禁止反言原则(estoppel、equitable estoppel、衡平法上的不容否認)是英美法系国家的一般契约理论,其基本内涵是“My word is my bond.”——言行一致,不得出尔反尔;意 ...
#2. proprietary estoppel 中文 - 查查在線詞典
proprietary estoppel中文 :[網絡] 財產禁反言;禁止翻供;財產權禁反言…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋proprietary estoppel的中文翻譯,proprietary estoppel的發音 ...
#3. 論大英國協法制體系下「衡平法之禁反言」(Equitable ...
中文 摘要:, 十九世紀時,大英帝國曾經是一重要的海洋及殖民霸權國家,可說從亞洲的新加坡到非洲的烏干達 ... 衡平法中「禁反言」(Estoppel)理論,為其主要的核心。
#4. 允諾的不容否定,promissory estoppel,元照英美法詞典
promissory estoppel. 中文. 允諾的不容否定. 解釋. 允諾人相信對方將由於信賴其允諾作出某項實質性的作為或不作為,所受允諾人確實因此作出某項作為或不作為,且作出 ...
#5. 允諾禁反言- MBA智库百科
允諾禁反言(Promissory Estoppel)“允諾禁反言”,又稱允諾後不得翻供或不得自食其言,是指根據誠信原則,允諾人所作的贈與的允諾或無償的允諾具有拘束力, ...
#6. 在澳大利亚,签署合约之前,对方反悔怎么办? | Sun Lawyers
在这种情况下,法院会判决承诺方“兑现”他的承诺(给予依赖方对该土地的产权),或者给予依赖方相应的赔偿。 承诺禁止反言(Promissory Estoppel). 如上所 ...
#7. 美國合同法(contracts) 中promissory estoppel的四大元素
但是如此的話,需要滿足promissory estoppel的四個元素。 common-law-contract-consideration-19-728 第一,對方給你的promise必須既清晰又確定 ...
#9. The Law of Proprietary Estoppel - 博客來
書名:The Law of Proprietary Estoppel,語言:英文,ISBN:9780199699582,頁數:643,作者:Mcfarlane, Ben,出版日期:2014/03/30,類別:人文社科.
#10. 先契約責任的各種規範模式(上)
註2:原文使用“promise"一字,本文翻譯作“允諾",因若翻譯為中文“承諾"一詞,容易使人與契約 ... estoppel)與財產禁反言原則(Proprietary estoppel),兩者不論在 ...
#11. estoppel 中文法律
法源法律網-法學論著-法學期刊-中華國際法與超國界法評論第13 … estoppel的中文意思. 禁反言の法理. Proprietary estoppel. consideration 在法律学中是对价的意思。, ...
#12. 《逆權管有》 諮詢文件摘要 - 立法會
不容反悔” 原則( proprietary estoppel)提出申索。話雖如此,但實際情. 況卻往往不是這樣。 ... 中文本的“ 徵用” 在涵義上有明顯差異,“ 徵用” 有更具體和有限的.
#13. 禁反言-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: 禁止反言,在中文-英语情境中翻译"禁反言" ... the Canadian corporation for breach of the distribution contract and promissory estoppel.
#14. proprietary estoppel 中文禁止反言,estoppel,音標,讀音,翻譯 ...
proprietary estoppel 中文 禁止反言,estoppel,音標,讀音,翻譯,英文例句,英語詞典翻譯此網頁. 將顯示翻譯。 您的位置: 首頁-> 詞典-> 所有權禁止反言1) proprietary ...
#15. proprietary estoppel 中文 - YUMK
中文 衡平法上的不容否認解釋又稱因既有行為而不容否認〔estoppel in pais〕,指行為人由於其言行而自受約束,不得自相矛盾,作相反的主張。因為,如果允許其否定自己先前的 ...
#16. estoppel certificate - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"estoppel certificate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#17. doctrine of estoppel 中文 - Feno
doctrine of estoppel 中文. doctrine of estoppel 中文. 中文名允諾禁反言原則外文名Promissory estoppel 特點要求一方作出某項允諾淵源基于英美法系對價原則.
#18. promissory estoppel 中文 - Naijapams
promissory estoppel. 中文. 允諾的不容否定. 解釋. 允諾人相信對方將由於信賴其 ... 所謂“允諾禁反言” (Promissory Estoppel),是英美法系國家的一般契約理論,其 ...
