repentant 翻譯:懺悔的;悔悟的;後悔的。了解更多。
大量翻译例句关于"repentant" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... lit. renew one's face and wash one's heart (idiom); to repent sincerely and mend ...
vt. 懺悔; 為…自責;對…後悔. vi. 自責;後悔. 牛津中文 ...
#4. repentant-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
在中文中翻译"repentant". 名词 形容词. 忏悔.
後悔的,感到遺憾的[of, for] He is repentant of [for] his sins. 他對于自己所犯的罪後悔不已c [the repentant; 當復數名詞用懺悔犯罪的人們,懺悔[悔罪] 者⑵ 表示悔 ...
#6. repentant翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
repentant中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 悔改的;后悔的。英漢詞典提供【repentant】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
repentant中文 意思::后悔的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋repentant的中文翻譯,repentant的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
a. 悔悟的, 后悔的, 懊悔的 être repentant de ses fautes对自己的错误感到后悔.
不支援繁體中文 ... Repentant - Original Soundtrack. 免費使用 ... Repentant is a dramatic point & click adventure game with hand-painted art.
#10. The Repentant - 博客來
書名:The Repentant,語言:英文,ISBN:0756401631,作者:Thomsen, Brian M. (EDT)/ Greenberg, Martin Harry (EDT),出版日期:2003/10/01,類別:文學.
#11. 購買Repentant | Xbox - Microsoft
Repentant is a dramatic point & click adventure game with hand-painted art. Experienced criminal Oliver begins to suffer from strong remorse after the ...
#12. Repentant 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Repentant 释义: Someone who is repentant shows or says that they are sorry ... 美式英语: repentant /rɪˈpɛntənt/; 巴西葡萄牙语: arrependido; 简体中文: 悔悟 ...
#13. repentant - 英汉词典
repentant - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. repentant adj, (penitent ... The repentant sinner went to confession to beg for forgiveness.
#14. repentant 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释repentant这个英文词呢? repentant这个英文词,中文意思如下:痛改前非。 Meaning of repentant for the defined word.
#15. 悔悟之掌 - 流亡編年史
(力量加成的傷害同時套用至全部法術). 「我不奢望世人諒解, 唯求上蒼赦免我身罪孽; 我即將犯下殘酷謬行讓此地枷鎖染血。」 - 禁靈之獄內無名刻字. Repentance ...
#16. 中英文主題聖經(中華基督教網路發展協會)
網上最完整的中文聖經主題經文整理。 ... Repent and do the things you did at first. ... I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
#17. repentant 在线翻译_英语_来源
"penitent, contrite, sorry for past sins, words, or deeds,"早期13世纪,repentaunt,源自古法语repentant "penitent"(12世纪),是repentir的现在分词形式( ...
#18. Repentant-佐藤直紀 - KKBOX
佐藤直紀的歌曲「Repentant」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。 ... 繁體中文. 繁體中文. English. 台灣, 香港 · 日本 · 新加坡 · 馬來西亞.
#19. The Repentant
繁體中文 $USD - 美國美元 美國. 已經是客戶了嗎?登入 · 使用細則 · 隱私聲明 · 您的廣告隱私選擇. © 1996-2023, Inc. 或其附屬公司版權所有 ...
#20. File:Canova-Magdalene 45 degree view.jpg - 維基百科
本檔案並非來自中文維基百科,而是來自維基共享資源。請參閱維基共享資源上的詳細描述、討論頁、頁面 ... Compare to Caravaggio's pose of the repentant Magdalene.
#21. repentant的意思在线翻译:英文解释,中文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
共找到1项关于repentant意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 相关词• repentant • unrepentant 单词意思查询Top5 • outlet的意思 • logo的意思 • menu的意思 • combo的意思
#22. repentant单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
repentant. 级别, 扩展级. 音标, [ rɪˈpentənt ]. 解释, adj.对…感到悔恨的. 英英释义, feeling sorry for something that you have done. 发音, play.gif.
#23. 解谜游戏《Repentant》(中文名《忏悔》)攻略+剧情翻译
游戏名称:忏悔英文名称:Repentant游戏类型:冒险游戏AVG游戏制作:Anate Studio经历过犯罪的奥利弗在他的家人遭受到可怕的行为后开始觉得强烈的悔恨 ...
#24. Synonyms: Repentant, Abject, Apologetic - Instagram
2399 次赞、 8 条评论- Daily English Vocabulary Words (@vocords) 在Instagram 发布:“Synonyms: Repentant, Abject, Apologetic⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I hope you ...
