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#1. 1. 尿液常規Urinalysis - 【創健健康管理】
尿液常規Urinalysis. 尿液常規檢查的主要目的,是要了解泌尿系統(腎臟、輸尿管、膀胱、尿道)是否有損傷或發炎及功能異常。當身體某處有異常時則無法 ...
#2. General Urine Examination-檢驗項目內容 - 長庚醫院
檢驗項目, General Urine Examination, 檢驗代號, L72-700. 中文名稱, 尿一般檢查(尿生化檢驗異常者自動加測L72-703尿殘渣), 檢驗方法, 折射比色法. 檢體別, U,PCN
#3. Urine Examination 尿液常規檢查及尿液沉渣檢查 - 花蓮慈濟醫院
健保編號. 06013C 尿生化檢查. 06009C 尿沉渣檢查. 06012C尿液常規. 醫令碼. L0501 尿生化檢查. L0502 尿沉渣檢查. L0512 Urine Examination 尿液昂規 ...
#4. 檢驗項目(中英文) Urine Routine,尿液常規檢查健保代碼06012C
尿液收集管(紅頭). 採檢注意事項. 新鮮之尿液以尿液收集管(紅頭)收集。表層附有臘的紙杯不能當收集尿. 液之容器(因為臘會干擾脂肪的測定)排尿後2-8℃保存超過八個小時為.
#5. urine tests - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"urine tests" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
中文 名稱尿液常規檢查. 英文名稱Urine routine (Chemical strip + Urine sediment). 適應症. 尿液常規檢查的主要目的是要了解泌尿系統是否有損傷或發炎及功能異常, ...
#7. 檢驗項目-尿液常規檢查|
Pregnancy Test,Plano Test · Urine Routine,Urine Analysis · Urine Sediment. 糞便檢查. FOBT · Occult blood(chemical method),Stool OB · Parasite Ova-Conc.
#8. Urine routine 檢驗項目臨床意義 - 臺北榮民總醫院
當血糖濃度高於180 mg/dL 的腎閾值以上,腎小管無法. 再吸收濾液中的葡萄糖,尿中就會出現葡萄糖,稱為「葡. 萄糖尿(Glycosuria)」。高尿糖:除了血糖過高及腎功能.
尿液檢驗試紙(英語:Urine test strip)是一種基本的診斷工具,用於確定分析患者中尿液的病理學變化。 尿液檢驗試紙. 白血球 · 亞硝酸鹽 · 尿膽素 ...
#10. 尿液常規篩檢肝膽、腎臟、糖尿、發炎 - 大安聯合醫事檢驗所
周一至周六早上8點至晚上21點周日早上8點至中午12點. 檢驗項目:Urine Routine,UR,Routine Urinalysis 尿一般檢查、尿生化檢查. (更新日期:2021/6/29 下午10:23:02) ...
#11. Urine Routine; 尿液常規檢查 - 義大醫院
中文 名稱. 尿液常規檢查. 健保代碼. 06013c. 適用檢體別. 尿液. 支付點數. 75. 建議採檢容器. 尿液標準化試管. 檢驗操作方法. 試紙比色法(Test Strip).
#12. 蛋白尿的介紹與檢驗方法-黃鈺菁- showmt
在一些腎臟間質性疾病,逆流性腎病變以及阻塞性尿道炎時,Tamm-Horsfall protein 會溢出而造成流失。 【蛋白尿的檢驗方法】 半定量法. Urine dipstick testing 只可偵測尿中 ...
#13. Microscopic Examination of Urine - 尿顯微鏡檢查 - 國家教育 ...
名詞解釋: 用顯微鏡檢查尿沉渣中的血球、圓柱體、微生物及結晶的型態、數量的醫學檢驗方法。正常尿液一般含少量紅血球、白血球及上皮細胞,當血球增多或異常細胞、圓柱 ...
