#1. 後此謬誤,post hoc fallacy,高點研究所
詞條. post hoc fallacy · 中文. 後此謬誤 · 解釋. 為因果謬誤之一種,分析時將先後發生的事件當作前因後果,但兩件事可能只是因為在時間上先後發生而已,並不必然具有因果 ...
#2. 後此謬誤
後此謬誤(Post Hoc Fallacy)後此謬誤是指在“其他條件相同”這一前提下,如果出現事件B,必然是事件A 導致的。以結果解釋原因。比如理性消費者減少購買量, ...
#3. 后此谬误
后此(post hoc)是“后此,所以因此”(post hoc,ergo propter hoc)的缩写。它是从拉丁文翻译而来的,整个短语的意思是:“在此之后,因而必然由此造成。” ...
#4. 后此谬误
后此谬误(Post Hoc Fallacy)后此谬误是指在“其他条件相同”这一前提下,如果出现事件B,必然是事件A 导致的。以结果解释原因。比如理性消费者减少购买量, ...
后此谬误(拉丁语:post hoc fallacy)或后此故因此(拉丁语:post hoc ergo propter hoc;英语:after this, therefore because of this)、事后归因谬误,又称巧合 ...
#6. 後此謬誤
後此謬誤(拉丁語:post hoc fallacy)或後此故因此(拉丁語:post hoc ergo propter hoc;英語:after this, therefore because of this)、事後歸因謬誤, ...
#7. 後此謬誤
後此謬誤(拉丁語:post hoc fallacy)或後此故因此(拉丁語:post hoc ergo propter hoc;英語:after this, therefore because of this)、事後歸因謬誤觀察到事件A ...
#8. 後此謬誤- 最新文章
後此謬誤(拉丁語:post hoc fallacy)或後此故因此(拉丁語:post hoc ergo propter hoc;英語:after this, therefore because of this),又稱巧合關係( ...
#9. 事後因而事後Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: 最新的百科全書
Post hoc ergo propter hoc(拉丁語:“在此之後,因此,因此”)是一種非正式的謬誤,即“由於事件Y 發生在事件X 之後,事件Y 一定是由事件X 引起的”。
#10. 每日一句法律拉丁语:Post hoc ergo propter hoc 后此谬误
全称:Post hoc ergo propter hoc 常被简写称:Post hoc fallacy 后此谬误:又称巧合关系,是逻辑学研究中经常遇到的认识错误。
#11. post hoc fallacy 中文
post hoc fallacy中文 中文意思:后此謬誤...,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋post hoc fallacy的中文翻譯,post hoc fallacy的發音,三態,音標,用法和例句等。
#12. 【post Hoc Fallacy】的中文翻译和相关专业术语翻译
【post Hoc Fallacy】的中文译词:后此谬误; 因果谬误; 事后归因谬误; 【post Hoc Fallacy】的相关专业术语翻译:ecological fallacy 生态学谬论; intentional fallacy ...
#13. 哲學不該正經學:哈佛笑魁開的哲學必修課>內容連載
首先,我們想先來談一下「後此謬誤」的拉丁文原文「post hoc ergo ... 但英文版的「After this, therefore because of this」或中文版的「跟在什麼 ...
#14. 【專文】本末倒置的論文和學位
因果倒置(Post hoc Fallacy)是常見的邏輯謬誤。在一般公共政策的得失和責任歸屬辯論過程中,是很多指控者的最愛。 公投過不了,到底是投票率太低所 ...
#15. 事後歸因的謬誤英文,新聞傳播學名詞 - 三度漢語網
中文 詞彙, 英文翻譯, 出處/學術領域. 事後歸因的謬誤, post hoc fallacy, 【新聞傳播學名詞】. 事後歸因謬誤, post hoc fallacy, 【心理學名詞】.
#16. post hoc-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: So this is a clear example of a post hoc construction.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"post hoc"
#17. 數據湊(post hoc)與臨時湊(ad hoc)
post 在英語中有after的意思(如postwar),所以post hoc就是after this, 進一步引申爲therefore,because of this。漢語意思是「在此之後,因此而」。 因爲 ...
#18. post hoc fallacy在線翻譯- 英語
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供post hoc fallacy的在線翻譯,post hoc fallacy是什麼意思,post hoc fallacy的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#19. Post hoc 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Post hoc 释义: the fallacy of assuming that temporal succession is evidence of causal relation | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#20. Post Hoc, Oversimplification & Correlation Causation Fallacy
The post hoc fallacy comes from a longer Latin phrase: post hoc ergo propter hoc and translates to "After this, therefore because of this." This fallacy assumes ...
#21. Spotlight on the Post Hoc Fallacy for Better Speaking and ...