#25. repentant - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
repentant. 语言; 监视本页 · 编辑. 英語编辑. 发音编辑. repentant. 后悔的 · 悔改的 · Cewbot最后编辑于1年前. 语言. 不转换 · 简体 · 繁體.
#26. "I repent for my sins." 和"I atone for my sins." 的差別在哪裡?
I repent for my sins.的同義字@Tomo97 Repent = 悔やむAtone = 償う|I repent of my sins is correct I repent for my sin is in correct but if you ...
#27. The Repentant Magdalen, De La Tour-Mandarin (中文)
The Repentant Magdalen, De La Tour-Mandarin (中文). 01/01/14. Stay connected. Learn more about our exhibitions, news, programs, and special offers.
#28. repentant - 音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典
#29. 慈悲禧年禱文 - 輔神禮儀研究中心:禮儀典章與書籍
(中文版). Lord Jesus Christ,. you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, ... and assured Paradise to the repentant thief.
#30. repent翻译为:[植] 匍匐生根的
repent 的中文意思:[植] 匍匐生根的;,点击查看详细解释:repent的中文翻译、repent的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握repent这个单词。
#31. Contested Forgiveness: Unsolicited Amnesty and the ... - X-MOL
The consequences of attempting to reintegrate 'repentant' bandits in Northwest Nigeria, in the absence of these, ... 中文翻译: ...
#32. REPENTANT-在英语词典里repentant 的定义和近义词。
该章节所呈现的将repentant由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«repentant»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 悔悟的. 1,325 数 ...
#33. A repentant corporate raider - FT中文网
A repentant corporate raider. 24岁的时候,马丁•富兰克林听从父命,分拆变卖了一家有13000名雇员的企业。 ... 中文. 收藏. 更新于2015年2月9日15:07 By Ed Hammond.
#34. Be vegan, Repentant = Save your soul! - Supreme Master TV
All Languages; English; 正體中文; 简体中文; Deutsch; Español; Français; Magyar; 日本語; 한국어. Монгол хэл; Âu Lạc; български; bahasa Melayu ...
#35. 分類監禁毒品犯的認知偏差對改悔態度影響之研究Research on ...
... 影響之研究Research on the Influence of Cognitive Biases of Drug Offenders Classified Imprisoned on Repentant Attitudes. ... 中文摘要:.
#36. repentance的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
#37. repentant - Traduction anglais-français - PONS
Traductions de repentant dans le dictionnaire français»anglais (Aller à anglais»français). Autres traductions et expressions typiques avec les termes de votre ...
#38. 英雄本色= A better tomorrow |
Ho comes out of jail repentant and is determined to turn over a new leaf for the sake of his poiceman brother, Kit, but his old arch enemy is determined to ...
#39. The Repentant Sicarii - PChome 24h書店
The Repentant Sicarii - 文學小說, Paul Sharville, 9780957357808.
#40. 579 Repentant Sinner Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Repentant Sinner stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#41. Francisco Herrera - 20 件藝術品- 畫作
Saint Peter repentant - Francisco Herrera. Saint Peter repentant Francisco Herrera • ? Saint Anthony of Padua with child - Francisco Herrera.
#42. 怎么办,好后悔!9种英语表达“后悔” - 英语点津
我们非常后悔做此决定。 Marry in haste, repent at leisure. 结婚太急,后悔莫及。 它的名词形式是repentance,表示“后悔; ...
#43. The Practice of Repentance - Tzu Chi USA
After they have accepted the precepts, they should not do evil again. The Buddha [Repentance Sutra in Response to Sariputra]. In Buddhism, ...
#44. Pope: With repentant and trusting hearts we receive the gift of ...
In his homily at the "24 hours for the Lord" Lenten initiative of prayer and reconciliation, Pope Francis encourages everyone to trust in ...
#45. REPENT TO ALLAH 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
在英语-中文中"REPENT TO ALLAH"的上下文中进行翻译。 Do they still not repent to Allah and ask forgiveness of Him? - 难道他们还不向真主悔罪,求得宽恕吗 t真主 ...
#46. Consolation for the Repentant Sinner
Consolation for the Repentant Sinner. March 11, 2023. Saturday of the Second Week of Lent Readings for Today · Video.
#47. 48 Scriptures on Repentance (Something We're All Called To)
It was important to me that I knew what it meant to repent because the Bible calls us to do it, as you'll see in the Scriptures below (jump down to verses). The ...
#48. The Repentant by Elvenking — Song on Apple Music
Canada (English) · Canada (Français) · United States · Estados Unidos (Español México) · الولايات المتحدة · США · 美国 (简体中文) · États-Unis (Français ...