#14. urine test 中文 - 查查在線詞典
urine test中文 ::驗尿…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋urine test的中文翻譯,urine test的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#15. 尿液分析之於腎臟疾病的診斷
關鍵詞:Urinalysis, diagnosis, renal disease. 江怡慧1. 羅玉岱2. 張春瑤1,3. 結果的報告判讀,以輔助臨床上鑑別診斷. 導致腎臟疾病的原因。 檢體採集注意事項.
#16. 為什麼尿要留兩管(驗Urine routine和Microalbumin)?是在檢驗 ...
ACR=microalbumin(mg/dL)/urine creatinine(mg/dL)。ACR小於30mg/g為正常範圍。30-300mg/g 之間稱為「微白蛋白尿期」,尚有復原希望。若大於300mg/g表示已發展成不可逆 ...
#17. Urine Sediment Examintaion - 臺中 - 台中榮總
檢驗項目. (中文). 尿沉渣檢驗, 檢驗 健保碼. 檢驗 計價碼. 90323902. 檢驗項目. (英文). Urine Sediment Examination. 可自費.
#18. urinalysis-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: E. Pap smear, urine pregnancy test, urinalysis and urine culture. Cervical culture for gonorrhea and chlamydia.,在英语-中文情境中 ...
#19. 24 小時尿液收集方法Urine collection for 24 hours
注意:請先將第二泡尿液解進集尿桶後,再倒防腐劑入收集桶內。 Collect the second void of urine. Test item such as VMA, 17-KS, 17-OHCS, 5-HIAA shall be.
#20. 尿液检查_百度百科
... 分检测( 如尿红细胞、白细胞等)、蛋白成分定量测定、尿酶测定等。尿液检查对临床诊断、判断疗效和预后有着十分重要的价值。 中文名: 尿液检查. 外文名: Urinalysis ...
#21. 彰化基督教醫院檢驗項目查詢系統
檢驗項目, Urine pregnancy test (hCG). 檢驗收費碼, FURLLH,FRULLH, 健保碼(點數), 06505C(100點). 是否接受代檢, 是,代檢費用請洽轉介中心(聯絡電話:04-7238595 ...
#22. Pregnancy test (EIA) - 檢驗項目查詢
中文 名稱, 懷孕試驗Pregnancy test, 酵素免疫法EIA, 健保碼, 06505C ... 早晨第一次尿液最好(因有較高濃度的HCG)或random urine。
#23. 血尿的診斷與治療-- 2002 年的新觀念
自從尿液試紙( urine dipstick ) 大量使用後,無症狀血尿之病人 ... 尿之紅血球平均體積,用coulter counter analysis 這種方法預測來自腎絲球的血.
#24. Urine biochemistry examination 健保編號:060131 尿生化 ...
檢驗項目:Urine biochemistry examination. 健保編號:060131 尿生化檢查. 院內檢驗□. 委外代檢□. 檢體採檢:取新鮮中段尿10ML 一小時內送檢.
#25. Urine Biochemistry Exam. - 高雄榮民總醫院-單位網
Urine Biochemistry Exam. ... Urine 檢體量:10 mL 採檢/送檢注意事項:取新鮮中段尿傳送狀況:室溫(Room temperature). 收檢時間:. 急診24小時病房週一-週五17:00 ...
#26. urine test翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
urine test中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:尿檢。英漢詞典提供【urine test】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#27. urine test — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“urine test” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... Accuracy of simple urine tests for diagnosis of urinary tract infections in ...
#28. 尿沉渣鏡檢指引 - 台灣醫事檢驗學會 膀胱導尿採檢之尿液(Urine by foley catheter): ... (confirmatory test),因此不鼓勵實驗室在沒有完成教育訓練驗證前就核發進階.
#29. 尿液显微镜检查
样本采集申请 · 联系我们 · 加入我们 · 登录Plexus · Angsana · 簡體中文 · English · 簡體中文; 繁體中文. 热线电话65-6278-9188. bg-tests ...
