#1. 胃癌手術- 嘉義長庚一般外科
部分或次全胃切除(partial or subtotal gastrectomy): 切除遠側端的胃及十二指腸的一部分,剩下的胃在於小腸(十二指腸或空腸)吻合重建.
#2. 專業醫療
根據腫瘤生長的位置及侵犯的範圍,根治性手術又分根治性次全胃切除(radical subtotal gastrectomy, 切除約2/3 至3/4的胃)及根治性全胃切除(radical total ...
胃癌手術的方式有下列各種方式的選擇,取決於手術前的評估,手術當中的狀況及病人的身體狀況,如此才能使手術達到最好的效果。 ... - 遠端次全胃切除(distal subtotal ...
#4. 胃癌有那些的治療方式? - 馬偕紀念醫院胃腸肝膽科衛教資訊
外科手術治療 · 末梢部的亞全胃切除術(Distal subtotal gastrectomy):這手術除去胃的竇部,幽門與部份胃體部。 · 上端側的亞全胃切除術(Proximal subtotal gastrectomy) ...
#5. subtotal gastrectomy中文- 大部胃切除術 - 查查在線詞典
subtotal gastrectomy中文 :大部胃切除術…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋subtotal gastrectomy的中文翻譯,subtotal gastrectomy的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#6. TDNews電子報第二十一期-胃切除手術後之營養照護
胃部分切除術(Gastrectomy)、迷走神經切斷術(Vagotomy)與全胃切除術(Total ... 若僅切除部分迷走神經(partial vagotomy)則胃酸減少,但仍能保有部分胃排空蠕動的功能。
胃部分切除(partial gastrectomy). 切除胃的一部分之手術方式。 切除範圍是根據病變的位置及範圍大小而來決定。 贲門側胃切除(近位胃切除)(proximal gastrectomy ...
#8. subtotal gastrectomy翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
subtotal gastrectomy中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:胃大部切除術胃次全切除術大部胃切除術。英漢詞典提供【subtotal gastrectomy】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#9. subtotal gastrectomy 中文意思是什麼
subtotal gastrectomy 中文 意思是什麼 · subtotal : n. 部分和,小計。vt. ,vi. 求(…的)部分和[小計]。 · gastrectomy : n. (pl. -mies) 【醫學】胃切除術。
#10. 全胃切除後 - 一週全球藥聞
胃癌病人診斷時約有50%屬於局部之原位癌,可能藉由手術切除而有治癒機會,手術切除分為全胃切除(total gastrectomy)與次全胃切除(subtotal gastrectomy),病人全 ...
#11. subtotal gastrectomy 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
subtotal gastrectomy 中文 意思是什麼 · subtotal: n. 部分和,小計。vt. ,vi. 求(…的)部分和[小計]。 · gastrectomy: n. (pl. -mies) 【醫學】胃切除術。
#12. 【實習】 Gastrectomy ~ 推薦閱讀! @ EXCITINGLIFE IMAGE
找到L't 與R't gastric a. 的交界, 與L't 與R't gastro-epiploic a. 的交界, 兩點的連線就是subtotal gastrectomy 的切開位置, 因為這邊剛好是blood supply 的交界點, 切開 ...
#13. 「subtotal gastrectomy醫學中文」懶人包資訊整理(1)
subtotal gastrectomy 醫學中文資訊懶人包(1),,,部分或次全胃切除(partialorsubtotalgastrectomy):切除遠側端的胃及十二指腸的一部分,剩下的胃在於小腸(十二指腸或 ...
#14. 【subtotal gastrectomy中文】"ddistalsubtotalgastrectom... +1
subtotal gastrectomy中文 :"ddistalsubtotalgastrectom...,ddistalsubtotalgastrectomy中文遠端胃癌根2式胃次全切除術…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細 ...
#15. subtotal gastrectomy醫學中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿 ...
subtotal gastrectomy 醫學中文,大家都在找解答第1頁。subtotal gastrectomy 在急救医学分类中的翻译结果:胃大部切除术||双语例句|英文例句|相关文摘. ,subtotal ...
