各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的最新餐酒搭配影片已經在YouTube上更新囉!
這集,我邀請到了一對與我非常要好的夫妻朋友,Vicky 及澍坤來為我們示範他們一家人都很喜歡的一個套餐,「漢堡排親子餐」。「漢堡排親子餐」可以在短短30 分鐘內完成。大人們在備餐的同時,還可以小酌一杯,這是多麽棒的一種生活模式啊!
非常感謝 Vicky 及澍坤以及他們一對可愛的兒女的大力的支持與配合。相隔 6,824 英里之遙以及 12 小時時差的我們,能一起完成這個單元實在太不容易,真的太感謝你們了!❤️❤️❤️
想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至 酒意思 Sip with Joyce
網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/
酒意思Sip with Joyce’s newest food and wine pairing video is up on YouTube!!! 🙌🙌🙌
In this video, I’m so excited to have my very good friends, Vicky and Shukun, and their beautiful kids, who live 6,800 miles away from NY, join me and show us how to make “Hamburg Steak Two Ways”. It’s a combo meal they enjoy very much and only takes 30 minutes to make.
What wine would go with “Hamburg Steak Two Ways”? Sounds like no brainer, but you know me. I always give fun pairing ideas. Don’t miss out.
Feeling so grateful that Vickey and Shukun are willing to be part of the project. Truly blessed to have a group of people support me and this project. Our team will try our best and continue to present our best work to you. ❤️❤️❤️
Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce
Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/sipwithjoyce
Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/