I was too lucky to have an extremely high quality Raw Food dinner tonight. The chef was two beautiful girls, they use a lot organic veggies and even some expensive eatable flowers for decorations in tonight's dinner.
They are not just look pretty, they have a kindly heart that they don't care spend extra time and money to just help people to understand more about how a compassionate and healthy life looks like.
They don't need your money or appreciation for return, the only thing they need is your action to start a healthy life and be kind to animals, this is actually all activists' wish~
#veganexpression #vegans #rawvegan #rawfooddiet #rawfoodshare #rawfoodie #rawfoodporn #compassionoverkilling #pretty #prettygirls #fruit #fruitsalad #veggiestyle #veganlifeshare #vegandietmealplan #loveanimalsdonteatthem #bekindtoall #bevegan🌱 #goveganstayvegan