#16. Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy在線翻譯_英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy的在線翻譯 ... 是什麼意思,Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#17. subtotal gastrectomy 中文 - Rstlnrok
subtotal gastrectomy 中文. 根據腫瘤生長的位置及侵犯的範圍,根治性手術又分根治性次全胃切除(radical subtotal gastrectomy 切除約2/3 至3/4的胃)及根治性全胃 ...
#18. 分析研究结果对结果和影响的影响 - ICH GCP
干预名称: subtotal gastrectomy with gastroduodenostomy. 干预类型: 程序. 干预名称: Roux-en-Y胃空肠造口术的胃大部切除术,. 干预类型: 程序.
#19. subtotal gastrectomy 中文 - Studiotw
求(的)部分和[ “gastrectomy” 中文翻譯: n. (pl. -mies) 【醫學】胃切除術。. “ddistal subtotal gastrectomy” 中文翻譯: 遠端胃癌根2式胃次全切除術.
#20. subtotal gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy的繁體中文翻譯
subtotal gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy的翻譯結果。 ... 結果(繁體中文) 1: [復制]. 復制成功! 胃大部分切除術和胃空腸吻合術. 正在翻譯中.
#21. Advantages of Distal Subtotal Gastrectomy Over Total ... - X-MOL
[This corrects the article on p. 176 in vol. 20, PMID: 32596001.]. 中文翻译:. 勘误表:在长期胃癌幸存者的生活质量方面,远端胃次全切除术优于全胃切除术
#22. 醫療服務給付項目及支付標準查詢
中文 項目名稱, 次全或半胃切除術及胃空腸吻合術-無迷走神經切除. 英文項目名稱, Subtotal gastrectomy or hemigastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy-without vagotomy.
#23. OR 常見診斷及檢查縮寫常見術式縮寫: - 汐止國泰
-1 Subtotal Gastrectomy. 亞全胃切除術. -2 Nearly Total Gastrectomy. 近全胃切除術. -3 Total Gastrectomy. 全胃切除術. 23. Gastrostomy. 胃造口術.
#24. A new surgical technique: Mini-invasive surgery for radical ...
標題: A new surgical technique: Mini-invasive surgery for radical subtotal gastrectomy by gasless laparoscopy-assist for early cancer. 作者: MING-TSAN LIN.
#25. Abdominal Pain After Subtotal Gastrectomy: A First Report of ...
Subtotal distal gastrectomy, R-Y gastrojejunostomy, and abdominal lavage and drainage were performed. Drainage tubes were placed in the ...
#26. gastrectomy-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: total gastrectomy,在英语-中文情境中翻译"gastrectomy" ... 在中文中翻译"gastrectomy" ... Partial gastrectomy and splenectomy done.
#27. Open radical subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancer - WebSurg
This video demonstrates a typical open radical subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancer with D2 lymph node dissection.
#28. A new surgical technique: Mini-invasive surgery for radical subtotal ...
We developed a new method of mini-invasive surgery using gasless laparoscopy for radical subtotal gastrectomy, which can be safely and effectively applied ...
#29. 醫療服務給付項目
診療項目代碼 健保支付點數 價格參考起日 價格參考迄日 59976016 71218B 17473 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 59976017 71219B 10632 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 59976018 71220B 27635 2013/1/1 2910/12/31
#30. Feasibility and nutritional impact of laparoscopic assisted ...
Feasibility and nutritional impact of laparoscopic assisted tailored subtotal gastrectomy for middle-third gastric cancer.
#31. Intoduction to Distal Gastrectomy | 學術寫作例句辭典
All patients in the study performed radical distal gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy aiming ... Distal Subtotal Gastrectomy with D2 Lymph Node Dissection ...
#32. 共7 頁類別英文名稱中文名稱自付價格手術費Iris,Scheie's ...
達文西手術甲狀腺單葉次全切除術-. 單側. 164,800. 手術費. Robot Assisted Radical subtotal gastrectomy, with reconstruction. 達文西手術次全胃切除及淋巴清除及.
