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從概念的輕型特技車款,到市售的運動型輕街車,BMW破天荒踏入了小c.c.數檔車市場。不知道是不是很多人都是被BMW的標誌給吸引過來的。觀望很久,終於有隻機會可以試騎到。順便來跟其他試騎過的同級距檔車做個簡單比較。單缸競爭對手目前是 KTM 390 Duke 和 Honda CB300R。
It was a stunt machine in its concept form to show its fun factor. Never thought BMW would break into small bike segment, and yet here it is. Finally test rode the bike. The single cylinder competitors are KTM 390 Duke and HONDA CB300R.
MotoVlog 187 摩托日記第一百八十七篇
Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once
Other Music: Mikey Geiger - Hey Hi Hello