In marketing and advertising, companies sometimes use the post hoc fallacy to imply that their product is beneficial in some way. For example, a ...
#22. 好書推薦:一眼就突破盲點的思考力:破解假數字、偽科學
... 1913-2001)出書《How to lie with statistics》(2005年中文版譯為《別讓統計 ... Introductory Analysis)一書,內容提到「因果謬誤(post hoc fallacy)是因為 ...
#23. Post-hoc fallacy
Noun, 1. post hoc ergo propter hoc - the logical fallacy of believing that temporal succession implies a causal relation. post hoc.
#24. How to pronounce POST HOC in English
How to pronounce post hoc. How to say post hoc. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Learn more.
#25. Post hoc ergo propter hoc Flashcards
You assume that the snowstorm caused the power to go out in your house. Why is this a post hoc fallacy?
#26. The post hoc fallacy Flashcards
Post hoc is and abbreviation of a Latin term , post hoc ergo promoter hoc , which means "after this , therefore because of this ." It expresses the reasoning ...
#27. Synonyms for post hoc ergo propter hoc - Thesaurus
Synonyms for Post-hoc fallacy in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Post-hoc fallacy. 1 synonym for post hoc ergo propter hoc: post hoc.
#28. 論支持決策與居家醫療照護的醫學倫理
either-or fallacy),以為失智或是任何心智缺陷, ... 來的發現有因果關係(post hoc, ergo propter hoc, after this, therefore, because),但是欠缺預立醫療.
#29. Blowing air into an NES cartridge was a post hoc ... - Instagram
839 likes, 21 comments - rubin_allergy on June 5, 2023: "Blowing air into an NES cartridge was a post hoc fallacy #nintendo #science ...
#30. 【逻辑】事后归因谬误因为人家在你后面就瞎甩锅CRITICAL ...
... phi/wiphi-critical-thinking/wiphi- fallacies /v/ post - hoc ?modal=1非形式谬误 ... 视频作者Psych2go 中文 站, 作者简介已转人搬运@Psych2go官方号, ...
#31. 謬誤
主題:邏輯謬誤(Logic Fallacies); 緣起:批判思考; 目標:能在生活中覺察日常溝通、或 ... 起源謬誤(Genetic Fallacy) ... 肯定後項謬誤(Post Hoc).
#32. Post Hoc Fallacy是什么意思及反义词
沪江词库精选Post Hoc Fallacy是什么意思、英语单词推荐、Post Hoc Fallacy的用法、Post Hoc Fallacy是什么意思及反义词、翻译Post Hoc Fallacy是什么意思.
#33. [T13] The post hoc fallacy
這個關於香港人口數目的折線圖有兩個毛病:. 根據Y軸上的數字,人口在1993至1999年間增加了18%,但由於1999年的數據點 ...
#34. Post Hoc Fallacy | Definition & Examples
The post hoc fallacy occurs when we draw a causal conclusion without sufficient evidence to support it. “Post hoc” is a shortened version of the ...
#36. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
The Post Hoc fallacy mimics good Retroductive reasoning by noting a genuine concomitance, but it errs in focusing on a concomitance that is so commonplace as to ...
#37. Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking - 第 204 頁 - Google 圖書結果
ConfusIng CoInCIdental relatIonshIps WIth Causes (Post Hoc) sometimes people ... Post hoc fallacies arise under circumstances similar to those that promote ...
#38. Fallacies in Medicine and Health: Critical Thinking, ...
The traditional post hoc fallacy was said to be the unjustified argument that concludes that one event causes another event simply because there is a ...
#39. Economics Problem Solver - 第 7 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Solution : The " Post Hoc " fallacy takes its name from the Latin phrase " Post Hoc , Ergo Propter Hoc " , which means " after this , therefore because of ...
#40. Fallacies: Classical and Contemporary Readings
22 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Robert C. Pinto Since the publication of Hamblin's Fallacies in 1970 , a serious literature on fallacies has begun to emerge ...
#41. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed ...
It is important that the researcher follow these steps when conducting nonexperimental research in order to avoid the post hoc fallacy. The post hoc fallacy ...
#42. Argument, Inference and Dialectic: Collected Papers on ...
essay on the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy , Pinto presents a careful study of the difficulties that beset this kind of argument : when it is good ...
#43. Attacking Faulty Reasoning - 第 192 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The post hoc fallacy is sometimes confused with the fallacy of causal oversimplification. The post hoc fallacy, however, is not a special case of causal ...
post hoc fallacy中文 在 謬誤 的推薦與評價
主題:邏輯謬誤(Logic Fallacies); 緣起:批判思考; 目標:能在生活中覺察日常溝通、或 ... 起源謬誤(Genetic Fallacy) ... 肯定後項謬誤(Post Hoc). ... <看更多>