#33. subtotal gastrectomy — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“subtotal gastrectomy” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#34. Vector Illustration Subtotal Gastrectomy Stomach Cancer庫存 ...
歡迎瀏覽Shutterstock 收錄的高畫質Vector Illustration Subtotal Gastrectomy Stomach Cancer庫存圖片和其他百萬張免版稅庫存照片、插圖和向量圖。
#35. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
淺談消化性潰瘍穿孔 ; Gastroenterostomy. 34% ; Highly Selective Vagatomy. 12% ; Truncal Vagatomy + drainge. 10% ; Subtotal Gastrectomy. 3% ; Vagatomy ...
#36. The+Back+Up+Head+Elevated+Position+Facilitates+Tracheal ...
The Back Up Head Elevated Position Facilitates Tracheal Intubation in a Super-Super Obese Patient Undergoing Subtotal Gastrectomy: A Case Report.
#37. 期刊篇目查詢-詳情
題名, Reflux Esophagitis after Proximal Subtotal Gastrectomy. 作者, 王仲陽; 許宏道; 張晃宙; ... 中文摘要, 背景:近端次全胃切除主要用於治療賁門癌之患者。
#38. 36.50歲劉先生因胃癌,1個半月前接受根除性次全胃切除手術 ...
36.50歲劉先生因胃癌,1個半月前接受根除性次全胃切除手術(radical subtotal gastrectomy & Billroth-II gastrojejunostomy, ante-colic,病理檢查為T2b N1M0。
#39. 國考- 胃- 重點提示 - 沈士強醫師
手術方式,大多情況下,標準胃癌術式= subtotal gastrectomy + D2 LN dissection 。重建方式有B-I, B-II, RYGB,各有各的考量,但這是外科的專業,沒 ...
#40. 高醫腹腔鏡手術教學影片Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy + ...
高醫腹腔鏡手術教學影片Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy + D2 lymph node dissection + B-II reconstruction. 353 views353 views. Nov 25, 2018.
#41. 輸入環症候群(afferent loop syndrome)
一位55 歲男性,因上腹劇痛被家人送到急診治療,病患2年前曾因胃癌接受胃次全切除(subtotal gastrectomy and B II anastomosis ),理學檢查發現上腹有壓痛情形,但 ...
#42. subtotal gastrectomy中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
subtotal gastrectomy中文 意思是胃次全切除术.
#43. 減重手術 - 花蓮慈濟醫院
袖狀胃切除(胃縮小)(Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy) 利用腹腔鏡手術將胃部分切除,保留下1/4的胃(約100 cc左右),以縮小胃容積來減少進食量,且部分胃切除後饑餓 ...
#44. 第七節手術 - 醫聖診療系統
Subtotal gastrectomy or hemigastrectomy with gastro-duodenostomy. -無迷走神經切除without vagotomy. v v v 19799. 72043B 次全或半胃切除術及胃空腸吻合術.
#45. About Your Gastrectomy Surgery - Memorial Sloan Kettering ...
2021年1月8日 — A subtotal gastrectomy includes removing the part of your stomach with cancer, nearby lymph nodes, and possibly parts of other organs near ...
#46. radical subtotal 中文胃腫瘤手術治療-一般外科-三軍總醫院
- 全胃切除(total gastrectomy) 。 - 近端次全胃切除(proximal subtotal gastrectomy) ︰一般較少採用,並可作為隨後輔助性治療(如:化學藥物治療,根治性手術又分根治性 ...
#47. Postgastrectomy Gastritis - Gastrointestinal Disorders - MSD ...
seems to increase 15 to 20 years after partial gastrectomy; however, given the low absolute incidence of postgastrectomy cancer, routine endoscopic surveillance ...
#48. 外科
中文, 英文, 日文, 印尼文, 越南文, 泰文 ... 胃次全切除術, Subtotal gastrectomy, 胃亜全摘術, Gastrektomi subtotal, Cắt bỏ gần như hoàn toàn dạ dày ...
