tell me how could you just let it go to ice
While I just kept on burning for you inside
guess it’ll always hurt me more than I deserve
No matter how hard
We try to steer time
Guess you never really thought it’s worth the fight
the world’s so big It must’ve never crossed your mind
you were tender and warm
I just can’t let that go tonight
Here I am back at it with another English version of a cpop ballad (or shall I say tpop now!) called Man Leng (Slow Cooling or some sh*t?) ! It’s as usual, sad af!
#Denasings #Dena唱歌
#denachang #dena #singer #singers #vocal #guitar #musician #tiktoksinger #singing #singersongwriter #songwriter #唱歌 #創作歌手 #彈唱 #自彈自唱 #英文歌 #西洋歌
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅我們OUR CHANNEL,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(可以開啟中文字幕呦 有中文!) The alcohol is not enough。 演唱:陳華 編曲/混音/錄音:言奕.洪亮 攝影/影片剪輯:Howard 封面拍攝/設計:李歐 手寫字:陳華 原唱:Keshi / 🌟工作邀約:[email protected] / Drank to...
「so sad中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於so sad中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於so sad中文 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於so sad中文 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於so sad中文 在 我們OUR CHANNEL Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於so sad中文 在 Just Minnie Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於so sad中文 在 This is Tina Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於so sad中文 在 gnash - I'm so sad 中文字幕 的評價
- 關於so sad中文 在 It's so sad - Skyline-MTP资讯站 - Facebook 的評價
so sad中文 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook 的精選貼文
好多年前有朋友問我 Android 同 iPhone 有乜分別,佢話佢老細問佢,要佢寫一份報告畀佢決定買邊部手機。無錯呢個老細確實可以畀錢請我個朋友去幫佢查下手機,但其實自己上網 Google 一下,就可以搵到一大堆比較。
至於文首提到嗰個阿叔,當初正是無視自身能力不足,反而故意貶低中文輸入為低含金嘅技術,到而家都唔識打字。可惜佢無聘請秘書,只能間中用手寫輸入法,發啲繁簡混雜嘅聊天訊息來,寫嘢重 1999。
So sad。
so sad中文 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[是日發財大計]加個液精體顯示,成件事就high tech晒,賣貴幾十倍!
TLDR:「數碼」驗孕棒,賣貴幾十倍,其實就係用返low tech驗孕紙,不過加個display話你知有冇中獎。真係冇誠意,至少都識發聲先係嘛。或者會識去通知經手人。
BBC 原文:The surprising secret hidden in a pregnancy test(https://bityl.co/3Tkx)。係喎,BBC我都睇的。除咗要睇得多,仲要睇得快。但睇得多自然睇得快。
1. 人生除咗金融,仲有好多嘢好有意義好過癮嘅。例如繁殖下一代(特別係個過程)。唔過癮就唔會有你同我啦,對不?
2. 周末輕鬆啲,睇呢啲。不過驗孕呢啲嘢,搞錯咗就可大可小,都係小心啲好。
3. 埃汾就肯定唔係專家,照計女讀者一定清楚過我。男讀者嘛?我估十居其九都唔識,除非係醫生,或者播落好多種。
4. 驗孕棒,或紙,我就真係唔熟。唯一見過就係睇戲,或者睇漫畫(有集金田一用呢個做主題!)。咩一條線定兩條線之類,唔識。有錯請諒
5. 但,話說家陣外國(唔知香港興唔興?)有「數碼驗孕棒」?咩東西?幸好唔係「智能驗孕棒」或者「大數據驗孕棒」(開個Excel儲起佢),「雲端驗孕棒」(放上Dropbox通知經手人)甚至「區塊鏈驗孕棒」(屙咗落去冇得改掛)。
6. 「數碼驗孕棒」是甚麼東西?就係圖中呢支嘢。價值7蚊美金,兩支。一支25蚊港紙左右,當然係不能循環使用啦(唔得架?)。有啲貴啲嘅牌子,賣到成舊水港紙一支。而聽聞傳統嘅非數碼low tech驗孕紙,應該兩蚊港紙搞掂。
7. 咁但,當然有人玩開箱文,仲係男人(!)(其實冇講明係男人,但我估係)。但佢冇屙落去(佢話),只係淋水,同埋拆開嚟睇下!(成個開箱文詳情可睇https://bityl.co/3Tlg)
8. 拆開,發現係乜?哈哈,基本上就係low tech驗孕紙!再加堆LED(發光二極管,簡單嘢,你見啲指示燈嘅紅色就係,用嚟照明都得)同Photodetector(光敏電阻之類?)。用嚟做乜?就用嚟讀下張low tech驗孕紙係一條線定兩條線。應該係如果有條線就會阻咗光,之類。
9. 然後?再加個LCD(液晶體顯示器,可惜唔係精液體顯示器),顯示畀你睇,有咗,定冇(英文啦,不過照計中文都唔難)。
10. 係咪十分低能呢!