#30. 尿液檢體- 各類檢體採集注意事項- 採檢手冊- 病理檢驗科
懷孕試驗(Pregnancy test). 標題三 ... 尿液培養(Urine culture). 標題三. 檢體採集通常採潔淨排泄 ... 尿液細胞檢查(Urine cytology). 標題三.
#31. 微量白蛋白尿在心血管疾病的新角色- 高血壓併發症的預防
尿檢試紙(urine dipstick)是臨床上我們. 最常拿來檢查蛋白尿的方式,但 ... 液(spot urine)樣本,計算尿液之白蛋白 ... of-care testing,POCT)的項目之一,因此.
#32. 化驗報告說明
Also, members 18 or above can "E-Mail Your Doctor" and "View Lab Test. Results" online. ... Blood in Urine: 尿血是測試尿液有沒有血的出現。
#33. 翻译'urine test' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ urine test”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中urine test的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#34. Urine Test 小便化驗
Creatinine Clearance test. 肌酸肝清除試驗 ... Pregnancy test (β-HCG), Qualitative. 妊娠試驗 ... Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio. 蛋白/肌酸酐比率.
#35. pregnancy test中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
pregnancy test 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... a chemical test performed on a woman's urine that shows if she is pregnant or not.
#36. 台東基督教醫院檢驗項目查詢系統
檢驗項目, Urine chemistry (Strip). 檢驗收費碼, FURROU,FRUROU ... 進一步檢驗(reflex additional examination), 無. 7.受理時間, 24小時. 8.報告時效, 1.
#37. 尿液檢驗標準指引及臨床應用檢驗前置作業
Urinalysis Workflow 全自動尿液分析流程. 準確快速的尿路感染篩檢 ... The aim of the laboratory is to screen of urine sample for infection.
#38. 24 小時尿檢- 24-Hour Urine Test
Do not exercise more than usual while you are collecting your urine. Some tests require you to restrict your diet or certain medicines. Your nurse will let you.
#39. 生化檢驗(Biochemistry) - 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院
醫令英文名稱(TEST NAME) 17-KS (Urine), 醫令中文名稱(CHINESE NAME) 尿液17-酮類固醇定量, 本院醫令代碼(CODE) 09053B0P, 採檢/送檢注意事項.
#40. 中英文併列檢驗報告範例血液學檢查(Hematology Test ...
血液學檢查(Hematology Test). 白血球記數(W. B. C.)K/Ul ... 生化學檢查(Biochemistry Examination). 鈉(Na) mmol/L ... 尿液檢查(Urine Test).
#41. 如何採集'中段' 尿液樣本婦女須知- How to collect a 'Midstream ...
How to collect a 'Midstream' urine sample - For Women. '中段'是採集尿液樣本的一種方法,用這種方法採集得的樣本不含大部分通常存. 在於皮膚上的細菌。
#42. Alere TestPack hCG Urine | 快速床邊診斷
Alere™ TestPack +Plus hCG Urine 驗孕片是一種快速免疫分析法,用於定性檢驗尿液或血清中的人絨毛膜促性腺激素(hCG),進而提早檢測懷孕的狀況。
#43. 尿常規檢查 - 老醫之家
(Olddoc): Since Jan. 01, 2008. (TMN): Since Jan. 01, 2008. (H-check): Since Jan. 01, 2008. (urinalysis): Since Jan. 01, 2008.
#44. 驗尿英文,urine analysis中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 驗尿 urine analysis 【新聞傳播學名詞】 驗尿;尿液分析 urinalysis 【新聞傳播學名詞】 彭奈狄克試驗(尿中葡萄糖試驗) Benedict's test 【獸醫學】
#45. 尿液血液常規檢查 - 民生醫事檢驗所
尿液一般常規檢查(Urine Routine) ※臨床意義:. 尿蛋白:值高↑ 生理性尿蛋白、激烈運動、過度疲勞、肉食.高血壓、腎結石、腎炎、痛風、外傷。
#46. 患者指南對衣原体和淋病奈瑟氏菌(GC)的尿液檢查您的醫務人員 ...
