Please don't shut me down! 請不要讓我失望! -- 在Homeland 第一季第一集一開始,Claire的線人被抓了,希望CIA副局長David能夠動用關係 ... ... <看更多>
Please don't shut me down! 請不要讓我失望! -- 在Homeland 第一季第一集一開始,Claire的線人被抓了,希望CIA副局長David能夠動用關係 ... ... <看更多>
造句 與例句 手機版 · Its stump of a tail shut down . · They have shut down their factory . · The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed . · The unit ...
Some road haulage firms had been held to ransom by union demands, backed by threats of instant shutdown . 工會曾以立即停工相威脅,向一些陸運公司提出要求,進行 ...
例句與用法 ; Its stump of a tail shut down . 它那半截尾巴緊貼在身后。 ; They have shut down their factory . 他們把工廠關閉了。 ; The workshop has shut down and the ...
#4. 用shut down造句,shut down的例句,双语对照(41-50) - 查查在线 ...
查查权威在线词典提供shut down的英汉双语例句,shut down的英语和汉语双语例句一共有50句,本页显示第41到第50句。
There was talk of closing down two mines. it was at this point that gerald arrived on the scene . 人們私下議論說兩礦井行將關閉。杰羅爾德就是在這當口上任的。
例句與用法 · The evening was closing down tranquilly . · They won't close down for a long time . · When we arrived they were closing down .
shut down造句. 1、Local governments in some areas were forced to shut down schools temporarily to use them as store houses.(一些地区的地方政府被迫暂时关闭 ...
We can't shut down the comms, because we'll lose telemetry and guidance. And we can't shut down the computers, because we need to run the ship.
#9. shut down (【片語動詞】關閉, 停工, 歇業)意思、用法及發音
"shut down" 例句 ... This factory has been shut down. 這間工廠停工了。 The whole restaurant chain was shut down. 這個連鎖餐廳每間都關閉了。
shutdown 的例句. shutdown. On shutdown, outputs shall latch in the de-energised state until the initiating condition has cleared and a manual ...
#11. close down造句 - 百度一下
close down造句 - 百度知道 · 百度知道 ; closedown是什么意思- closedown的意思- 用法- 同义词... · 沪江网校 ; closedown造句- 用closedown造句大全 ; close - down用於句子| ...
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shutdown 造句 / 例句1. Following the plantshutdown, New Hampshire ... 沪江词库精选shut down是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语1.
#14. shutting down 中文 | 蘋果健康咬一口
同时,该页为英语学习者提供:shut down的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。 ... 用"shutting down"造句[1]"shutting down" in a sentence[2]"shutting ...
#15. shut down是什么意思,shut down怎么读 - 英语翻译在线翻译
shut down 的中文意思:完全关闭;停工;停下,点击查看详细解释:shut down的中文翻译、shut down的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握shut down这个短语。
#16. 花一分鐘記單詞:shutdown - 每日頭條
解釋:很明顯,這個詞是shut + down 的組合,shut sth. down 是「關掉……」的意思,而shutdown 則表示「關停的狀態」。
#17. shut down翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
shut down 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:停工,關閉。英漢詞典提供【shut down】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#18. shut down造句简单- 布格伦科技网
shutdown造句 1、factoryshutdownloss 2、India has threatened a similarshutdown. 3、Close andshutdownthe database connection. 4、A thread is allocated.
#19. 潮流英語- To sail close to the wind 頂風而行 - BBC
如果形容某人is sailing close to the wind 意思就是某人做冒險的事或斗膽做幾乎是違法的事 ... He was very close to having the company shut down.
#20. shut-down-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: shut down, shut it down, shut us down, shut you down, shut them down,在英语-中文情境中翻译"shut-down"
#21. 每天美劇學英語- Please don't shut me down! 請不要讓我失望!...
Please don't shut me down! 請不要讓我失望! -- 在Homeland 第一季第一集一開始,Claire的線人被抓了,希望CIA副局長David能夠動用關係 ...
#22. put down造句- 西瓜视频
西瓜视频为您提供又新又全的put down造句相关视频内容,支持在线观看。更有海量高清视频、相关 ... 脐橙英语头像. 【常用短语记忆】 Put down, cut down和shut down.
