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造句與例句 手機版 · The house had a squat, resilient look about it . · The latter can form a coating that is resilient . · Cartilage's surface is usually resilient ...
resilient 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. able to be happy, successful, ... Life is hard there, but the people are resilient. ... resilient的例句.
例句. 用作形容詞 (adj.) She is very resilient to change. 她對變化有很強的適應力. He'll get over it,young people are amazingly resilient.
使用Reverso Context: climate-resilient, sustainable and resilient, climate-resilient development, resilient and sustainable, resilient communities, ...
#6. resilient (【形容詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"resilient" 意思. resilient. /rɪˈzɪliənt/. 形容詞. "resilient" 例句. This cactus is very resilient and is able to survive in extremely high temperatures.
用resilient造句,resilient例句,关于resilient的英文句子. ... The house had a squat, resilient look about it . 房子低矮,但看上去很结实。
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#10. resilience的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed. Cotton is more resistant to being squashed and polyester is ...
#11. Resilient definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Resilient definition: Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit , stretched, or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations ...
#12. Intoduction to Urban Resilience | 學術寫作例句辭典
Resilient urban forms: A review of literature on streets and street networks 10.1016/J.BUILDENV.2018.09.040. Urban Resilience - 學術寫作例句.
#13. 單字resilient的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
單字resilient的中英文例句與用法. 穿這種氣墊運動鞋,您的雙腳會富有彈性。 Wearing this brand of air-cushion sports shoes you will feel that your feet are ...
#14. 關於Resilient的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: 請提供關於resilient 的例句給我。 A: The human body is amazingly resilient. Despite her illness, she was resilient until the end. A resilient person will not ...
#15. resilient的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
n. spiritless, inelastic. 英语例句库. 1.She has resilient character and will soon be cheerful again.
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resilient 相关例句. 形容词. 1. resilient的近义词. 1. Rubber is more resilient than wood.
#19. resiliency的中文翻譯_例句| techdict.net
resiliency 的中文是什麼意思,resiliency的中文翻譯_例句. 搜尋表單. English, resiliency. 中文, 彈性. system and method for resilient automation upgrade.
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瞭解更多關於英語單詞: resilient,包括定義、 同義字、 反義詞、 發音。 ... 例句. Resilient plugs are made of rubber..to take the rougher treatment.
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#22. resilient中文,resilient是什麼意思,resilient發音和翻譯 - 蘋果健康 ...
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#23. resilient response 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
因刺激等引起的)感應,反應,反響;應驗;【物理學】響應;【無線電】靈敏度,感擾性;特性曲線。 resilient response 例句. 目前還沒有resilient response例句。
#24. resilience翻译为:弹性;弹力;快速恢复
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例句 :The great pervasiveness of the ruling communist party keeps the Chinese Empire stable. 掌權的共產黨強大的滲透力,保持中國帝國的穩定。
#26. resilient中文
resilient 的中文意思:[ ri'ziliənt ] adj.1.跳回的,弹回的;有弹性的。 2,查阅resilient的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 resilient中文_resilient是什么意思.
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1)resilient teacher弹性教师 ... teacher resilience,including the characters of the resilient teacher,the effect of resilience on teaching ... 英文短句/例句.
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#30. resilient and sustainable-翻译为中文-例句英语 - 美妝貼文懶人包
resilient and sustainable-翻译为中文-例句英语-使用ReversoContext:sustainableandresilient,在英语-中文情境中翻译"resilientandsustainable"历史收藏夹 ...
#31. 讀新聞學英文
主題:實用英語字彙〕 resilient [rɪ`zɪlɪənt] (a.) ... 面對不性的事情)能恢復活力的;堅韌的;(對於改變)適應力強的【Examples例句】 Cotton is more resistant to ...
#32. resilient的意思 - 笔下字
双语例句. Cotton is more resistant to being squashed and polyester is more resilient. 棉布更抗压,而涤纶更有弹性。
#33. 【resilience中文】resilient的翻譯-CambridgeD... +1 | 健康跟著走
彈性;彈力;快速恢復的能力;回彈; 例句:Many resilience theory models described the developing mechanism of resilience an academic level from ...
#34. Jaw-dropping 令人瞠目结舌- BBC 英伦网
例句. Norway's Lofoten islands are famous for their jaw-dropping views of ... even the most resilient corporations were concerned about the ...
#35. resilient是什么意思 - 英语词典
#36. 英语-汉语resilient翻译
'resilient'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... "resilient" 汉语翻译. volume_up. resilient {形} ... 翻译; 单语例句; 同义词 ...