#49. 食道癌
Laparoscopic Subtotal Gastrectomy. Page 40. Page 41. Videothoracoscopic Esophagectomy. Page 42. DST SeriesTM. EEA™ OrVil™.
#50. 台灣人壽糖糖人生定期醫療保險B 型(0101) 內容摘要
英/中文名稱 ... Subtotal gastrectomy or hemigastrectomy with gastro-duodenostomy-without ... Gastrectomy,subtotal or hemigastrectomy. -with vagotomy.
#51. Anterograde jejunojejunal intussusception resulted in acute ...
Radical subtotal gastrectomy with Billroth II reconstruction, including complete dissection of the perigastric nodes plus the lymph node along ...
#52. 疾病名稱:Malignant Neoplasm of Liver ICD-10-CM:C22.0
Radical subtotal gastrectomy: anastomotic leakage, intraabdominal ... Bariatric surgery: laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, laparoscopic Roux-en-Y.
#53. 無題
限定检索结果 · 58篇 期刊文献 · 58篇 电子文献; 0种 纸本馆藏 · 主题. 57篇 subtotal gastrectomy; 6篇 duodenal ulcer · 机构. 2篇 academy of sciences of... 1篇
#54. Comparsion of effects of complete and partial omentum resection in ...
Methods: Forty patients with early gastric cancer undergone with open distal subtotal gastrectomy were randomly divided into CO and PO group(20 patients in each ...
#55. 胃癌臨床診療指引
骨骼掃描所使用的放射性製劑是Tc-99m MDP,中文名稱 ... (B) 遠端次全胃切除術(distal subtotal gastrectomy) ... copic partial gastrectomy or resection)。
#56. Siegfried's Note for Subject
Proximal subtotal gastrectomy(上端側的亞全胃切除術):. 這手術除去胃底部(fundus)、賁門(cardia)與其附近的組織。食道下端有需要時也會被切除。
#57. 面對胃癌 - 健康九九網站
一、次全胃切除術(subtotal gastrectomy). 適應症:1.腫瘤位於胃部下1/3的患者。 ... 名| 中文名「給藥途徑副作用注意事項. Capecitabine |截瘤達|口服「噁心·呕吐, ...
#58. 醫學術語(消化)30-34 - Quizlet
subtotal gastrectomy. 胃次全切除術. gastroduodenostomy(billroth 1). 胃十二指腸吻合術(畢羅氏第一型). gastrojejunostomy(billroth 2).
#59. 實習單位資料
英文, 縮寫, 中文, 備註. 外科. hyperthyroidism, 甲狀腺功能亢進 ... Subtotal gastrectomy, 次全胃切除. Dumping syndrome, 傾倒症候群. leak, 滲漏. rupture, 破裂.
#60. Clinical effect of laparoscopic surgery in treatment of common ...
中文 |English. ISSN 1001-5256 ... Clinical effect of laparoscopic surgery in treatment of common bile duct stones after subtotal gastrectomy[J].
#61. 胃癌診療指引 - 仁愛醫療財團法人腫瘤治療中心
Surgery Type:. *Distal(body+antrum):prefer subtotal gastrectomy. *Proximal(cardia):total or proximal gastrectomy,as indicated.
#62. 外科
Gastrectomy. 胃切開. 術. Gastrektomi. (Operasi pemotongan lambung). Cắt bỏ dạ dày. การตัดกระเพาะ. 胃次全. 切除術. Subtotal gastrectomy.
#63. 中山醫學大學附設醫院胃癌診療指引引
Kind of operation: (1)conventional gastrectomy (2) laparoscopic ... b:定型手術Standard radical subtotal gastrectomy【>2/3胃切除、D2】 ...
#64. 快速康复外科护理用于胃癌胃大部切除后患者的护理效果
... 英文关键词:Nursing effect;;Rapid rehabilitation surgery;;Subtotal gastrectomy;;Gastric cancer; 中文刊名:护理实践与研究; 英文刊名:Nursing Practice and ...
