#1. 特許權使用費 - MBA智库百科
特許權使用費(Royalty Fee)所謂特許權使用費,是指受許人在特許經營合同期內按一定的標準或比例向特許人定期支付的費用。特許權使用費通常也稱為管理費、權益金, ...
#2. royalty fee - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
▾. 英语-中文正在建设中 ; royalty 名 · 用费 ; royalty · 显贵 ; fee sb. 动 · 给某人小费 ...
#3. 買斷式授權 - 维基百科
買斷式授權(英文:Royalty-free,縮寫:RF)用來宣告一項具有版權、專利或著作權的產品能(永久或特定時段)被使用而不需要支付權利金或執照費(License fee),即免 ...
#4. royalty fee翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
royalty fee中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:使用費。英漢詞典提供【royalty fee】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供royalty fee的在線翻譯,royalty fee是什麼意思,royalty fee的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
royalty fee中文 意思::特許權費…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋royalty fee的中文翻譯,royalty fee的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
沪江词库精选royalty fee是什么意思、英语单词推荐、royalty fee的用法、royalty fee的中文意思、翻译royalty fee是什么意思.
royalty fee 中文 意思是什麼 ... 發行商可以向開發者支付一筆固定的費用,或使用費(根據產品的實際使用率) ,或提成費(根據發行商從產品中取得的收入) ,或這些方法的混合。
#10. royalty fee 是什么意思 - 独特工具箱
...:特许人将特许经营权授予受许人时所收取的一次性费用。它体现的是特许人所拥有的品牌、专利、经营技术诀窍、经营模式、商誉等无形资产的价值。 5、特许权使用费( ...
#11. ROYALTY FEES 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
ROYALTY FEES ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“ROYALTY FEES” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#12. 專 - 會計及金融詞彙中英對照
中文 英文 參考 專戶儲存 specific account deposit 漢英會計詞彙 專用交易系統 proprietary trading system 漢英證券及金融詞彙 專用借款 specific purpose loan 漢英會計詞彙
#13. royalty license fee差别-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭
找royalty license fee差别在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供royalty fee權利金,royalty fee中文,royalty fee意思相關資訊,找royalty license fee差别就在網路品牌 ...
#14. royalty中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典
royalty 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译. royalty ... miscellaneous nonincome support, royalties, company stock, or a consulting fee.
#15. royalty - 英汉词典
royalty. 英语, 中文. royalty-bearing adj, (involving a share of sales) ... one-time license fee bearing but royalty-free license - English Only forum
#16. Royalty fee 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Royalty fee 释义: A fee is a sum of money that you pay to be allowed to do something. [...] | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#17. Royalty or Fixed Fee? (最適授權策略:單位權利金或定額權利金?)
Optimal Licensing Strategy: Royalty or Fixed Fee? (最適授權策略:單位權利金或定額權利金?)
#18. 特许权使用费_百度百科
中文 名: 特许权使用费; 分 类: 知识产权类 ... 权利费(royalties)和许可费(licence fees)彼此间本无本质区别,因此,《协议》即是将它们放在一起使用的。
#19. royalty fee的简体中文翻译
royalty fee. royalty fee. 11/5000. 自动识别, 世界语, 丹麦语, 乌克兰语, 乌兹别克语, 乌尔都语, 亚美尼亚语, 伊博语, 俄语, 保加利亚语, 信德语, 修纳语, 僧伽罗语 ...
#20. "royalties"版税? - 日记- 豆瓣
所以,翻译完我的那部分,特意搜索、思考了二者的差别以及译法。 Royalty中文一般称为“版税”,是和版权(copyright)对应的,是一种usage-based payment( ...
#21. royalty fee是什么意思_royalty fee的中文意思 - 健康跟著走
特许权使用费通常也称为管理费、权益 ... ,大量翻译例句关于"royalty fee" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ,Definition of royalty fee: The periodic ...
#22. 賦稅業務中英文詞彙對照表中文詞彙英文詞彙所1 綜合所得稅 ...
Issuance of Tax Payment Certificate (English and Chinese) for Individual Income Tax. 22. 外籍人士稅務講習及. 座談. Taxation Forum and Seminar for Aliens ...
#23. 使用费-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
针对服务费、利息和专利权使用费制定节税型汇款流程。 Developing tax-efficient procedures for the remittance of service fees, interest and royalties.
#24. Royalty Fee Registry Subgraph - LooksRare Docs
Description. This subgraph tracks changes of royalty fee information from the RoyaltyFeeRegistry smart contract. NFT contracts that implement ...
#25. 特许权使用费(Royalty Fee) - CSDN博客
特许权使用费(Royalty Fee) 什么是特许权使用费所谓特许权使用费, ... 《Programming the Microsoft Windows driver model》的中文版.part1.rar.