11. 聽聞入面仲有粒IC(集成電路,亦即係晶片,芯片),Holtek HT48C06(唔知係乜),8-bit microcontroller. 64 bytes of RAM(唔識,照抄),唔係流嘢嚟架!勁過元祖IBM PC,不過你就在上面屙篤尿然後掉走,so sad.但反正,求其一部早期嘅智能電話(埃瘋科或快乎之類),運算功能都係當年NASA阿波羅11號登月部電腦幾千倍了。而你拎嚟玩Candy Crush或者當鬧鐘
12. 但,完全唔知塊晶片係用嚟做乜的。咁當然,仲要有電池啦,唔係水力發電。
13. 結論?咪就係why bother,扮high tech,根本個核心技術(!)就係同個幾兩蚊low tech驗孕紙一樣。買一支high tech嘢,夠你用low tech驗孕紙驗幾十次,仲唔使生產咁多電子垃圾。
14. 埃汾感想?呢個年代,咁呃人唔得嘅,硬件實畀人拆開。即係你話銀行搵條友縮在櫃員機入面都仲得啫,因為人地冇得拎你部機返屋企拆。但賣畀零售客嘅,實畀人拆開睇。其實以前都會,但以前資訊唔流通咁解。即係你咩智能咖啡機都係,如果係縮條女在入面(鄭融?)沖嘅,你Demo都仲呃到人,但賣出街實死啦
15. 所以,雖則我唔識,但呃人都係整software好啲。啲乜鬼大數據機器學習AI,你唔公開個梳屎code,應該可以呃一段時間掛?冇咁快reverse engineer 到?
16. 不過,都係有啲人仲係覺得「數碼嘢」令佢安心啲。話傳統驗孕紙條線,唔同人可能睇到唔同結果喎(埃汾按:舍利子咩)。有啲人可能見到條線,有人話唔係,咁喎。有個LCD Display安心啲,pregnant or not pregnant,如是我聞。畀多一百幾十買個安心都好喎。再一次見到,tech人嘅諗法,同真正用家又未必一樣
16.5 但開箱男反駁,我都同意。其實只係個精液體顯示,畀啲假嘅安全感你。你肉眼會睇錯,唔通入面堆cheap雞 photo senor 就唔會錯咩!好平架咋
17. 同場加映,其實數碼驗孕棒,入面仲有粒藥丸狀嘅東西—有人以為係事後丸!(https://bityl.co/3To7).大佬,防潮珠嚟的……唔食得的說(*).防止個電路板受潮生鏽的
支持埃汾食更多山椒粉,請訂Patreon :https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一星期至少三篇港美市場評點,一個月一舊水唔使,開張一個月已500人訂!仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
本星期內特惠售價: $80
客服whatsapp: 63832145
so sad中文 在 我們OUR CHANNEL Youtube 的最佳解答
(可以開啟中文字幕呦 有中文!)
The alcohol is not enough。
🌟工作邀約:[email protected]
Drank too much, got the sickness
Pray to God and his son for forgiveness
Same crew but another mistress
Every day, every night getting wasted
But I miss you, what did I do?
Fuck it up, laugh it off and I lost you
If I pull through, is it too soon?
Turn it up, close my eyes, then I'm with you
Yo Marvin, stop callin'
Sad Iverson is ballin'
In the corner of a room by himself
You are nothin' but an empty shell
Every night, he going down to hell
Fake love in a shit hotel
Can't believe how far he fell
You weak on the floor so you call her cell
"How you been?", "How you doing?"
