英文兒歌不一定要幼稚又無聊,我想向學英文的孩子們介紹一些旋律好聽、非常特別、充滿趣味又有點惡搞的英文歌。這些歌曲平常課堂學不到、聽不到,但只要訂閱我的YouTube頻道,我將在這邊繼續免費為大家分享!也歡迎追蹤我的Facebook粉絲專頁 ► https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Little Bunny Foo Foo【歌詞中文翻譯】
Little Bunny Foo Foo went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head
Down came the good fairy, and she said,
"Little Bunny Foo Foo, I don't want to see you.
Scopping up the field mice, and bopping them on the head!"
"I will give you three chances.
If you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"
And the next day...
"I will give you two more chances.
If you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"
And the next day...
"I will give you one last chances.
If you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"
And the next day...
"I have given you three chances, but you didn't behave.
Now I am going to turn you into a GOON!
And the moral of the story is,
Hare today, Goon tomorrow!
Ahh Ha Ha Ha!
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