#37. resilience 造句_百度知道
"These young people seem to have done well; they have some resilience," she said. “这些年轻人看起来都表现得很好,他们有一定的韧性,”她说。
#38. resilient 中文
resilient 的中文意思:[ ri'ziliənt ] adj.1.跳回的,彈回的;有彈性的。 2,查閱resilient的詳細中文翻譯、發音、用法和例句等。 resilient中文_resilient是什么意思.
#39. Resilient - 晴報- 親子/教育
形容人或動物「適應能力強」,英文可以用resilient一字。 ... 例句:The cushioning of this pair of shoes is very resilient and springs back ...
#40. resilient的发音、翻译、参考例句-可可查词 - 查单词
参考例句. 1. Our carpet is hand - made of pure chinese wool. They are resilient and have fine workmanship. 我们的地毯是用中国纯羊毛手工织成的。
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resilient 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 彈回的,有彈力的;能復原的;可迅速恢復的。英漢詞典提供【resilient】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
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"resilience"意思、問題及例句...."re... | 星星公主.
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resilient 纠错. 英[rɪˈzɪliənt] 美[rɪˈzɪliənt] ... 权威例句. 有道词典-市场占有率第一的词典,立即下载 · 有道首页|反馈意见| 切换到PC版.
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#48. resilient中文resilient中文,resilient的意思,resilient翻譯及用法
resilient 中文的意思,翻譯及用法:adj. 彈回的,有彈力的;能復原的;可迅速恢復的。英漢詞典提供【resilient】的詳盡中文翻譯,用法,例句等
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双语例句. Resilient Packet Ring(RPR) is one of the important development orientation of LANs. 弹性分组环是城域网发展的重要方向。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net ...
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['ˈmætrəs'] a large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating ... 的读音,palliative的同义词,palliative的反义词,palliative的例句。
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【Official例句】. 1. According to this author, one solution would be to develop crop varieties that are more resilient to new climate trends and extreme ...
#53. The courage to face failure(面对失败的勇气)【每日听力】
... are people who have the mental resilience and the courage to face failure. ... recycle是什么意思-recycle的中文翻译-词根-怎么读音-例句.
#54. Courses and wales per inch. When a hybrid hob or a ...
Wire fencing types 1-4 are coated with Galfan, highly corrosion resistant zinc ... 的中文翻譯,course per inch的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 braces, uprights, ...
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精選商品 · RESILIENT舒肥雞胸 · 會員登入 · 新用戶註冊. 聯絡我們. prev. next. 精選商品. 3組滿千輸入折扣碼優惠. 加入購物車. 加入購物車.
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His popularity has been resilient. 他的聲望始終維持不墜。 4.迅速恢復. The solution is to give people the ability to be resilient in the event of ...
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易受傷的、有弱點的c/u例句 He is vulnerable to pressure.他容易受壓力影響。 Ɛ 同義字 sensitive;exposed ℈反義字 invulnerable;resilient 答: Women are more ...
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resilience [ rı'ziliəns ] n.34 +3 ; 1 TUJE potentially [ pə'tensəli ] adv . ... incomes ...... staple cropĚTES 例句 Rice is a staple crop in much of Asia .
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Katy Perry 這系列的MV 都好用心!! 這首歌走一個勵志風格(?)講著要在逆境中成長、發光的決心~ I know there's gotta be rain if I want th.
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例句 Thank God she had been spared the ordeal of surgery.感謝上帝她不必受開刀之苦。 ... 例句 We will always remember his courage and resilience.
#62. Synonyms & Antonyms of resilient - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for RESILIENT: bouncy, elastic, flexible, rubberlike, rubbery, springy, stretch, stretchable; Antonyms for RESILIENT: inelastic, inflexible, ...
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但你是否知道夜晚越黑星星越亮? [Chorus] Cause I am resilient 因為我有韌性. A full flower moment 在花朵盛開的時刻
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... Today(2009/5/12)报头的一篇题为“Rising at Ground Zero(“9·11”事件被炸平的世界贸易中心大楼遗址),a symbol of resilience”的短文里有一幅插图, ... 见例句: 1.a.
#65. 托福词汇 字字珠玑 - Google 圖書結果
例句 •Ecologists are especially interested to know what factors contribute to the resilience of communities because climax communities all over the world are ...
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主題:實用英語字彙〕 resilient [rɪ`zɪlɪənt] (a.) ... 面對不性的事情)能恢復活力的;堅韌的;(對於改變)適應力強的【Examples例句】 Cotton is more resistant to ... ... <看更多>