Title: Patient Instruction - Urine - Chlamydia and GC - Chinese. Doc.#43188. Ver 1.0. Page 1 of 1. 患者指南. 對衣原体和淋病奈瑟氏菌(GC)的尿液檢查.
#47. U for urine multistix 對於好多病房而言,驗尿係常規
只要輕輕點一下就夠,唔好浸曬成條test strip入去,否則容易出現(1)中影響結果ge情況。 有人問,如果用尿片ge病人要驗尿,應該點驗。嚴格黎講用尿片驗 ...
#48. 尿流動力暨影像檢查系統(Video-urodynamics )介紹 - 奇美醫院
6. 餘尿量(postvoided residual, PVR; or residual urine, RU):正常值為<50ml (年紀. 大者< 100ml),病人解尿後再施以導尿測知)。 A. D. C. B. 圖二:尿流速圖( ...
#49. 萬- 孚人絨毛膜促性腺激素檢驗試劑(膠體金法)
效能. 人絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)診斷試紙盒是一種使用者能. 簡便進行操作的快速檢驗試劑。本試劑能檢測出早期妊娠. 時出現在尿液中的人絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)。
#50. 尿比重Specific Gravity Of Urine - 肾功能尿液检查介绍 - 日本体检
尿比重( Specific Gravity Of Urine )主要是指溶解在尿液中溶质(尿液中的尿素、蛋白质、糖、食盐等老化废物)的含量,可以调查出尿液中水的成分和 ...
#51. 正常尿色:
Urinalysis. 燒傷、休克及外傷。 阻塞(obstruction)──腎結石或腫瘤。 ... Urinalysis. 血尿(hematuria):外觀呈現混濁狀紅色,尿沉渣可發現RBC。
#52. urine bag 中文意思是什麼
urine bag 中文意思是什麼. urine bag 解釋. 尿袋. urine : n. 尿。 pass [discharge] (one's) urine 小便,排尿。 ... urine test for glucose estimation.
#53. 檢驗醫學與數值判讀
➁ 尿液(Urine). ➂ 腦脊髓液(CSF) ... 累計正常樣本所測得的檢查結果(sample numbers),計 ... WBC-DC. 白血球分類計數. 正常參考值. 英文名稱. (縮寫). 中文名稱 ...
#54. Urinalysis - Mayo Clinic
A urinalysis is a test of your urine. It's used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, ...
#55. 檢驗醫學部微生物組擬於107年9月起變更尿液培養鑑定標準
三種菌以上生長:鑑定有主要量多的≧100000 CFU/ml的泌尿道致病菌,最多做2種。 (二)使用抗生素之中段尿液培養Midstream urine (with Antibiotics used) ...
#56. 退伍軍人桿菌、醫院環境監測與用水之實證探討
12.Helbig J, et al: Detection of Legionella pneumophila antigen in urine samples by the. Binax NOW. J Med Microbiol 2001;50:509-16. 13. Kool JL, et al: ...
#57. 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How ...
#58. 驗出尿蛋白,就是腎臟病嗎?腎臟科醫師來解答- 照護線上
尿蛋白檢測試紙是檢測尿中的白蛋白(urine albumin),現代醫學發現尿中的 ... A dipstick test combined with urine specific gravity improved the ...
#59. 尿蛋白的檢驗與判讀 - 中山醫學大學腎臟科
第一種尿蛋白的檢查,是尿液試紙(Dipstick test),也是最常使用的,如圖。 ... 的檢查是以單次小便測UPCR,即以單次尿液的蛋白質濃度(Urine protein, ...
#60. 尿液檢驗值的意義@ 感恩富足園地:: 痞客邦 - 藥師家
尿液檢驗值的意義@ 感恩富足園地:: 痞客邦. urine routine判讀 ... urine chemistry中文 ... (十一)尿沈渣檢查Urine Sediment 主要用來更進一步篩檢泌尿系統疾病, ...