You been good, I been drinking
Way too much, you think that I'd be over you, over you, over you
(Eight calls, all you)
But I think about it every day, yeah
Yeah, I never missed her anyways
Yeah, I never missed her anyways
Drank too much, got the sickness
Pray to God and his son for forgiveness
Same crew but another mistress
Every day, every night getting wasted
But I miss you, what did I do?
Fuck it up, laugh it off and I lost you
If I pull through, is it too soon?
Turn it up, close my eyes, then I'm with you
Call me up
Stay over and we'll call it love
Don't matter if it fucks me up
The alcohol is not enough
Fuck pride and the other guy
I cried, I don't 'member why
Tonight, I'ma try to hide
No slide, get frostbite
Eight calls, all you, eight ball, all you
Yeah, I never missed her anyways
Yeah, I never missed her anyways
Drank too much, got the sickness
Pray to God and his son for forgiveness
Same crew but another mistress
Every day, every night getting wasted
But I miss you, what did I do?
Fuck it up, laugh it off and I lost you
If I pull through, is it too soon?
Turn it up, close my eyes, then I'm with you
■ 更多 我們資訊 消息
陳華 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/hua0826/
so sad中文 在 Just Minnie Youtube 的精選貼文
Hello there my love! I know you guys are spending a lot more time at home and mental health is downgrading! It is super important for us to take self-care seriously. Here are a few things that I love to do at home these days, when I feel a little low and sad.
If you wish to check our the FOREO Sweden UFO I mentioned:
Here's the link to my favourite at home workout videos on Youtube:
Super fun & Easy
Sometimes, a little time alone at home is just what you need! Take care of how you feel and all your emotions! We got each others back my loves x Thank you FOREO Sweden for supporting and making this video happening. I had so much fun putting this together for you x
so sad中文 在 This is Tina Youtube 的最讚貼文
AGA 江海迦 -《Wonderful U》Cover
🌟訂閱我的頻道 SUBSCRIBE ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ej...
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Wonderful U
I never knew. When the clock stopped and I’m looking at you
I never thought I’ll miss someone like you
Someone I thought that I knew
I never knew. I should have known something wouldn’t be true
Baby you know that I'm so into you
More than I know I should do
So why? why? why? Why should we wait there?
And I, I, I, I should be waiting
Waiting for someone new
Even though that it wasn’t you
But I know that it’s, Wonderful, Incredible, Baby irrational
I never knew it was obsessional
And I never knew it was with you oooh~
Baby if it's just, Wonderful, Incredible, Baby irrational
I never knew it was so sad, just so sad
I'm sorry. Even now I just cannot feel you feel me
So why? why? why? Why should we wait there?
and I, I, I, I should be waiting
Waiting for someone new
Even though that it wasn’t you
But I know that it’s. Wonderful. Incredible. Baby irrational
I never knew it was obsessional
And I never knew it was with you oooh
Baby if it's just. Wonderful. Incredible. Baby irrational
I never knew it was so sad, just so sad. I'm so sorry
Even now I just cannot feel you fall
I don’t even know now. I'm not sure you'll wait for me
Even now I just cannot deny. I just hold on so tight
Until you and I never could breathe
Oh, Wonderful. Incredible. Baby irrational
I never knew it was obsessional
And I never knew it was with you until you tell me to
Baby if it's just. Wonderful. Incredible. Baby irrational
I never knew it was so sad, just so sad. I'm so sorry
Even now I just cannot feel you feel me
#AGA #江海迦 #WonderfulU #WithMe
耳機 Marshell Major III:https://amzn.to/3eKdgnv
相機 Fuji XT100:https://amzn.to/31rfrbW
錄音介面 Focusrite scarlett solo:https://amzn.to/2CLO5Ts
麥克風 Blue Microphone Spark SL: https://amzn.to/2CWZuQJ ( Currently sold out online)
其他麥克風推薦 Blue Yeti USB Microphone : https://amzn.to/3gfr8Xr
Blue Microphones Yeti Pro USB: https://amzn.to/2VuRKM5
相機三腳架: https://amzn.to/2ZjbLWY
打光燈 :https://amzn.to/2NIbmrS
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so sad中文 在 gnash - I'm so sad 中文字幕 的推薦與評價
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