【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology
我回想起大三的一晚,我陪高三的學弟妹們為大考奮戰,原本想說幫忙解題而已,但最後他們卻對我說 :「學長,我讀書感覺好空、好累、好悶……」、「學長,我學這些到底為了什麼……」
President Kuan, distinguished guests, professors, parents, graduates, and friends on the screen, Hi! I am the valedictorian on behalf of graduates. I am Lin, Shih-Feng from the Department of Psychology.
The past transient four years brought me lasting remembrance. We made friends with classmates at Orientation Camp, searched for geese at Drunken Moon Lake, watched languid birds, Malayan Night Heron, on Zhoushan Road, biked to Wenzhou Street like a hipster and took a bite at the Lane 118. Although I dream that serene days live on, Covid-19 pandemic and the tragic loss of young lives suddenly happened. Hence, we have become the most puzzled and unique graduating class of 2021.
The events on campus were abruptly suspended. Online courses were augmented. The graduation prom and the feast at Palm Boulevard were cancelled. Even the onsite graduation ceremony and the banquet for thanking professors have become impossible but eternal regrets. One of my friends was forced to relinquish the opportunity to exchange abroad. And I could not fulfill my internship program of which I dream in Finland. Facing the disruption of planning and uncertainty as normalcy, we meet myriad challenges.
One day, I read a sentence written by James Carse in a second-hand bookstore on Wenzhou Street. To my astonishment, the philosopher categorizes human activities as two kinds of games. He said that "a finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” All of a sudden, I realized that my struggling study arises from the trap of finite game. The limited learning like a sprint aims to prove superiority as means that we spare no effort to renew resume and acquire labels.
Reflecting back on one evening in my junior year, I accompanied third graders of high school who strived to prepare university entrance exam. I thought I could help answer their questions but eventually they said to me that “I felt aimless, exhausted, and suffocated…"“What is the purpose for learning indeed…?”
Right. Studying for exams and labels without inquiring into meaning and value could ensnare us within emptiness, exhaustion and pains. Therefore, I found NTU Avizure Education Club in partnership with peers from more than 20 departments. Students from over five universities including those from Hong Kong and Canada enter the community and guide middle and high schoolers to explore the meaning of learning and the value of self through application of what we have learned, leading to promising careers in the future.
While viewing the past and thinking of Finland, wasn’t it the ideal that I wish to accomplish after return to make learning more meaningful? The pandemic is an invisible stern teacher who teaches us to cherish each other in times of turmoil, to pursue dreams step by step in homeland, and to discover again. Learning is infinite grand journey embodied in a purpose, improving oneself to benefit others, exploring unknown, and creating value.
With joint endeavors of faculty and students, National Taiwan University today draws more attention to counseling resources. The Device of Epidemic Prevention No. 1, Azalea Festival online, and the University of Future project allow us as the most puzzled class to transform into the most unique and perseverant class with self-awareness. We firmly believe that anything that brings to the life gives meaning. Regardless of gradation and end of class, members of NTU would continue to consider and learn as well as proceed to accomplish in the infinite game of life. And the resonance of ringing the Full Bell in our mind never ceases.
I would like to extend my gratitude to professors, fellow classmates, family, friends, parents and grandparents in my path. Thank National Taiwan University for urging us to change. I expect each student and myself to transcend ourselves and to be compassionate toward others as active learners during trying times. We together create stories of common good and embrace the spirit to contribute to the universe. I am Lin, Shih-Feng. We are brave upon graduation. Thank you all.
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大心理學系 #林世峰
turmoil meaning 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🎭In 2016, Pete Docter bounded on to the stage at the Academy Awards to accept an Oscar. But during his descent from that artistic Everest, the director of Pixar’s “Inside Out” was surprised to find that he didn’t feel any different. The win hadn’t fulfilled him.
💫“How many more of these do I have in me? And really, is this the best use of the time that I have on Earth? Could I be doing something more either for myself or for the world?” The turmoil within Mr. Docter sparked the idea for Pixar’s latest, “Soul”. It’s a metaphysical adventure in which the protagonist faces the same question that Mr. Docter had to answer for himself: What is the meaning of life?
👻“Soul” grapples with that age-old philosophical dilemma of whether there’s any purpose to life. “We try to make it fun and approachable by dramatizing that in the form of these two characters,” says Mr. Docter. “One who’s basically an essentialist. He believes, ‘I was given this thing of music and that’s what I’m meant to do.’ And then we have this soul who refuses to go down and be born on Earth. She is kind of a nihilist. You know, there’s no point to anything.”
#愛與被愛 #探索世界
turmoil meaning 在 波阿斯 Boaz Facebook 的最佳解答
各位朋友們,想要和您們介紹一個全新的品牌 Ein Brera ,過去中我一直喜歡用不同商業角色,來推廣自己喜愛的理念與事物。Einbrera 是以色列國家IDF的口號,意思是「別無退路」No Alternative 。
以色列常流傳一句話 ”以色列無法有一次的失敗,只要一次的失敗就會失去國家”,以色列這句話是定義在國家的成面,在Einbrera品牌上 我想將它定義在對喜愛的人事物上的「專一」Onething ,這樣的專一是種熱忱,甚至到「別無退路」的喜愛。
IG: Einbrera
Ein Brera (About us/Our Story)
Established in the year 2020, a season of turmoil and downturn.
Catastrophe and apocalypse seem to be on the horizon,
Our backs against the wall.
And that is how we define “Ein Brera”
We don't give up despite struggles and despair.
Fully engaged, we dive into this passion.
Undistracted devotion to one thing.
Ein Brera: Unwavering Hope
Blending various elements with one vision:
Hebrew Language, Jewish Culture, and Modern Israeli Vibe.
Exploring a boundless territory, with keen sensitivity.
Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk
Unbeholden to trends, we have our own opinions.
Expression that echoes what we believe, with style.
Gentle determination, and strength that lies within.
Our True Colors
*Ein Brera is a motto for IDF (Israel Defense Force), meaning “no alternative”.
溫柔中的堅定,Ein Brera
Ein Brera,以色列IDF國防軍的口號,表達為了捍衛所相信的價值而別無選擇與懸念的意志。
我行: 我述
表述 Expression
talk the talk, walk the walk
Ein Brera 背包客機能襪設計理念:
Derekh直譯的話就是 “道路” (土地)
希伯來文有句古諺 “Derekh Eretz”,精確地詮釋人與土地之間的關係與行為準則,時常省思自身做事的態度與心境。猶太人過往的智慧言語依舊歷久彌新,而思想與行動並進正是勇敢的具體表現。
Ein Brera 採用 51% 的 Meryl®Skinlife 紗線,此規格是台灣業界首見,它和棉襪觸感完全不同,第一次穿著時,可能會驚訝於它與過往棉襪完全不同的體驗。Meryl®Skinlife 屬於機能材質,有 100% 抗菌、防臭、抗紫外線、快乾,同時帶來絕佳的親膚觸感,非常適合背包客穿用。
在劇烈運動或極端環境依舊維持皮膚的平衡與高度的吸濕性,Meryl skinlife為抑菌纖維材質,具備優異的透氣和抗紫外線性能,加上輕盈與柔軟的觸感。
● 總共有兩種顏色選擇: 墨藍色、軍綠色
● 藍色襪子繡有希伯來文:土地/道路
● 墨綠色襪子繡有希伯來文:勇敢/堅定
• 台灣設計/製造
turmoil meaning 在 Turmoil Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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