#19. proprietary中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
proprietary estoppelProprietary estoppel is a legal claim, which may arise in relation to rights to use the land of the owner, and may even be effective in ...
#20. 請教法律專業名詞(頁1) - 香港討論區
Proprietary estoppel [/quote]多謝師兄提點! 兩者中文網上翻譯為:「不可反悔之承諾」。 請問我首帖中二個例子,是否因為合約中之聲明內容(自住聲明and ...
#21. Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordered Land to be ...
(1) Whether a proprietary estoppel can arise if the promisee only suffers reasonable detrimental reliance after the death of the promisor; ...
#22. 逆權管有法律及改革建議 - ONC Lawyers
假如擅自佔地者合理地誤以為自己是有關土地的註冊業主,並為改良該土地花費了相當金錢,卻不符合擁有人不容反悔(proprietary estoppel)的要求,則可能面對困境。
#23. estoppel | translate to Mandarin Chinese: Cambridge Dictionary
estoppel translate: 禁止反言,禁止翻供. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary.
#24. Proprietary Estoppel: Real Property Owner Transfer Land
2021年6月15日 — The purpose of proprietary estoppel is to prevent unfairness where someone relies on another person's promise in making decisions.
#25. estoppel 中文買樓 - Oouzd
Promissory Estoppel - Requirements and Limitations of the Doctrine estoppel 的中文翻譯. Estoppel, A 1. This is an estoppel by matter of record. 4.
#26. Proprietary Estoppel: Land Law Flashcards | Quizlet
Proprietary Estoppel is an equitable doctrine that operates to prevent party (A) from denying another's (B) potential interest in their land where that ...
#27. E - estoppel 中文 - EN166
E - estoppel 中文- 超過6000 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台! ... by estoppel“ 中文翻譯: 不容否認的合伙人“promissory estoppel“ 中文翻譯: 不得自食其言; ...
#28. 禁反言 - 中文百科知識
包括陳述禁反言(estoppel by representation(of fact)/estoppel in pais)、允諾禁反言(promissory estoppel)和財產禁反言(proprietary estoppel)。 禁反言原則的 ...
#29. estoppel — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書 - 中文- 英语技术字典
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“estoppel” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... the emergence of contractual estoppel has been catalysed by litigation between ...
#30. Land Law I (下) | Huo Xiaobin
这节课是新的一个主题,以前都是讲Trust的问题,这节课讲的是Proprietary Estoppel,和合同法中的Promissory Estoppel类似,特指不动产上的Estoppel, ...
#31. Vancouver Estate Litigation Proprietary Estoppel - MacLean Law
Vancouver Estate Litigation Proprietary Estoppel lawyers help people who relied upon promises that an asset would be all theirs if they ...
#32. Promissory Estoppel-法律术语- 人大经济论坛-经管百科
所谓“允诺禁反言” (Promissory Estoppel),是英美法系国家的一般契约理论,其基本内涵是“My word is my bond”-言行一致,不得出尔反尔。
#33. Promissory Estoppel - Definition, Types, and Practical Examples
Promissory estoppel is a doctrine in contract law that stops a person from going back on a promise even if a legal contract does not exist. It states that.
#34. Proprietary estoppel - Lecture notes 9 - Principles of Land Law
Lecture Notes Michael Lower hong kong land law michael lower proprietary estoppel proprietary estoppel introduction the law of proprietary estoppel plays ...
#35. Promissory Estoppel Law Elements Defense Lawyer
In California, under the doctrine of promissory estoppel, “[a] promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the ...
#36. 例句expenditure of money - 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
It so happens that in many of these cases of proprietary estoppel there has been expenditure of money. Retrieved from Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 ...
#37. 法律公告
Accordingly, you have no property, proprietary, intellectual property, ownership, ... by implication, estoppel, industry custom, or otherwise.
#38. 禁止反言- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
禁止反言原則(estoppel、equitable estoppel、衡平法上的不容否認)是Hugh Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns)審理Hughes V .Metropolitan Railway Co.
#39. News & Updates | Angela Wang & Co
Update on the Principles of Constructive Trust and Proprietary Estoppel. August 2021 ... (中文) 香港法院排除本土的限制中承认境外法院的判令. June 2020.
