開口位於anal area. ·. 也曾出現過混合的penile‐scrotal form. 臨床上glandular form屬於輕微.
#79. Diseases Characterized by Genital, Anal, or Perianal Ulcers
The frequency of each condition differs by geographic area and population; however, genital herpes is the most prevalent of these diseases.
#80. Genitourinary Trauma in Women - Emergency Management
Perineum : area inferior to the pelvic floor which includes the urethra ... urethral and vaginal sphincters, as well as deep perineal muscles.
#81. 預防及失禁性皮膚炎照護Perawatan dan pencegahan infeksi ...
Kedua, adalah di bagian perineum, skrotum (kantung buah zakar), ... pencucian kering untuk membersihkan kulit pada area kelamin dan area lubang pantat.
#82. Comfort and Safety with the new Vivo Reflective Athletic Saddle
Padded with Foam Matrix, it has a central channel to relieve pressure in the perineal area and a bas-relief pattern in the support area of the ischial ...
#83. Fridababy - Frida Mom Perineal Cooling Pad Liners - MacroBaby
SootheCovers the full length of most maternity? ?pads and the perineal area PRO TIP: pop in the fridge for even more cooling reliefMade wit.
#84. Perineal region - Anatomy - Kenhub
The perineum is cranially (internally) limited by the pelvic floor muscles and its overlying fascia. The region is further subdivided by a horizontal line ...
#85. 恥骨(pubis) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
Perineum (會陰):為Pelvic outlet(骨盆出口)以下前方的部位. Gluteal region(臀區):為Pelvic outlet(骨盆出口)以下前方的部位. iliopubic eminence(髂恥隆突).
#86. 【ポイント10倍】 SADDLEMEN サドルメン シート本体 SEAT ...
・Seats using Saddlemen's Gel Channel (GC) technology have a center channel that relieves seating pressure on the perineal area, increasing blood flow, ...
#87. Tamu caps referral. Morris, the ninth President of East Texas ...
Surgical and postoperative management of perineal lacerations and fistulas, ... of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P. English 中文 .
#88. Sarah McKinley - President - Meadowlands Veterinary Center
I am a small animal veterinarian in the Cleveland area. ... declaw, dental extractions, mass removal, tail amputation, cystotomy, perineal urethrostomy, ...
#89. pelvis 中文
中文 詞彙英文翻譯出處/學術領域骨盆後傾Pelvis Tucking 【舞蹈辭典】 ... the thighs (sometimes also called pelvic region of the trunk 中文粵語Edit links This ...
#90. SERENZA Natural Sea Water Nasal Spray - Babies & Kids
... allergies by washing away allergens Features: *Pure sea water from Class A area of Brittany, ... Earth Mama Herbal Perineal Spray 120ml.
#91. Mmd hair textures. co Ears ears $ Includes basic textures (feel ...
If the texture of the majority of your face is smooth but the area around or on the ... translations for some morphs and bones Reduced the size of perineum.
#92. Best Obstetrician Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
My name is Dr. Jaime Seeman, a board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist with a background in Nutrition, Exercise and Health Science. I am also a current Fellow ...
#93. Mmd hair textures. Here is the list of student's accessories ...
Ray-MMD English 中文文档 Physically-Based Rendering Ray-MMD is a free, ... If the texture of the majority of your face is smooth but the area around or on ...
#94. Nursing the Surgical Patient - 第 53 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Suture Type Effective wound support Area of use Natural absorbable Plain ... e.g. oral surgery, perineal repair, paediatric surgery, scalp wounds and wounds ...
perineal area中文 在 Provides Perineal Care Peri Care For Female - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Provides Perineal Care Peri Care For Female. 95,050 views95K views. Jun 23, 2017. 352. Dislike. Share. Save. whatcomcc. whatcomcc. Subscribe. ... <看更多>