GAN CRAFT Italian pro-staff Andrea and his friend Marco shared a great fishing result in Lake Bolsena. GAN CRAFT new Joint big bait “Jointed Claw SHIFT183” was tested and brought a great result. Big Bass aggressively attacked many times on the Jointed Claw SHIFT183. Although strong wind and rough water surface, it is great to see how they manage and catch a good size and beautiful bass in one of the most major and toughest lake in Italy.
Big Bait especially Jointed Claw is recognized as an effective bait on catching big bass in this lake. Jointed Claw SHIFT183 also works very well. It is expected that more great result would come after the shift is released in 2021.
ガンクラフト イタリア プロスタッフ の アンドレア が、友人の マルコ と共に2021年発売予定の ジョインテッドクロー シフト 183 でテスト釣行。イタリアで最も メジャー かつ プレッシャー の高い フィールド、ボルセーナ湖 で ビッグバス を見事キャッチ。以前より ジョイクロ での実績も高い場所だが、新たに開発された シフト でも素晴らしい結果が!
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【GAN CRAFT Official web site】