#40. promissory estoppel 中文Estoppel - RJHI
promissory estoppel 中文 Estoppel. Estoppel In English law, proprietary estoppel is distinct from promissory estoppel.Proprietary estoppel is not a concept ...
#41. 隱私權和法律條款 - McAfee
#42. doctrine of estoppel 中文 - Barcelonan
Consideration+Promissory Estoppel Trietel. Estoppel A legal principle that bars a party from denying or alleging a certain fact owing to that party's ...
#43. equitable estoppel 中文論大英國協法制體系下「衡平法之禁反 ...
What is the meaning of promissory estoppel in Chinese and how to say promissory estoppel in Chinese? promissory estoppel Chinese meaning, promissory ...
#44. 報告書逆權管有 - 香港法律改革委員會
務委員會在1990 年6 月28 日所作的決定,上述條文必須以中文本. 為準。47 ... 這項條件是為了體現擁有人不容反悔(proprietary estoppel)的衡平法原則。
#45. George Porter - Taylor Wessing
... under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, proprietary estoppel and other equitable claims including trust Arbitrations.
#46. 法律130514合約法(四)約因 - 掌門天地
“禁止反悔承諾” Promissory Estoppel. Pinnel's Case所建立的原則卻有一個很富爭論性的例外。直至如今仍是未被推翻的案例,這就是著名的「高樹案The ...
#47. 香港法律改革委員會逆權管有
百零五條英文本的‚ deprivation‛ 和中文本的‚ 徵用‛ 在涵義上有明顯 ... 這項條件是為了體現擁有人不容反悔(proprietary estoppel)的衡帄法原則。
#48. equitable estoppel 中文equitable - Apfigp
equitable estoppel中文,estoppel equitable是什麼意思,estoppel in contract law and proprietary estoppel,翻譯等;選中中文或多個詞, may be mentioned the ...
1. The classic formulation of the doctrine of proprietary estoppel is that set out in Taylor Fashions Ltd v Liverpool Victoria Trustee Co ...
#50. AIDAN TAM | 譚朗峰 大律師 | ALSC CHAMBERS
... of non-derogation from grant, proprietary estoppel, conveyancing, tsos and tongs, Beddoe Orders, law of succession, arbitration and bankruptcy law.
#51. 英特爾®記憶體和儲存工具(GUI) - Intel
Taiwan (繁體中文) ... to the Software and associated documentation, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, except for the licenses expressly granted above.
#52. 近期出版(December 2021)
“When death is literally the deadline: the “cut-off” point for assessing detriment in proprietary estoppel” in Trusts & Trustees (Oxford ...
#53. Radeon™ Software for Linux® 20.20 Release Notes | AMD
... Agreement (“EULA”) linked to this note for use of AMD Proprietary OpenGL, ... No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual ...
#54. 禁反言 - 華人百科
中文 名稱禁反言外文名稱estoupe人 物柯克勳爵時 間16世紀. ... fact)/estoppel in pais)、允諾禁反言(promissory estoppel)和財產禁反言(proprietary estoppel)。
#55. Failure to document removal of right of way scuppers ...
The Pezaros asked the court to confirm that the right of way had been extinguished on the basis of proprietary estoppel.
#56. 在"英语"词典里proprietary}的意思
在英语词典里带使用范例的proprietary含义proprietary的近义词以及proprietary的25种语言 ... subrogation and proprietary estoppel and the use of the constructive ...
#57. Promissory Estoppel Law Definition Element & Defenses
Promissory estoppel is a lawsuit and argument raised by a receipient of a promise who did not not give the promissor a benefit.
#58. 美國商標法(中英對照) - 智慧財產局
In all inter partes proceedings equitable principles of laches, estoppel, ... private, proprietary, or privileged information contained in such records is ...
#59. 使用條款 | Mastercard Newsroom
... by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to make ... protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights ...
#60. 科技法律研究所 - 國立交通大學
戰,拾起多年未曾翻閱過的中文教科書,細細讀過艱澀難懂的法條,並執筆回答法律問 ... 事勝訴判決,向民事法院主張爭點效(Collateral Estoppel),進而獲勝179。
#61. promissory estoppel 中文法律Promissory - Byaml
promissory estoppel 中文 法律Promissory. Promissory estoppel 28/9/2007 · Promissory estoppel 是衡平法中一個concept。即A應B的承詻而做了一些事情引致有損失, B ...
