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...•Vlog kali ini adalah "MISI MENJELAJAH KE TANJUNG DATU"•... Hanya orang2 tertentu sahaja yang sampai menjejak kaki di lokasi Tanjung Datu ini oleh kerana tiada perhubungan jalanraya serta terpaksa melalui jalan laut untuk sampai ke sana atau merendah trek laluan denai di bukit•... Misi kali ini aku bersama-sama rakan2 setugas yang bertugas mengawal perbatasan sempadan negara(Malaysia-Indonesia) yang bertempat di Kampung Telok Melano•... Bersama kami 2 orang penduduk kampung yang mengemudi bot untuk membawa kami ke sana•...
#TanjungDatu #MohdIkramAmz #Sarawak
...Telok Melano terletak di hujung ‘muncung’ negeri Sarawak•... Kini telah dihubungkan dengan Lebuhraya Pan Borneo yang bakal siap sepenuhnya menjelang tahun 2020•... Taman Negara Tanjung Datu boleh diakses secara terus dari Kampung Telok Melano•... Pengunjung juga boleh tinggal di Homestay Kampung Teluk Melano dan merasai kehidupan penduduk tempatan Tempat penginapan di Tanjung Datu juga disediakan bagi mereka2 yang ingin bermalam di sana•...
?Tanjung Datu National Park?
...•On the western most tip of Sarawak’s coastline lies Tanjung Datu, one of Sarawak’s smallest National Parks•... Tanjung Datu is beautiful it has been called the ‘Heaven of Borneo’ by some visitors, but is only accessible by boat•... It is the juxtaposition of rugged mountains sweeping down to a clear turquoise sea that makes the place so exquisite•...
...•It’s swift flowing mountain streams are crystal clear, like the sea into which they flow•... This allows coral to grow close inshore, a rare feature in Sarawak and makes it an ideal dive and snorkeling site even though scuba divers have yet to explore the area’s full potential•... However, anyone can appreciate the park’s beautiful beaches and translucent waters with their mountain backdrop•...
...•Hornbills can be sighted at Tanjung Datu, and Rafflesia flowers, among the world’s biggest flowers, grow along the hiking trails•...
...•The mountains, which form the border between Sarawak and Indonesian Kalimantan, are abound with beautiful plants and interesting animals•...
...•Equally fascinating is the life of the local people lived at a far more leisurely pace than modern city life•... Experience it for yourself through the Telok Melano Homestay Programme, where you will live with a local family and really get to know their traditional lifestyle•...
...•Tanjung Datu has four short walking trails, offering a variety of rainforest and beach scenery as well as some spectacular coastal views•... The following table provides details of trekking times and the colour codes used in the park•...
?Visitor’s Safety?
...•Tanjung Datu’s coral reefs are home to a number of venomous creatures, including Sea Snakes, Coral Snakes, Stonefish and Cone Shells. Marine Snakes are usually harmless if undisturbed, and if seen should be left well alone•... Stonefish may conceal themselves in mud or sand surrounding the coral, especially at low tide, so do not walk or swim barefoot around coral reefs•... Cone Shells are highly venomous and should not be handled under any circumstances•...
National Park Opening Hours:
8.00am to 5.00pm
Monday – Sunday including Public Holidays
Tel: +6082248088
"...Ya Allah, ampunilah kesalahanku, Kasihaniah aku, Berilah petunjuk kepadaku, dan Berilah rezeki kepadaku..."
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