#1. 精神疾患- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - Wikipedia
精神疾患(英语:Psychiatric disorder),又称精神病,或称心理疾患(英语:mental disorder),是指可导致病患显著困扰或功能损害的行为或心理模式。
#2. psychiatric disorder - 精神異常 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 精神病理學, 精神異常, Mental anomaly. 學術名詞 內分泌學名詞, 精神異常, psychiatric disorder. 學術名詞 動物學名詞
#3. 【精神科護理學】
中文. 11. BPD Borderline personality disorder. [ˋbɔrdɚ͵laɪn pɝsnˋælәtɪ] 邊緣性人格疾患. 12. Alcohol-Induced Psychotic. Disorder. [ˋælkә͵hɔl ɪnˋdjust].
#4. psychiatric disorders - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"psychiatric disorders" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#5. 認識精神病疾患(中):短期與物質所致等類型 - Hello醫師
其它醫學狀況造成的精神病疾患(Psychotic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition)指的是精神病和短暫性或慢性病並存的類型。疾病的範圍從偏頭痛、 ...
#6. psychiatric disorders-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Prevalence and persistence of psychiatric disorders in youth after detention: a prospective longitudinal study.,在英语-中文情境中 ...
#7. Mental Health in Action 精神健康的實踐(1)
精神障礙(mental disorders). ▫ 焦慮性神經病(anxiety disorders). ▫ 躁狂抑鬱症(bipolar affective disorders). ○ 另一方面, 一些中文精神病詞彙似乎未能正確翻譯 ...
精神疾病診斷及. 統計手冊第五版(The fifth edition of the. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental. Disorders, DSM-5)的診斷重點包含取消. 先前所建立的五軸診斷 ...
#9. 第八節:器質性精神疾病(Organic Mental Disorders) - 書田泌尿 ...
「全盤性腦結構或功能異常」(Generalized Brain Syndrome, 簡稱O.B.S.) 若涉及一個以上腦結構部位或腦功能異常,則稱「全盤性」或「廣泛性」腦症侯群 ...
#10. psychiatric disorder 中文 - 查查在線詞典
psychiatric disorder中文 :精神方面的疾病…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋psychiatric disorder的中文翻譯,psychiatric disorder的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#11. 短期精神病(Brief psychotic disorder)_精神科_成人常見疾病
病徵及症狀:至少有一種首要症狀,症狀至少維持一天半不超過一個月,同時要考慮病人的文化背景,許多文化相關症候群,其症狀和精神病相似。 一、首要症狀: 1.妄想。
#12. 精神科常見縮寫
ADHD 注意力缺失及過動疾病 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 2. AH. 幻聽 auditory hallucination. 3. CMI. 慢性精神疾病 chronic mental illness.
#13. 共生精神病 - 東華三院心瑜軒
共生精神疾病(Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders),指患者除了患上物質或行為成癮外,同時出現一種或以上的精神疾病,例如抑鬱症、焦慮症、精神分裂症、適應障礙或性格 ...
#14. 精神異常英文,psychiatric disorder中文 - 三度漢語網
精神異常英文怎麼說,精神异常中文是什麼意思? ... 精神异常用英文怎麼說? psychiatric disorder ... 精神障礙;精神異常, mental disorder, 【醫學名詞】.
#15. 非精神科門診中常見精神疾病患者之一年預後追蹤研究
神疾患(non-psychotic mental disorders)。診 ... 神科醫師以中文臨床診斷表修訂版、生活事件量表及簡短失能量表為測量工具,進行預後. 追蹤研究。
#16. Signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness ...
精神科護理學Psychiatric nursing. Signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness. Signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness. 精神疾病的徵象及症狀.
#17. 疾病名稱:Depressive disorders ICD-10-CM:F32、F33、F34
一、評估Assessment. 病史及心理會談為主。 二、診斷依據Diagnosis criteria. 根據精神疾病診斷與統計手冊(The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of. Mental Disorders), ...
#18. 已知的生理狀況導致的精神疾患Mental disorders due to known ...
