【曲名 : 浮気は犯罪行為】
ダウンロード : https://linkco.re/EMA89gRz
Music/Lyrics/Mix/Mastered : たかやん (Takayan)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/takayan_gorizal
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/takayan_gorizal
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/takayan_gorizal
Animation : ラビットマシーン (Rabbit MACHINE)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Rabbit_MACHINE
Track : Reno
inst : https://youtu.be/YrW7VebOpmU
嘘だらけのダサい 弁解
ダルい 数ヶ月のFake Love
痛みか苦しみ 受けろ 後遺症
原因とか事前に言ってくれれば 直すのに
セフレ作れよ最初から 愛の無い半端な性行為
季節移り変わり キスの相手も移り変わり
付ける薬なんて無い 死ななければ治りはしない
この先 生きていくメリットって何?
お前の所為 飲みまくる酒
全部悟って ふわふわ OD
明日も生きよう! あなたの為に生きよう!
ぱくぱくぴんくのうみそ レバー美味しいよーん!
大好きなのは変わらない けど怒りだけが 今 収まらない
感情任せでごめんなさい 今から教える「本当の愛」
嘘だらけのダサい 弁解
ダルい 数ヶ月のFake Love
痛みか苦しみ 受けろ 後遺症
【English Lyrics】
Cheated and got caught, saying "I want to die" ?
I want to die 10000% more than you.
Your excuses are full of lies.
F*ck, several months of fake love.
Your must felt great after what you did.
Flirting several girls at the same time.
It's meaningless to start over.
Feel pain and suffer, sequelae.
I would have changed if you told me your complains.
I don't even know why are we dating if you care for appearance that much.
You should have make some sex friends, and make love which don't involves love.
Are you dumb? If you choose from appearance,
why would you say "Inner beauty is important" to me?
Season changes, the people you kiss also changes.
There's no medicine to fix you, you will never change unless you die.
Amazing for you to stock up your 'ideal lover',
Love someone wholeheartedly is way better than changing partner again and again.
First of all, what exactly is 'perfect relationship'?
What is 'fed up' and 'jealous'?
What is the merit for me to live to the future?
What is the meaning for me to give birth to a baby after all these things happened?
Ahh, I've already gone mad when I notice what's going on.
Turns out to be an alcoholic because of what you've done.
Whatever, feeling great, overdose.
Give up your life for your redemption.
Peel off you skins.
Take off your balls and pen*s.
Tomorrow will be a great day, I will live it for you.!
Eat your pinky brain, and your liver tastes so delicious!
I love you so much and it never changed, but now, I really can't stop my anger.
Sorry to be extremely emotional, from now on, I will show you what is 'real love'.
Cheated and got caught, saying "I want to die" ?
I want to die 10000% more than you.
Your excuses are full of lies.
F*ck, several months of fake love.
Your must felt great after what you did.
Flirting several girls at the same time.
It's meaningless to start over.
Feel pain and suffer, sequelae.