#65. Total Versus Subtotal Gastrectomy for Signet Ring Cell ... - Gale
Conclusion: Subtotal gastrectomy can be performed safely for patients with gastric signet ring cell carcinoma and is equal to total gastrectomy with respect to ...
#66. Laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer - Mayo Clinic
The minimally invasive procedure offers faster recovery, less blood loss and pain, and a return to eating and normal bowel function more ...
#67. subtotal中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
subtotal 的例句. subtotal. Subtotal gastrectomy, with post-operative chemotherapy is undertaken in refractory cases, or in the setting of ...
#68. 國立台北護理健康大學護理系碩士論文
Surgery with either subtotal gastrectomy or total gastrectomy is the primary ... 中文部分… ... Subtotal gastrectomy + B-II anastomosis.
#69. Gastrectomy - Surgical Procedure - Medindia
Partial gastrectomy : Partial gastrectomy is a surgical procedure where a part of the stomach is removed. Depending on the amount of stomach ...
#70. 胃癌患者胃大部切除术后感染危险因素分析 - 中国地质图书馆
英文题名:Risk factors for infection after subtotal gastrectomy in patients ... cancer;subtotal gastrectomy;post-operative infection;risk factor; 中文刊名: ...
#71. 自發性食道穿孔 病例報告Boerhaave's syndrome
This is a 65-year-old male has received subtotal gastrectomy with BII at 30 years ago for. PPU in our hospital.
#72. What to Know About Stomach Cancer Surgery - Johns ...
To treat stomach cancer, a surgeon may perform a: Partial gastrectomy: This procedure removes part of the stomach. Doctors typically remove lymph nodes and ...
#73. 104年度外科聯合學術演講會
... 胃癌—錄影帶報告Robotic-assisted gastrectomy for gastric cancer—video presentation ... subtotal hysterectomy in the patient with a broad ligament myoma.
#74. 「胃次全切除術」英文翻譯及相關英語詞組
胃次全切除術. 1.subtotal gastrectomy. 「胃全切除術」的英文. gastrectomy. 「喉次全切除術」的英文. 1.subtotal laryngectomy. 「子宮次全切除術」的英文.
#75. 多重解析地址选择页面 - 中文DOI
Title:, Analysis on Related Factors and Nurs-ing Care of Patients With Postoperative Gastroparesis After Accepted Subtotal Gastrectomy. First author::.
#76. subtotal - tłumaczenie angielski-polski | PONS
Subtotal gastrectomy, with post-operative chemotherapy is undertaken in refractory cases, or in the setting of complications, including gastric outlet ...
#77. Gastrectomy in octogenarians with gastric cancer: is it feasible?
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... A total of 70.5% received subtotal gastrectomy and in 72.5% D1 lymphadenectomy was ...
#78. Accidental transhepatic percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube ...
... transhepatic percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement with subtotal gastrectomy. ... 主题词: 内窥镜检查(Endoscopy);胃切除术(Gastrectomy); ...
#79. 歡迎會員踴躍投稿,截稿日期訂八十六年九月卅日,錄取後本會 ...
中文 題目:胃癌病患合併肺部淋巴管炎癌細胞轉移 ... was diagnosed as gastric adenocarcinoma and underwent radical subtotal gastrectomy with B-II anastomosis 40 ...
#80. [醫學手記] 每天在讀的東西——以一次胃癌的課程為例
... 又為了服務某些非醫學生的朋友,特別挑了中文的版本(這種版本是最善良的了。 ... A prospective controlled study comparing total and subtotal gastrectomy ...
#81. Roux-en-Y or Billroth II Reconstruction After Radical Distal ...
香港中文大學研究人員 ... symptoms between Billroth II (B-II) and Roux-en-Y (R-Y) reconstruction after distal subtotal gastrectomy (DG) for gastric cancer.
#82. 第二部西醫第二章特定診療第一節檢查 - 行政院公報資訊網- nat ...