Q:哪種類型? 01 血管性失智症Vascular dementia 02 歸類於他處其他疾病所致失智症Dementia ...
#19. 思覺失調 - 醫院管理局
精神醫學分. 類之中,以「思覺失調」這現象為核心病徵的精神病(psychotic disorders ),有最常見的精神分裂症(schizophrenia)以及妄想. 症(delusional disorder)。
#20. psychological中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
我們關心員工的身心健康。 (of an illness or other physical problem) caused by worry or sadness. 由 ...
#21. 醫學用語解釋::
*Behavioral health/Mental health 心理/精神健康. *Mental illness: 精神疾病. Major depression 重度憂鬱症. Schizophrenia 精神分裂症/思覺失調症.
#22. 10. Psychiatry 精神病學
Adjustment disorder. 適應障礙. Admission (Acute) ward. 收症(急性)病室 ... Community Psychiatric Nursing Services. 精神科社康護理服務. Compulsion. 強迫行為.
#23. 中文版精神健康資訊
其他單張 · 醫治狂躁症的藥物(Medications for Mania) (PDF) · 抗抑鬱藥物(Antidepressants) (PDF) · 產後精神病須知(Mental Illness After Childbirth) (PDF) · <精神科團隊 ...
#24. 6歲以下兒童的侵擾行為障礙症(Disruptive Behavior Disorders)
一、什麼是侵擾行為障礙症(Disruptive Behavior Disorders, DBDs)? 1.DBDs指的是一群和干擾對立行為有關的診斷。常見的如對立反抗症(Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ...
#25. 失眠與睡眠疾病 - 馬偕紀念醫院
如夢遊、說夢話、尿床、磨牙、惡夢驚醒(夢魘)、夜驚等。 與內科或精神科有關的睡眠疾病(Sleep Disorders Associated with Medical/Psychiatric Disorders) ...
#26. 認識精神疾病與精神治療趨勢 - 台中慈濟醫院
Bipolar I disorder (雙極性精神病第一型) ... Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry (Paperback),8th edition.
#27. [護理新知]精神疾患診斷與統計手冊第五版即將問世(DSM-5 ...
Mary Ellen Schneider/撰文田昕旻/翻譯林佳微/校稿期待已久的《精神疾患診斷與統計手冊(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental ...
#28. +VE思——性癖症
在病人之中,有部份可歸類為paraphilic disorder,中文是「性癖症」,具體而言是偷窺狂、露體狂、非禮、施虐和受虐、戀童、戀物、易服,等等。
#29. NIMH文章:(一)憂鬱症的類型與徵狀
(1)重鬱症(Major depressive disorder):又稱為重度憂鬱症(Major ... (3)精神病性憂鬱症(Psychotic depression):有一些精神分裂症會伴隨嚴重憂鬱症, ...
#30. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Dsm-5
書名:Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Dsm-5,語言:英文,ISBN:9780890425558,頁數:991,作者:American Psychiatric Association (COR) ...
#31. 心智大腦專題演講—精神疾病大腦圖譜 Brain Atlas for ...
In recent years, psychiatric diseases have made great progress in both drug ... We have documented brain mapping of psychiatric disorders at ...
#32. 第136章《精神健康條例》 - Cap. 136 Mental Health Ordinance
mental hospital visitor. )指按照第5條的條文獲委任為精神病院視察人員而又在委任期內的人;. 精神病理障礙. (. psychopathic disorder. ) ...
#33. 多重人格障礙Multiple Personality Disorder - 真人網絡
Multiple personality disorder (MPD), now known as dissociative identity disorder (DID), is an officially recognized mental disorder and has been included in ...
#34. 20160128182854.pdf - 台灣兒童青少年精神醫學會
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Newsletter Vol.8, No.4, Winter 2009 ... ADHD _ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; MPH = methylphenidate; ...
#35. 美國精神醫學協會《心理異常診斷與統計手冊》第五版之修訂內涵
《心理異常診斷與統計手冊》(The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental. Disorders,簡稱DSM)由美國精神醫學學會(American Psychiatric Association,簡.