#26. 錙銖必較的專利權利金-工業技術與資訊月刊-出版品-新聞中心
權利金的類型依其計算方式可分為二大類:定額權利金(fixed fee)與計量權利金(running royalty)。由於採取定額權利金仍不容易估計未來收益情形,因此實務上多採取 ...
#27. 關於Royalty的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: "with royalty" in The Pembroke variety of this breed is popular with royalty.是什麼意思 ... When you have not paid the fee yet, you owe it to the owner.
#28. What is a royalty fee? - LinkedIn
The on-going Royalty Fee is the Franchisor's share of the income derived from customers or clients. It's an important concept because it ...
#29. 關務業務中英文詞彙對照表
中文 詞彙. Chinese. 英文詞彙. English. 徵課類. Customs Duty. Collection ... 158 推廣貿易服務費Trade Promotion Service Fee ... Royalties and License Fees.
#30. ROYALTY - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
Most publishers still insist on acquiring electronic rights along with print at the royalty rate that's been in place for years: 25% of net profits.
#31. 【法律評析】淺談授權合約(license-agreement)
授權金(Royalty-or-Licensing-Fee)- -雖然說授權金通常都是商業談判主導,但在法務角度還是必須理解其內容,因為整份授權合約是一體的, ...
#32. royalty payment - 抓鸟
royalty payment 的解释是:特许使用金… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:royalty payment的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#33. NFT 版稅:它們是什麼以及它們如何運作? - Medium
NFT Royalties. Photo by Old Money on Unsplash. 隨著NFT 成為眾人矚目的焦點,藝術家和內容創作者發現這些代幣對他們非常有益,即使他們已經出售 ...
#34. 何謂「權利金」及「授權金」? | royalty權利金 - 訂房優惠
最近看文件看到這兩個名詞:權利金(royalty revenue)和授權金(licensing revenue) ... fee中文 royalty fee權利金 royalty意思 授權金權利金差異 royalty fee意思 ...
#35. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
英文, scale of ad valorem fees. 中文, 從價收費表. 類別, 工業貿易 ... 中文, 經紀佣金收費表. 類別, 財經. 英文, scale of copyright royalty charges.
#36. 「重要會計用語中英對照」 要會計用語中英對照」 要會計用語 ...
Admission fees. 入場費. 53. Advance. 預付款/墊款/預收款. 54 adverse economic consequences. 不利之經濟後果. 55 adverse event. 不利事件. 56. After-tax amount.
#37. Taxation of cross-border interest and royalty payments in the ...
These interest and royalty payments shall be exempt from any taxes in that State provided that the beneficial owner of the payment is a company or permanent ...
#38. 台灣企業匯款給海外公司,要扣繳多少稅額?
預扣稅率Withholding Tax Rate ... Upon approval from tax authority, for example technical service fee of NTD 2 million would ... 4, Royalties fee, 20%/0%.
#39. royalty的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典
巴比倫盡力滿足王室成員的需要. speaker. The royalty rate shall be × % of the net sales value of the ...
#40. 賦稅業務中英文詞彙對照表中文詞彙英文詞彙1 綜合所得稅 ...
中文 詞彙. 英文詞彙. 1. 綜合所得稅. Individual Income Tax ... Income from Royalties ... Tax Bill for Filing Individual Income Tax (Self-payment).
#41. Copyright Royalty Charges - HKRRLS
License Scheme Copyright Royalty Charge for Photocopying Licence (HK$) 1 Educational establishments Primary schools $7,598 / school / annum Secondary schools $18,422 / school / annum
#42. What are royalties and licensing fees? - Flexport
Royalties are usage-based payments from one party to another. Licensing fees are paid as part of an agreement that define the terms under which a tangible ...
#43. 技術授權契約入門 - 益思科技法律事務所
(一)、一次付款方式(LUMPSUM PAYMENT) ... 的權利金是可預期的,此方式係先收取一定數額權利金,等到實際應支付RUNNING ROYALTY時,再扣抵或找補。
#44. Royalty-free是什么意思
这是区别于传统的版权付费模式,即多次使用在不同场景或是传播渠道都需要进行付费, Royalty … royalty fee中文_royalty ...
#45. Article Content - Laws & Regulations Database of The ...
Management fees: The fees a CMO charges an economic rights holder for performing collective management services. 7.Royalty rates: The criteria for calculation, ...
#46. X2Y2 允許買家選擇「零版稅」,標誌著NFT 產業邁入下一輪發展
NFT 版稅(Royalties)是吸引以藝術家為主的早期項目最重要武器,完美解決了 ... A standardized way to retrieve royalty payment information for ...
#47. royalty 六级GRE考研 - 欧路词典
『欧路词典』为您提供royalty的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的royalty的中文意思,royalty的读音,royalty的同义词,royalty的反义词,royalty的 ... royalty fee 使 费.