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此外也提醒大家,開關機絕對不能用close 這個單字,因為close 通常是用在真的有蓋子的實體物品上。 My laptop always turns off automatically. Is there ...
#24. economic和economical傻傻分不清 - Funday
例:We have decided to shut down all our branches in France because it's no longereconomic to keep them. (我們決定關閉法國所有分店,因為再開 ...
#25. orderly close-down是什么意思 - 趣词词典
趣词词典为大家提供orderly close-down是什么意思、orderly close-down的用法、orderly close-down造句等单词或短语的查询服务。
#26. 9 大實用turn 介係詞片語學好學滿,流利口說不是夢!
Turn on 是「打開(電器)」,那想當然爾,turn off 就是相反的意思啦,也就是「關掉(電器)」。 Remember to turn off the air conditioner before ...
#27. 「降低成本」英文不是Cost down!職場常見的8 種錯誤用法
我不是很明白你的意思。 PPT 是台灣人對PowerPoint 的簡稱,但外國人並不會這樣說,他們稱投影片為slide。所以別再和 ...
#28. 台大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第238期
The U.S. government has shut down, and the world is still turning. ... 還是一踏糊塗,難怪最近寫作中心的短期文法造句課程一推出就快速爆滿啦。
#29. 2020年度10大關鍵字出爐!「Lockdown封鎖」奪冠 - 風傳媒
跟肺炎疫情相關. lockdown 封鎖、封城. 今年的年度代表字為lockdown「封城」。lockdown 原本的意思 ...
#30. 文法講座三十一:副詞「否則;不然」otherwise | 大學堂英文
C. James excels in English; otherwise, it is by no means his favorite subject. D. Don't shut down the computer, otherwise you are told to do so.
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down to the scrotum. ▫ 4.The pain began in the right temporal ... She tended to fall forward or backward when she closed her eyes. 伴隨或相關症狀. 基本用語.
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提供Private''造句相關文章,想要了解更多private名詞、private label中文、private ... person中文Privacyprivate中文意思private音標private發音shut down造句 ...
#34. closed down什么意思 - 天天知识网
最佳答案: closed down (工厂、企业等)停业(电台)停止播放(雾等)笼罩(close down的过去式与过去分词)短语closed-down 停机closed-down period 关闭 ...
#35. “reactor down”可以造什么句 - 经典语录
“reactor down”可以造什么句,reactor down造句. 2018-02-20 2.2W. The control rods are also used to shut the reactor down from 100% power to about 7% power ...
#36. 疫情期间,封城、隔离、复工用英文怎么说? - 知乎专栏
造句. Italy will start lifting the coronavirus lockdown from May 4. 意大利将从5月4日起逐步解封。 停工. shutdown ['ʃʌtdaʊn]. 造句.
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#40. shut up造句简单 - 罗辞问答网
by turn off造句子 at 2022-04-11 00:50:36. shut up的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 参考翻译关上,关闭,保藏,监禁,闭口不语英英释义shut up的用法和样例: ...
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'shut down'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
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up and down造句简单. by 用high造句简单 at 2022-04-08 16:02:22. 精品文档(可编辑) 值得下载《Up and Down》教学设计教学内容: 小学EEC 英语二年级第五课.
#44. Incongruous definition pronunciation. Such traditional ...
After 11 years, it either needed a big rewrite or to be shut down, ... incongruous造句, incongruous造句, 用incongruous造句, incongruous meaning, definition, ...
#45. 停產英
發音: "停產"怎麼讀"停產"的意思用"停產"造句. 英文翻譯手機版. stop production ... 熱停產" 英文翻譯: warm shutdown. "停產期" 英文翻譯: idling ...
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本站精心整理收集close down造句的各类经验分享以及stop doing造句,make sense造句,pollution造句,the population of造句等各类相关信息。
shut down造句 在 每天美劇學英語- Please don't shut me down! 請不要讓我失望!... 的推薦與評價
Please don't shut me down! 請不要讓我失望! -- 在Homeland 第一季第一集一開始,Claire的線人被抓了,希望CIA副局長David能夠動用關係 ... ... <看更多>