#49. LUIS DE MORALES "THE DIVINE" - Christ tied to the column…
Another copy of Christ at the Column with Repentant Saint Peter by Luis de Morales (oil on walnut panel, 83.5 x 60 cm) was unveiled by Benoît-Cattin in 2007 ...
#50. The Repentant Christopher Hitchens - LinkedIn
Arguably the most celebrated atheist of the 21st century has been the late Christopher Hitchens. I had never bothered to listen to Hitchens ...
#51. 宣化上人開示錄(一) Venerable Master Hua's Talks on Dharma ...
To Repent and Reform Means to Change Our Faults and Turn Over a New Leaf ... 這是梵語,翻譯成中文是「信不具」或「無善根」;譬如你對這種人說法,他不歡喜聽, ...
#52. The Repentant - song and lyrics by Funeral - Spotify
Listen to The Repentant on Spotify. Funeral · Song · 2015.
#53. The Christian and Repentance - The Gospel Coalition
Christian repentance involves conviction of sin, contrition over the offense to God, turning away from sin, and turning towards a God-honoring way of life.
#54. repentance, 翻译成中文, 例句, 英文 - Glosbe字典
中文 中的“repentance"如何: 懺悔, 悔改, 后悔.上下文翻译: If I wait, does my repenting still count? ↔ 如果我等, 我的懺悔還有效嗎?
#55. What is repentant - Sesli Sözlük
He was feeling guilty and depressed, repentant and scared. unrepentant. sorry for something wrong that you have done unrepentant: feeling or expressing ...
#56. Discover, Develop, & Deploy: Your Repentance -
"Discover, Develop, & Deploy: Your Repentance". Sermon Reflection: Georgia Halley. Heart of God by Hillsong Worship. Closing Song.
#57. Great Compassion Repentance - Dharma Drum Mountain
Special Topics. Repentance: Great Compassion Repentance and performing Guanyin repentance method. Great Compassion Repentance Both the Great Compassion Mantra ...
#58. Repentant - definition of repentant by The Free Dictionary
repentant. adjective. 1. Feeling or expressing regret for one's sins or misdeeds: compunctious, contrite, penitent, penitential, regretful, remorseful, sorry ...
#59. St. Nicholas 聖尼古拉斯節 - Taipei Times
The patron saint of sailors, merchants, repentant thieves and children, he is one of the most popular saints in the Greek and Latin churches ...
#60. How Can I Know My Repentance is Genuine? - Enduring Word
From Dawson: Why couldn't Esau repent as stated in Hebrews 12? Does there come a point where God will no longer accept repentance from someone?
#61. Repentant - Steam Community
Repentant - Repentant is a dramatic point & click adventure game with hand-painted art.Experienced criminal Oliver begins to suffer from strong remorse ...
#62. How Can I Receive Forgiveness from God? | ComeUntoChrist
Repentance brings forgiveness and healing through the power of Jesus Christ. ... He suffered for our sins so that if we repent, we can become clean again ...
#63. Repentance Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Repentacne, 2 reasons why repentance is important, Penance and more.
#64. repentance 的中文含义- - 在线词典 - 独特工具箱
本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、同义词、同根词、词语辨析等,是外语学习者必备的在线查词工具 ...
#65. The Confederate Statues Are Gone. The Work of Repentance ...
The Work of Repentance Continues. These white evangelicals want to make the former capital of the Confederacy into the capital of racial ...
#66. Repentant Monk: The Art of Chen Hongshou
1:00 p.m.. Museum Boardroom. Julia M. White, Senior Curator for Asian Art at the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, offers recent research on the ...
#67. Does a Christian need to continue repenting?
If we accept Christ into our lives, our sins are forgiven (past, present and future). Therefore, why are we told to pray for forgiveness for ...
#68. 忏悔(Repentant)下载PC版 - 乐游网
《忏悔Repentant》是由曾经经典反讽教育AVG游戏《小风筝LitlleKite》开发商独立制作的又一新品,该游戏剧情部分与前者有些相关联指出,然而对于讽刺的 ...
#69. Illustration - Repentant man clutching his head. - Depositphotos
Repentant man clutching his head vector flat design illustration isolated on white background Stock illustration 95309278 ⬇ Download from Depositphotos ...
#70. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
In a complex, changing, and increasingly contested world, the Carnegie Endowment generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, ...
#71. I Forgot to Remember to Forget | Fallout Wiki - Fandom
1st answer: Telling him that, "he can't bring back the past but he can try to make things better," yields 1st Recon survival armor, making Boone repentant.
#72. Unrepentant 2023 -
repentant Unrepentant Unrepentant 코젬rɪˈpen Fight the Power a rallying point for unrepentant Nazis - English Only forum World War Z Samuel Johnson s ...
