去年錄的翻出來:D so this is a cover i recorded a while back!
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◎ City Cafe 自創曲: https://youtu.be/CuxcaFwqRQI
◎Mirrors Cover: https://youtu.be/1TFU7fvfYHg
◎How I Learned My English上一部影片: https://youtu.be/ZgHqeOrW4_I
▶ mentioned content/補充內容
I know i haven't been updating on this channel for a while :( feel free to follow me all over social media though! it has all the secrets! I recently just came back from Berklee, and has been working on my new project! so stay tuned!!!
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➜ http://www.Instagram.com/dena_chang @dena_chang
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➜ http://www.reverbnation.com/denach
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➜ https://soundcloud.com/dena-chang
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➜ http://www.twitter.com/denanadine
yes...the usernames are all different...eeek
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⦿ KKbox➜ http://kkbox.fm/3p0RwR
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♦ KEYWORDS: taipei taiwan singer songwriter dena chang 張粹方 聊聊天 chat chatting talking video 2016 生活紀錄 taiwanese 康熙來了 網路歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 音樂分享 music favorites favourites faves summer fantasy 大明星小跟班 9/20 憲哥 吳宗憲 中天綜合台 uptown funk 自彈自唱 bruno mars how i learned my english 輕鬆學英文 教英文 腔調 金鐘獎