#62. Consideration & Promissory Estoppel Lecture -
This chapter will examine and analyse two principles of contract law. The first is consideration, which along with the offer, acceptance...
#63. licence by estoppel 中文estoppel - Yzkgo
licence by estoppel 中文estoppel ... estoppel的音標|詞組|中文翻譯_英漢詞典_字博緣文學網 ... Start studying Licenses and Proprietary Estoppel.
#64. BridgeSwitch Motor-Expert Motor Control Configuration and ...
English · 简体中文 · 日本語 · 繁體中文 · 한국어 ... either expressly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise under the Licensed Software or under any other ...
#65. 使用條款及細則 - LEVI'S® Loop
... by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to you to use any such ... is and will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary.
#66. Promissory estoppel - The Free Dictionary
Define Promissory estoppel. Promissory estoppel synonyms, Promissory estoppel pronunciation, Promissory estoppel translation, English dictionary definition ...
#67. Administration of Estates - 马永贵律所| 备受马来西亚人信赖 ...
Representing and advising clients which includes sports authorities on the application of constructive trust, resulting trust and proprietary estoppel to combat ...
#68. Legal Information - acerpure
... and non-proprietary and treated in accordance with Privacy Policy. ... by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any ...
#69. ENF Ltd. & 易恩孚商务咨询(芜湖)有限公司 Terms of Use
... estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to any copyright, patent, ... you through this site shall be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary.
#70. 條例與規範 - ELEVEN SPORTS
英文 中文✓ ... 8.1 All copyrights, trademarks, tradenames, logos, service marks and other intellectual property or proprietary rights in the Content ...
#71. Can I contest my father's will? He has left the family farm to my ...
What is proprietary estoppel? In order to prove a case for proprietary estoppel, you will have to show the following three key elements:.
#72. An Analysis of the English Common Law, Principles of Equity ...
Proprietary Estoppel. Pages: 69–70. Colonial Period. Pages: 71–76. Independence. Pages: 77–82. Application of Common Law after Independence. Pages: 83–91.
#73. Term Of Use | FspLifeStyle
You also retain all copyrights and all other proprietary notices ... by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, or any license or right to use without prior ...
#74. 法律声明
... estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any ACCO Brands Intellectual Property without the written permission of ACCO Brands. All proprietary ...
#75. Nanome - Steam
不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地的語言。購買前請先確認語言支援清單。 注意: 需要以下其中一種虛擬實境頭戴顯示器:HTC Vive, ...
#76. Legal Notice - MPS
... by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Marks appearing on ... copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein, ...
#77. 法律subject to contract是什么意思? - 知乎
就香港法来说,要注意其对在商业环境中运用普通法规则part performance或proprietary estoppel的影响,具体可参考World Food Fair Ltd v Hong Kong Island Development ...
#78. 禁止反言- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TIENGTRUNG.CN: 禁止反言原则(estoppel、equitable estoppel、衡平法上的不容否認)是英美法系国家的一般契约理论,其基本内涵是“My word is my...
#79. Training Activities Organised / Co-ordinated by the Judicial ...
9.3.2010, * Talk on "Estoppel – Sword or Shield and Proprietary Estoppel", organised by Hong Kong Bar Association. 10.3.2010 - 26.5.2010 ...
#80. Brian Sloan в Twitter: "It was a real pleasure to give a short ...
It was a real pleasure to give a short lecture to students at Doshisha University (@DoshishaUniv_PR) on “Proprietary Estoppel and the ...
#81. The French supreme court recognizes estoppel as a principle ...
By decision rendered on September 20, 2011, the Commercial Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) recognized the rule ...
#82. doctrine of equitable 中文 - hoz
equitable doctrine的中文意思:衡平法则,查阅equitable doctrine的详细中文 ... 28/9/2007 · The precise scope of the doctrine of promissory estoppel is far ...
#83. Legal - Rockstar Games
... and other proprietary notices that may appear on such materials. ... property rights, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise.
#84. SLRN2127001ABBBG - Datasheet - 电子工程世界
本资料有SLRN2127001ABBBG、SLRN2127001ABBBG pdf、SLRN2127001ABBBG中文 ... Resistors can be covered with Vishay Electro-Films (EFI) proprietary thermal set ...
proprietary estoppel中文 在 【合同法】什么是禁止反言法则? What is Promissory Estoppel ... 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>