#48. Airbus Royalty Fees: What Has Happened So Far?
Airbus' proposal for a royalty fee on airframe maintenance providers' gross invoices has MROs very concerned. The fee would apply to any airframe MRO that ...
#49. FRAND訂價授權承諾與競爭法關係之探討
繁體中文DOI: 10.6840/cycu202100773 DOI ... How to determine the royalty fee and the field of use restriction remains a crucial topic.
#50. Royalty contract management - Dynamics 365 - Microsoft Learn
Audience and purpose; Royalty contracts; Sell products that qualify for a royalty fee and generate a claim; Process claims and pass them as ...
#51. royalty fee (English → Spanish) – DeepL Translate
Translate "royalty fee" from English to Spanish with the world's most accurate translator. Millions translate with DeepL every day.
#52. Is It Royalty Or Non-Royalty For Tax Purposes | Publications
In many court cases ruled by the Thai Supreme Court, it was deemed that some 'general fees' are regarded as 'royalties' and thus subject to Thai withholding tax ...
#53. Understanding the Taiwan Tax Treaty | A Comprehensive Guide
Global; English · 한국어; Hong Kong; English · 繁體中文 ... the payments for service and royalty fees will both be subject to 20% of ...
#54. Royalty fee | English to Chinese | Finance (general) -
Royalty fee. Chinese translation: 本来是指版税. 现在是...作品使用费;专利权使用费 ...
#55. MCBA Royalty Rate Structure - Access Advance
MCBA Royalty Rate Structure. MCBA royalty rates for VVC + HEVC Products are the same as the VVC Advance Patent Pool royalty rates (i.e., the rates for ...
#56. 中華民國外交部全球資訊網-雙語辭彙對照表
中文 辭彙 :. 英文辭彙 :. 開頭字母: ... 速件處理費, expedited service fee. 期滿, expiration ... 權利金;特許權使用費, royalty.
#57. royalty fee - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung - PONS
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für royalty fee im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#58. Royalties - Brill
Title detail – Royalty earnings: This section presents information concerning royalty rate, net copies sold and the figures relating to the current royalty ...
#59. Calculation of Royalty – 25% Rule | IMarket
The 25% Rule is the starting point of negotiation of royalty fee. ... The 25% Rule suggested that the licensees pay a royalty rate equivalent to the 25% of ...
#60. Rental or royalty income - Glossary -
The amount someone pays you to use your property, after you subtract the expenses you have for the property. Royalty income includes any payments you get ...
#61. 雙語辭彙 - 經濟部智慧財產局
編號 中文Chinese 英文English 2 不明瞭記載之釋明 clarify ambiguous statements 3 中華民國專利資訊檢索系統 Taiwan Patent Search System 4 公告 publish
#62. Revenue Split FAQs - Google Play Books Partner Center Help
Are there any fees associated with the revenue split? No. Google doesn't charge fees related to this 70% revenue split. 7. When will the 70% ebook revenue ...
#63. How to mitigate the risks of double taxation on royalty fees
According to the General Administration of Customs in China (GACC) guidelines, royalties refer to fees paid by the buyer of imported goods ...
#64. Qualification Fees | Bluetooth® Technology Website
Declaration Fees ; Declaration Fee, A Declaration fee must be paid for any new, changed, used or branded Bluetooth product, $4,800 ; GATT-based Profile Client ( ...
#65. Departmental Interpretation And Practice Notes - No. 22
Basic charge. 1. Deeming provisions. 2. Source of royalty income. The broad guiding principle. 4. Application of the broad guiding principle.
#66. Royalty Fees on Spotify
Listen to Royalty Fees on Spotify. KiNg EmErY · Ep · 2019 · 5 songs.
#67. Royalty Fees in Algorand Using PyTeal
This is a short tutorial that explains how to implement Royalty Fees using Inner Transactions and Teal v5 capabilities in Algorand.
#68. 交易Royalty Pharma plc -
Short position overnight fee ; 收入, 2.24B ; EPS, 0.11 ; 股息(收益率%), 2.22037 ; 貝塔, -100.00K ; 下一個財報發布日期, May 9, 2023 ...
#69. Initial Franchise Fee vs Royalty Fee: What's The Difference?
Two of the most common costs associated with franchising are initial franchise fees and royalty fees. Franchisees – especially those new to ...
#70. 附件2:匯出匯款之分類及說明Attachment 2
and agency fees related to cargo and passenger transportation. ... designs), including royalties paid for the right to broadcast or.
#71. Franchise Fee & Royalties: What Do I Get in Return?
As a Del Taco Franchisee, you'll be responsible for paying a variety of ongoing royalty fees along with your initial franchise fee.
#72. Royalty for H.264 compression - NXP Community
However, you may need to obtain additional licensing or other rights (e.g. MPEG LA, Via). NXP does not charge a license fee or royalty. NXP is legally unable to ...