#61. Urine test strip - YouTube
#62. 尿液检测Requested a urine sample-身体检查 - 情景口语
Your doctor has requested a urine sample. q6kxH. A:. Am I supposed to pee into the cup? q6kxH ...
#63. Urine Test (Video) (for Teens) - CHOC Childrens - Kids Health
#64. Catheter urine Culture - 檢驗資料總覽
陰性, 中段尿液培養Midstream urine Culture:Colony count < 1000 CFU / mL. Gram's stain : Not found, 導尿尿液培養Catheter urine Culture:
#65. Dynacare - Home ()
Drug Urine Testing · Forensic Urine Chromatography · Oral Fluid Drug Test · Trace Metal Analysis ... 繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文.
#66. urinary tract infection (UTI) - Antibiotic Use - CDC
Asking about symptoms; Doing a physical exam; Ordering urine tests, if needed. Bacteria cause UTIs and antibiotics treat them.
#67. 驗尿:原因、流程、前後須知和結果 - Hello醫師
尿液檢查(Urinalysis)一般稱為驗尿,屬於檢驗醫學的一種,是在實驗室對尿液樣本進行檢測。身體機能失調,或罹患疾病,都會影響循環器官如肺、腎、泌尿道、膀胱和皮膚 ...
#68. Point-of-Care Archives - Biomerica
Amphetamine Urine Test. Export only; Point-of-Care. Barbituate ...
#69. Hypernatremia (High Level of Sodium in the Blood) - MSD ...
Doctors may do further testing to identify the cause of the hypernatremia, including measurements of urine volume and concentration. A special test called ...
#70. Immigration Medical Package $295
At Victoria Park Medical Suites we offer one of the cheapest Immigration Medical Examination package in Auckland. Logo White. Examination by doctor, Urine Test ...
#71. Eastern Business Forms – Blood Collection – 903 Devices
We also manufacture collection cards for dried urine and specimen collection ... EBF 903 sample collection cards are FDA approved Class II medical devices ...
#72. Toxicological Evaluation of a Probiotic-based Delivery Syste
Ophthalmic examination, clinical biochemistry tests, urinalysis, hematological test, and necropsy findings revealed no significant abnormalities ...
#73. TV Shows | SBS On Demand
The Great British Urine Test. Factual2020 · Vaccine: The Inside Story. Factual2021 · Vitamania: Truth About Vitamins. Factual.
#74. Epidural Steroid Injection - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer ...
... the ages of 11 and 50 and able to get pregnant, your doctor will ask you to take a urine (pee) pregnancy test before your procedure.
#75. Urinalysis Exam 1 (part 2) Flashcards | Quizlet
1) A patient with severe back pain and 15 to 20 RBCs/hpf in the urine sediment may have: A. Renal calculi. B. Acute glomerulonephritis
#76. CHI hiring Lab Assistant in Lakewood, Washington ... - LinkedIn
... and urine collections for medical and legal testing procedures. ... 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)); 正體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)).
#77. [Official] M-Connect ICU Solution - Mindray Global
Urinalysis Automation Line. EU 8000. Urine Sediment Analyzer. EH-2080 · EH-2030. Urine Chemistry Analyzer. UA-6800 · UA-5800 · UA-600/600T · UA-66.
#78. International Orders Redirect - Globe Scientific
Urinalysis Slides · Microtitration Plates ... Drug Testing · Microscopic Urinalysis ... 繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文.
#79. FELIWAY for cats
FELIWAY makes cats happy and avoids signs like urine spraying, scratching, ... Sign up to benefit from routine & personalized advice, as well as test your ...
#80. Arcadia Urgent Care - Allied Pacific IPA
Rapid Lab Tests (Blood, Urine, Pregnancy, EKG, Mono, etc.) Women's Needs (Pap Smears, Vaginal Complaints, etc.) X-Rays. Referrals to Specialists.
#81. Csapp attack lab phase 3
An epithelial cells in urine test is a part of a urinalysis, a test that ... Dirty Cow Attack Lab(中文譯版) Shellshock Attack Lab代寫、代寫網絡實驗報告 ...