Subtotal gastrectomy or hemigastrectomy with gastro- duodenostomy. -無迷走神經切除without vagotomy. v v v 21383. 72043B 次全或半胃切除術及胃空腸吻合術.
#83. 2010年02月第25卷第1期(摘要) | 台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會
Left Chylothorax Following Subtotal Gastrectomy and Vagotomy – A Case Report Bing-Yen Wang, Wen-Hu Hsu. 非愛滋病引起之瀰漫性禽結核分枝桿菌 ...
#84. 手術 - 醫院管理局
... Partial colectomy with anastomosis; Partial gastrectomy anastomosing to jejunum ... radical subtotal gastrectomy; Robot assisted subtotal gastrectomy ...
#85. 胃癌切除后三种重建方式术后患者生活质量的比较
Methods:Among the patients who underwent gastrectomy in our ... The 61 cases included 13 cases of proximal subtotal gastrectomy and ...
#86. O Que Significa SUBTOTAL GASTRECTOMY em Português
Necessidade de traduzir "SUBTOTAL GASTRECTOMY" de inglês e usar corretamente em uma frase? Aqui estão muitos exemplos de frases traduzidas contendo ...
#87. 全胃切除术和近端胃大部分切除术治疗局部进展期 Siewert Ⅱ 型和 Ⅲ ...
Comparison of Total Gastrectomy and Subtotal Gastrectomy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Siewert Ⅱ and Ⅲ AEG. FENG Hai-bo, LU Xi-wei.
#88. 胃次全切除术英文怎么说| 消化系统医学名词
been no reports of this pro- cedure following subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancer. This report describes trans-vaginal specimen extraction in four ...
#89. 局部胃切除後的腸道重建 - Tiny Notes
簡介進行完胃的部分切除後,需要將腸道重建,在這裡介紹三個比較常見的方式,分別為Billroth I, Billroth II, 和Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy ...
#90. subtotal glossectomy 中文 - TFB77
中文 論文頁數: 77 中文關鍵詞: 舌切除手術、構音、說話功能、清晰度外文關鍵詞: ... Subtotal Gastrectomy 3% Vagatomy + Resection 1% 術後:根除H. pylori Triple ...
#91. colectomy subtotal 中文 - Simonar
subtotal colectomy中文:結腸次全切除術,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細 ... -1 Subtotal Gastrectomy 亞全胃切除術-2 Nearly Total Gastrectomy 近全胃切除術-3 Total ...
#92. radical subtotal 中文 - Delcat
根據腫瘤生長的位置及侵犯的範圍,根治性手術又分根治性次全胃切除(radical subtotal gastrectomy, 切除約2/3 至3/4的胃)及根治性全胃切除(radical total ...
#93. 胃大部切除术后功能性排空障碍的诊治
Objective To explore the etiology, mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of functionally delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy.
#94. radical subtotal 中文– 小計英文 - Swingm
類別英文名稱中文名稱自付價格臺中榮民總醫院自付品項附註,自付價格以醫院最後異動價格為主Robot Assisted Radical subtotal gastrectomy with reconstruction 達文西 ...
#95. Gastrectomy - Complications - NHS
As with any type of surgery, a gastrectomy carries a risk of complications. ... After a partial gastrectomy, a small number of people may experience morning ...
#96. radical subtotal 中文A - QRV.CO
中文 English DSpace CRIS 首頁單位研究人員研究成果檢索分類瀏覽單位研究人員研究成果檢索學術出版Mini-invasive surgery for radical subtotal gastrectomy by ...
#97. subtotal gastrectomy中文 - Johnyi
求(的)部分和[ “gastrectomy” 中文翻譯: n. (pl. -mies) 【醫學】胃切除術。. “ddistal subtotal gastrectomy” 中文翻譯: 遠端胃癌根2式胃次全切除術.
subtotal gastrectomy中文 在 高醫腹腔鏡手術教學影片Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy + ... 的推薦與評價
高醫腹腔鏡手術教學影片Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy + D2 lymph node dissection + B-II reconstruction. 353 views353 views. Nov 25, 2018. ... <看更多>