#73. How are royalties paid to nonresidents taxed in the US
A royalty payment must relate to the use of a valuable right. According to the IRS, tax must be withheld on the payment of royalties from ...
#74. Release and Royalty Tracking Guidelines - Unreal Engine
Access Epic Games' premium fee-based support resource. ... (Brasil) [Portuguese (Brazil)]简体中文 [Simplified Chinese] ... Royalty payment and tracking.
#75. 为什么说EIP-2981 的生效对于NFT 创作者来说至关重要?
为什么说EIP-2981 的生效对于NFT 创作者来说至关重要? 中文区 ... 还可享受二级市场中产生的每一次转售收入的特定比例收入分成,这被称作是「 royalty payment」。
#76. 中國大陸對外支付的稅務備案作業更便利了| 勤業眾信 - Deloitte
中國大陸台商常見對外支付的項目包含股息、利息、技術服務費(Service Fee)及特許權使用費(權利金Royalty Fee),操作時應同時符合兩岸法規,提醒應注意事項如下:.
#77. Royalties | Payments Solutions - Convera
Optimise your royalty payments for content publishing ... 1 TRANSACTION FEE: The transaction fee is the sum of the fee(s) charged by correspondent bank(s) ...
#78. Franchising FAQs - Singapore - Subway
1. Why should I join the Subway® team? · 2. How much is the franchisee fee? · 3. How much are the royalty and advertising fees? · 4. How much does it cost to open ...
#79. Nepal orders closure of two casinos for failure to pay royalties
The government had at the time waived an annual royalty fee for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2021 for all casinos that had been regularly ...
#80. Regulatory Fees - DNR: Water -
a certificate of deposit. Royalty Fee: In addition to the surety bond, the Sand and Gravel Permits Act also requires that the Department "... collect ...
#81. 第112BT章《稅務(關於收入及資本稅項的雙重課稅寬免和防止 ...
including any withholding tax, prepayment or advance payment with ... its other offices by way of royalties, fees or other similar payments ...
#82. iStock Rate Card, effective January 1, 2023
The Royalty Rate charts below explains what you earn as a contributor when your files are licensed. These royalty rates apply to licenses of your ...
#83. 3412 Royalty Payment Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Royalty Payment stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#84. KTV Royalty Fee Finally Set --
KTV Royalty Fee Finally Set. Adjust font size: ZoomIn ZoomOut. Karaoke bar owners will pay up to of 12 yuan (US$1.50) per room a day to cover the copyright ...
#85. License Fees – ViaCorp - AAC
Volume (per unit*/annual reset), Per Unit Fee. For the first 1 to 500,000 units, $0.98. For units 500,001 to 1,000,000, $0.78.
#86. What is royalty - Sesli Sözlük
Definition of royalty in English English dictionary. The payment received by an owner of real property for exploitation of mineral rights on his property ...
#87. Identification and Treatment of Income from Mailing Lists - IRS
The Court upheld the Tax Court's decision that payment received for the right to use a mailing list constituted a royalty because the exempt ...
#88. UK High Court decision paves the way on setting global ...
She added: “The UK is one of only two jurisdictions willing to set a global FRAND royalty rate, the other being China.
#89. 新藥公司的獲利模式:授權金&權利金 - StockFeel 股感
新藥公司授權時會先有ㄧ筆簽約 授權金(又稱作前金;upfront payment) ... 若產品成功上市,每年還可以根據營收金額,抽取上市銷售 權利金 (royalty)。
#90. European Court of Justice rules royalty paid for know-how ...
It becomes evident from this case that it is increasingly important to assess the customs valuation treatment of royalties and license fees if ...
#91. New Rewards - Graton Resort & Casino
#92. Kimberley diamond explorers applaud WA Government's ...
Sparkling praise for the McGowan Government's 30 per cent royalty rate cut on diamonds, from exploration companies in the Kimberley, ...
#93. royalty的翻译- 音标_读音_用法_例句 - 金山词霸
#94. Royalty (Case 2) - Tax Ideas
The 10% fee received by your firm fits the definition of royalty. It will be assessed as ordinary income under s6-5. Lump-sum payment for anticipated future ...
#95. U.S. Royalties vs. Services Income for Non-U.S. Citizens
The question driving the U.S. tax treatment is whether the payment from the sponsor is treated as royalty income, or as payment for services ...
#96. Negotiation & Agreements - Patent Royalty Rates - Kisch IP
Things to consider when formulating a royalty rate. At some stage during the negotiation of any agreement in which one party licenses the ...
royalty fee中文 在 royalty license fee差别-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭 的推薦與評價
找royalty license fee差别在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供royalty fee權利金,royalty fee中文,royalty fee意思相關資訊,找royalty license fee差别就在網路品牌 ... ... <看更多>