#73. Junot Diaz - The New York Times
This Is Not Just About Junot Díaz. All of us — including the #MeToo movement — need to think about a future in which repentant sexists have a place. By ...
#74. Why Did Christopher Scarver Kill Jeffrey Dahmer 2023
Some people who are in prison are repentant — but he was not one of them."Article continues below advertisement Scarver researched Dahmer' s crimes before ...
#75. She Hulk episode 3 What to expect from the next from MCU s ...
Tim Roth's character, was introduced as someone who is repentant for his crime.This is a rare instance in which Marvel combined the plotlines of two films ...
#76. repentant是什麼意思 - 海词
例句. 用作形容詞 (adj.) He is repentant of his sins. 他對於自己所犯的罪後悔不已 ...
#77. Death race 3 عالم سكر 2023 -
Repentant convict Carl Lucas (Luke Goss)— aka Frankenstein— is a legendary driver in the brutal prison blood sport known as Death Race.
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Ay , he answered , his deep voice as a response to her thin one , may God receive me , a repentant sinner._ Good - by , Michael , she cried , and her voice ...
#79. 三個火槍手(中文導讀英文版) The Three Musketeers - Google 圖書結果
“Therefore, sire, your Majesty sees that they are come, quite contrite and repentant, to offer you their excuses.” “Quite contrite and repentant! Hem!
#80. Feeling bad 2023 -
depression. feel remorseful about. have a conscience about. repent of. ... is a yearning to feel animosity being repentant synonyms feel bad bad you …
#81. 10 Denzel Washington Movies That Prove He s the GOAT 2023
As a narc gone to the dark side — and not even remotely repentant about it — Washington tries to seduce Ethan Hawke's rookie into his crooked version of the ...
#82. 2023 Exactly what life for Jeffrey Dahmer was like when he ...
Some people who are in prison are repentant – but Dahmer was not one of them.” He said Dahmer would often get into “heated” exchanges with other prisoners.
#83. Antioch 2023 -
Baptism is to be performed only upon repentant believers in the name of the Antioch Map. Located in the East Bay region of the San Francisco ...
#84. Dale Earnhardt Jr s Prophecy Comes True as Austin Dillon ...
Suffice to say, he was not convinced that the Trackhouse driver was fully repentant. Fast-forward to the Sonoma Raceway, ...
#85. Why Did Christopher Scarver Kill Jeffrey Dahmer? 2023
Some people who are in prison are repentant — but he was not one of them."Article continues below advertisement. Scarver researched Dahmer' s crimes before ...
#86. She-Hulk finale review Even Deadpool is going to find this ...
Jen is able to finesse the story to her liking, putting Todd in handcuffs and making Abomination repentant. It neatly side steps Marvel's biggest recurring ...
#87. Repentant Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of REPENTANT is experiencing repentance : penitent. ... Recent Examples on the Web Reliable clients — repentant or bored — have ...
#88. The Repentant - YouTube
Provided to YouTube by AFM RecordsThe Repentant · Elvenking · Davide Moras · Aydan · Davide Moras · AydanReader of the Runes - Rapture℗ AFM ...
#89. Définitions : repentant - Dictionnaire de français Larousse
Littéraire. Qui manifeste un repentir de ses péchés. VOUS CHERCHEZ PEUT-ÊTRE. repentant adj.
#90. 寬容(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
As a token of repentance they came together one fine day with all their books of magic and burned more than ten thousand dollars worth of secret formulae, ...
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Accordingly, a few months after your departure for Ingolstadt, Justine was called home by her repentant mother. Poor girl! she wept when she quitted our ...
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When Leontes heard that the queen was dead he repented of his cruelty to her;and now that he thought his ill-usage had broken Hermione's heart,he believed ...
#93. 飄(下部)(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
I'll be meek under their coldness and repentant of my evil ways. I'll contribute to their damned charities and I'll go to their damned churches.
#94. 福爾摩斯歸來(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
As we left the house Lestrade remained in the front room while the repentant constable opened the door to let us out. Holmes turned on the step and held up ...
#95. 嘉莉妹妹(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
She became for the momenta repentant. While she was in this mood Drouet came in, bringing with him an entirely different atmosphere.
#96. 競選州長(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
A bitter reproach was on Sally's tongue:「I BEGGED you to sell, but you—」He did not say it; he had not the heart to add a hurt to that broken and repentant ...
repentant中文 在 The Repentant - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Provided to YouTube by AFM RecordsThe Repentant · Elvenking · Davide Moras · Aydan · Davide Moras · AydanReader of the Runes - Rapture℗ AFM ... ... <看更多>