#36. 抑鬱症與認知行為治療 - HKU
Some cognitive symptoms as referred by the American Psychiatric Association's ... Thus, prevalence and incidence of any mental health problems can only be.
#37. 第一章緒論根據世界衛生組織(WHO)在2003 年提出的「精神 ...
DSM-IV-TR 將精神疾病/異常(mental illness/disorder)解釋為:臨床表現. 出與沮喪或失能相關的行為心理症狀模式… ... 此一評估量表的中文修訂由國內學者完成,.
#38. 什麼是體化症? - 康健知識庫
American Psychiatric Association (APA) :What Is Somatic Symptom Disorder? Mayo Clinic:Somatic symptom disorder. 請注意,並沒有任何一種或一組方法適用於所有病人 ...
#39. psychiatric - 英汉词典
复合形式:. 英语, 中文. psychiatric hospital nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (institution treating mental disorders) ...
#40. psychiatric 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
psychiatric (a.) ... Psychiatric \Psy`chi*at"ric\, a. ... or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry; "psychiatric disorder"; "psychiatric hospital" ...
#41. Chapter 5: Mental and behavioral disorders (F01-F99) 第五章 ...
代碼, 英/中文名稱. F01, Vascular dementia. 血管性失智症 ... F06, Other mental disorders due to known physiological condition.
#42. DD)。憂鬱疾患指的是精神醫學中根據發病期間、症 - 學生心理 ...
憂鬱疾患主要包括兩大類:重鬱症(major depressive disorder,MDD)及輕鬱 ... 美國國家心理衛生研究院(National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH)前主.
#43. 台灣雙極性疾患治療共識
(dysphoric)/混合型(mixed)及精神病性(psychotic) 躁症療效亦佳,耐受. 性也很好。 ... Antidepressants 在雙極性疾患維持期的使用,在bipolar disorder.
#44. Psychopath 是心理病還是精神病? - *CUP
在20 世紀初,心理病(Mental illness)與精神病(Psychotic ... Psychopath,中文譯作「心理變態」或「精神病態」,屬於人格障礙,但與上述疾病無關 ...
#45. 台灣死刑案件司法精神鑑定實務手冊
某些字或詞的意義,會因使用於醫學或法律領域、或同時出現於兩者論述(discourses)之中而顯. 得模糊,例如「心理疾病」(mental illness)、「心理失常」(mental ...
#46. 躁忧症/狂躁症(BIPOLAR DISORDER) | 心理医学专科
躁鬱症/狂躁症(BIPOLAR DISORDER) 躁鬱症(BIPOLAR DISORDER)是一种情感障碍(MOOD DISORDER)的精神病症,它与忧郁症都是属于情感障碍病症。它与忧郁症不同是, ...
#47. 癌症病人失志量表中文版之信效度檢測
失志量表中文版由專家翻譯,讓不同分期的門診癌診病人完成填表。 ... depressive disorder) 之症狀有所重疊,容易造成 ... J Clin Psychiatry 2001; 62 S: 58-61.
#48. 每個人或多或少都有「多重人格」?解開「多重人格障礙」17個 ...
... 等等,其中DES的中文版(即香港中文版解離經驗量表,HKC-DES)已經初步 ... Chiu, C.-D., et al., Dissociative disorders in acute psychiatric ...
#49. 2018電玩失調已被世衛組織列為精神疾病
關於電玩失調,美國精神醫學學會出版社(American Psychiatric Association Publishing) 所 ... Internet Gaming Addiction: Disorder or Moral Panic?
#50. Mental disorders - WHO | World Health Organization
Mental disorders include: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, and developmental disorders including ...
#51. Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness - Mayo ...
Mental health: Learn how to recognize and deal with the stigma of mental illness and don't let it stand in the way of getting treatment.
#52. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 最新影響指數
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology2021-2022最新影響指數是4.328。 ... Small area deprivation and stigmatising attitudes towards mental illness: ...
#53. Psychiatric Disorders - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Learn about Psychiatric Disorders symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in the MSD Manual. HCP and Vet versions too!