#82. 東耀驗尿卡(U4T) - 東耀生物科技- 產品資訊
衛署醫器製字第003010號. 台灣專利号: M375219. 產品規格: 1測試/ 盒. 3測試/ 盒. 檢測項目:1.尿糖Urine Glucose. 2.尿蛋白Urine Protein. 3.酸鹼值PH.
#83. Molecular sensor measures lithium levels in neurons - C&EN
Lu says this limit was observed in a test tube but in cells grown in a ... the device to work with DNAzymes to detect Li + in blood or urine.
#84. Michael never told anyone about the thoughts in his head until ...
Michael learnt it was better to always be busting for the toilet than risk not being able to perform during a urine test, something that ...
#85. A Cure for Type 1 Diabetes? For One Man, It Seems to Have ...
The company was testing a treatment developed over decades by a scientist who ... Sam's urine was brimming with sugar — a sign of diabetes.
#86. Japan wrestles with dangers of 'smartphone-walking' - NHK.JP
Dog urine causes traffic light to collapse in western Japan ... Govt. certified antigen self-test kits available at pharmacies in Japan.
#87. 3. 一般尿液檢查 - 新竹馬偕紀念醫院
3.1 About urinalysis under microscopy ... (c) The urine specimen at any hour is acceptable, but the first-time urine after wake up is preferable.
#88. Kusumak meaning
General Diagnostic criteria • Increased frequency of urine • 2. ... whiffs of decomposition odours in the hallways alert. cc等后缀域名,不含国际中文域名。
#89. Urine testing | Health Navigator NZ
When are urine tests done? A urinalysis is a common urine test that's done for several reasons: To check your overall health. Your doctor may recommend a ...
#90. Common Urine Tests | HNL Lab Medicine
Your healthcare professional could send you to get a urine test for many reasons. Read more on the most common reasons for urine testing. Glucose. Your urine ...
#91. Urine PCR - Urinary Tract Infection Test | Austin Urology Institute
A Urine PCR test is a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test which identifies more bacteria than a traditional urine culture.
#92. Pharmacy Practice - 第 68 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Urine tests , for example , are performed by almost all pharmacies in Denmark , Germany , Iceland , Spain and Switzerland , but not elsewhere .
#93. 中医中文: 文法与词汇 - 第 170 頁 - Google 圖書結果
11 TTB xiăo biàn lín chì ci tòng , dribbling urination with reddish urine and stinging pain 951 ... 1 1 85 test xião biàn pin shuò , frequent urination 954.
#94. What Does Urinalysis Involve? - News-Medical
Urinalysis is an examination of the urine that investigates the physical, chemical and microscopic characteristics of the urine, ...
#95. Acupuncture and Cellular Molecular Biology: The Theoretical ...
After 4 days, labor. test: GOT: 247, GPT: 706, Bilirubin: 28.30. The recipe 1 q 中文 PIN YIN LATIN ENGLISH GERMAN Dosage,g 茵陈 Yin Chen 166.
#96. The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine - 第 119 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... can occur prior to completion of definitive reproduction toxicity testing. ... clinical chemistry, haematological and urine analyses are carried out.
#97. 经络•从生物波到细胞: 兼论中医的理论基础 - 第 97 頁 - Google 圖書結果
尿黄赤短,尿道烧痛Urine yellow, short Urethra burn andpain BianXü,扁蓄 Dong Kui 冬葵子 ... 化验:Laboratory Test:GPT2615,GOT932,碱性磷酸酶 Alk.Phosphatase 193 ...
urine test中文 在 U for urine multistix 對於好多病房而言,驗尿係常規 的推薦與評價
只要輕輕點一下就夠,唔好浸曬成條test strip入去,否則容易出現(1)中影響結果ge情況。 有人問,如果用尿片ge病人要驗尿,應該點驗。嚴格黎講用尿片驗 ... ... <看更多>