#54. 國際頭痛疾病分類第三版中文版.pdf
歸因於精神疾患之頭痛Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder …... 13. 顱神經疼痛性病變和其他顏面痛. Painful lesions of the cranial nerves and other ...
#55. 量表資訊總覽- 陳淑惠老師-臨床心理學研究室 - Google Sites
編號, 英文縮寫, 英文名稱, 中文名稱, 題數, 本研究室 編製/翻譯. 01, ASD, The Chinese version of Acute Stress Disorder Scale, 急性壓力症狀量表-中文版, 19
#56. DSM-5精神疾病診斷準則手冊(修訂版)(Desk Reference to the ...
識別精神疾病─你的DSM-5指南(Understanding Mental Disorders: Your Guide to ... 本版乃邀約台灣精神醫學會六、七十位精神醫學專家共同著手翻譯繁體中文版,期望能 ...
#57. 香港的精神健康 - Mind HK
每七位香港人就有一位在一生中會經歷常見的心理疾病。然而,在這些正經歷精神健康問題的人中,七成半的人並不會尋求專業協助。於受到污名化問題、感到羞愧、對自身情況 ...
#58. OMH Publications - New York State Office of Mental Health
It will also explain how to obtain treatment and suggest ways to make such treatment more effective. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Español | 中文 | ...
#59. Increase in child and adolescent mental disorders spurs new ...
Up to 20 per cent of adolescents globally experience mental disorders, and around 15 per cent of adolescents in low-and middle-income ...
#60. - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The complexity, high prevalence, and heavy health care burden of mental health problems need multidisciplinary probes into the understanding of their ...
#61. 發展協調障礙兒童的介紹 - 校訊
目前以美國精神醫學學會( American Psychiatric Association, 2000 ) 出版的精神 ... 發展協調障礙兒童」( developmental coordination disorder, DCD ) 統一稱之。
#62. Department of Psychiatry - Taipei Medical University Hospital
Insomnia, sleep disturbance · Anxiety, panic attack · Depression, suicide · Bipolar disorder, mania · Schizophrenia, hallucination, delusion · Addiction, alcohol ...
#63. 張瀞文| 國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所
Family social networks and personal recovery among Chinese people with mental illness in Hong Kong: The mediating effects of self-esteem and self-efficacy.
#64. Mental Health Disorder Statistics | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. In particular, depressive illnesses tend to co-occur with substance abuse and anxiety ...
#65. Chinese Translations - Institute of Mental Health
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. 强迫症. Psychotic Disorder. 错乱症. Pathological Gambler. 病态赌徒. Schizophrenia. 精神分裂症 ...
#66. Psychiatric disorders in primary focal dystonia and in ...
Conclusion: The psychiatric profile differs in movement disorders with ... Keywords: focal dystonia, Parkinson's disease, neuropsychiatry, ...
#67. 收藏「【TED】認識憂鬱症」- What Is Depression? - 希平方
But because it's a mental illness, it can be a lot harder to ... It's a medical disorder, and it won't go away just because you want it to.
#68. About Mental Health - CDC
1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. 6. puzzle pieces. What causes mental illness ...
#69. Mental 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库 - Collins Dictionary
2 (形容词) in the sense of psychiatric. Definition. concerned with mental illness. mental health problems. 同义词. psychiatric. psychogenic.
#70. Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders | Huntington Hospital
Toggle Font size · English. English; Espanol; 简体中文; 繁體中文; Tagalog; հայերեն; 한국인; Tiếng Việt; فارسی; русский; 日本; عربي.
#71. Axis II and Borderline Personality Disorder - Verywell Mind
The new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) did away with the axis model, so BPD is no longer an Axis II disorder.
#72. Mental
Extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors involving weight and food is a kind of mental health problem. Read more about the causes, symptoms and how to get ...
#73. The Relationship between Mental Health, Mental Illness
Conversely, people living with chronic physical health conditions experience depression and anxiety at twice the rate of the general population. Co-existing ...
#74. Principles for the protection of persons with mental illness
"Mental health care" includes analysis and diagnosis of a person's mental condition, and treatment, care and rehabilitation for a mental illness or ...
#75. psychiatry 中文心理psychiatry與psychology字首相同 - Uoffy
psychiatry 中文 心理psychiatry與psychology字首相同,為何一個是「精神」醫學、一個 ... a major category of mental disorders in psychiatry and psychoanalysis .
#76. 精神病的疾病負擔Disease burden of mental illness
Global burden of mental illness and self- ... mental illness in Hong Kong ... 港大學精神醫學系、香港中文大學精神科學系、醫院管理局精神健康服務單.
#77. 失智症行為及精神症狀的非藥物處置 - 台北市醫師公會
psychological symptoms of dementia, BPSD),典. 型如重複的問話,漫遊及睡眠障礙,都是阿茲. 海默症(Alzheimer's disease)和其他失智症的核心.
#78. The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong 香港心理衞生會|
#79. psychiatry與psychology字首相同,為何一個是「精神」醫學
psychiatry 、psychology這兩個英文字的字首都是有千年歷史的希臘字psych,其實最古老的原意是指——控制我們想法跟情緒的「靈魂」,所以英文的的Psychic ...
#80. 5〕精神病與神經官能症Neurosis and Psychosis - YouTube
#81. Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder
What Are the Symptoms of AUD? Healthcare professionals use criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), to ...
#82. 邊緣人格障礙-心理健康門戶
邊緣性人格障礙的特徵是適應不良的思想,感覺和行為的長期僵化模式。 閱讀更多。
#83. 什麼是恐慌症(Panic Disorder)? - 灣ê 靜心課
恐慌,是一種極度害怕不安的感受,它涵蓋了恐懼的感覺與想法,並伴隨許多緊繃而難受的身體症狀,像是心跳加速、喘不過氣、手腳發軟、顫抖、頭暈目眩、 ...
#84. Psychiatry and Psychiatrists - The New York Times
A clinical psychiatrist, she showed that suicide was often a result of mental illness, and that it could be avoided with the right treatment and public ...
#85. 精神醫學部- 本部研究
Asia-Pacific psychiatry : official journal of the Pacific Rim College of ... can result in prolonged augmentation of psychiatric disorders.
#86. 躯体变形障碍(Body Dysmorphic Disorder) 强迫谱系心理疾病
在美国,BDD男性发病率为2.5%,女性患病率为2.2%;最常起病于青春期12~13岁(American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
#87. 英國精神病女子的自訴:生活與戀愛的挑戰- BBC News 中文
我有分裂情感性障礙(schizoaffective disorder),有這種病的人每個人表現的症狀各異。而對我來說,更像是精神分裂症(schizophrenia)和躁鬱 ...
#88. Mental Illness in Black Community, 1700-2019: A Short History •
In the article below, Dr. Uchenna Umeh, a former San Antonio, Texas physician, briefly describes how mental health among African Americans ...
#89. Archbold Northside
Archbold Northside Center for Behavioral Health and Psychiatric Care ... Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Career and family conflict ...
#90. 〔精神病分類DSM -5〕對立性反抗症
... 孩子有可能是患上「對立性反抗症」(ODD,Oppositional defiant disorder)。 ... 及其他精神病障礙(Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders) ...
#91. Psychiatrists for people with autism | The Spectrum
A psychiatrist will usually work in a diagnostic team, with a paediatrician, psychologist and/or speech pathologist to diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder ...
#92. Trial treatment using deep brain stimulation provides hope for ...
If you or anyone you know needs help with an eating disorder: ... "Anorexia nervosa has the highest death rate of any mental illness – 10-20 per ...
#93. Westwind Counselling and Eating Disorder Recovery Centre
We are hiring a Masters Level Therapist or Registered Psychiatric Nurse for our Brandon, MB location. Resumes can be sent to info@ ...
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Oversees the Division of Behavioral Health Services and the Human Services Center to provide a wide range of mental health and substance use disorder ...
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Social competence and outcome in psychiatric disorder. ... Clinical Supervisor, 23(1), 55–70. 中文文献毛刚强(2008)。
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