多益文法來造句】 after vs. afterwards 這兩個字很類似。它們的差異是? after表達「… ... Ted did volunteer work in a village after he graduated. ... <看更多>
多益文法來造句】 after vs. afterwards 這兩個字很類似。它們的差異是? after表達「… ... Ted did volunteer work in a village after he graduated. ... <看更多>
Charlie hill pitched in to help with the worst volunteer work of all-searching for bodies . 查理希爾參加了最艱巨的志愿工作--搜尋尸體。 更多例句: 1 2 3 ...
#2. volunteer (【名詞】志工, 志願者)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"volunteer" 例句 ... We need a few more volunteers for the school festival. 我們還需要一些志願者來參加學校的節日活動。 We need more volunteers who are willing to ...
volunteer 造句 / 例句 · 1. Volunteer work gives her life (a sense of) purpose. · 2. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.
#4. 用volunteer造句,volunteer例句 - 乐学英语
志愿者争先恐后地参加这一冒险的比赛。 It's difficult to find volunteer in a sentence. 用volunteer造句挺难的; My friend volunteered an interesting ...
volunteer 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced…
volunteer 的例句 · 1、There was no lack of volunteers. 志愿者不乏其人。 · 2、He volunteered his services as a driver. 他自愿服务充当司机。
#7. volunteer - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
volunteer 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 详尽释义. n. (名词). 自愿参加者,志愿者; 志愿兵,义勇兵 ...
#8. volunteer的用法及例句_volunteer动词造句 - 芭蕉百科网
volunteer 用作不及物动词时,其后常跟介词for,in等。 例句He volunteered a statement to the police.他自动向警方供出情况。 Many people volunteer to work on the ...
#9. 用volunteer造句并翻译,加分项的英文翻译 - 翻译百科网
使用Reverso Context: online volunteering, youth volunteering,在英语-中文情境中翻译"volunteering"
#11. volunteer造句在Youtube上受歡迎的影片介紹|2022年08月
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#12. volunteer的用法及例句_volunteertodo造句- 乐活网
volunteer,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时译为“志愿者;志愿兵”,作动词时译为“自愿”,作形容词时译为“志愿的”。 1volunteer 英:[ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)];美:[ˌvɑːlən.
#13. Volunteer work 中文 - Habitagreen
用"volunteer"造句"volunteer" in a sentence"volunteer"怎麼讀"volunteer"的同義詞. "normal volunteer"中文翻译正常人受试者,健康人受试者,一般志愿受试者"on a ...
#14. volunteer造句_volunteer造句简单- 树脂井盖
volunteer造句 1、Theyvolunteerfor good causes. 2、Ivolunteerbecause I have the time. 3、And for this I need onevolunteer. 4、I stayed, first as avol.
#15. 英文有益思, profile picture
多益文法來造句】 after vs. afterwards 這兩個字很類似。它們的差異是? after表達「… ... Ted did volunteer work in a village after he graduated.
#16. volunteer in造句-六车网
The girl could volunteer in an after school study program to teach kids.的翻译那个女孩可以在一个课外学习项目中做自愿者来给小孩子教学。 ▻The ...
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#18. volunteer\x20to\x20do造句help to do sth造句 - 零基础学英语
decide to do 和volunteer do怎么造句搜狗问问I decide to go to bed early tonight 我决定今晚早点睡觉.: I'd like to volunteer to help that old ...
#19. cheer造句带翻译 - 翻译知识网
cheer造句带翻译. 定语从句是怎么样子的一个翻译方式呢?与中文有何不同.下面是小编整理的定语从句造句带翻译,欢迎大家阅读参考,希望帮助到大家.
#20. bevolunteer用法- 头条搜索
自愿做,义务做,主动建议,自愿参军变形:过去式: volunteered; 现在 ... 用volunteer造句形式be 加动词ing - 雨露学习互助2个回答·回答时间: 2021年7月4日.
#21. Student Volunteer翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
Student Volunteer中文的意思、翻譯及用法:學生志愿者。英漢詞典提供【Student Volunteer】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#22. Volunteerism 中文
例句:Schools need volunteers to help children to read. 学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。 發音: 用"volunteer activities"造句"volunteer activities ...
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#24. 翻译_volunteer同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#25. 腳踏實地造句
九天玄女掌管. 陳欣庭. 醉後拳王. 中華電信999 方案. 尿酸尿素. 徵胖模特兒. How much of the world s population is in china. 2017 年母親節. 速入眠. Toeic volunteer.
#26. Projects | volunteers - 緬甸華文教育服務團
教師或許一會兒教一年級學生識字,交代課堂習題後,走幾步到教室另一端教二年級學生造句。 . 我們熟識的弄曼光明學校就是這樣的辦學模式。
#27. 福爾摩思學院on Instagram: “阿姨人家是來看手相的啦 我們這 ...
... 2365-3288 #福爾摩思學院#多益#雅思#托福#esl #英文造句#英文句子…” ... 滅火器可以說fire extinguisher 義消可以說volunteer firefighters ...
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cheer on造句1、This combination creates an exciting sport to watch andcheer ... 造句简单lonely造句简单用cheer造句短句子volunteer造句简单prefer造句简单g.
#29. volunteer是什麼意思? - 劇多
volunteer 的意思是: ... 1、volunteer some information 主動提供一些資訊 ... 用"volunteer+地點"造句? volunteer什麼意思中文翻譯?
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recommend oneself to a post(volunteer to take the lead). 贊(0). 其他成語. 依希猶記 · 依阿兩可 · 負隅依阻 · 衆望所依 · 孑然無依 · 一依舊式 · 千依百順 ...
#31. paperwork造句- 容易答知识网
成语造句:张平《抉择》:“文山会海淹没了思维,酒池肉林埋葬了自我。” 英语翻译:a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (idiom) 第一个字为文 ...
#32. volunteer的用法总结 - 河智科学网
volunteer造句. volunteer用法volunteer可以用作动词volunteer的基本意思是“自动提供,自愿效劳”,指自愿做某项工作或自愿尽某种责任。 volunteer可用作及物动词, ...
#33. volunteer什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标
volunteer 什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义:n. 志愿者a. 志愿的vt. 自愿vi. 自愿【法】 志愿者, 志愿从事者, ...
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造句 例句, 好心的漁戶自告奮勇,選拔了五十多名上等青年獵手,披弓帶箭前去尋找。(曲波《林海雪原》三十六) ... 英語:volunteer to do sth.
#35. 銘傳大學華語訓練中心-華語義工與小老師專頁MSCC volunteer
銘傳大學華語訓練中心-華語義工與小老師專頁MSCC volunteer ...-這一季一開始配對到的是由紀同學,是一 ... 常見volunteer造句問答 ... 造句I'd like to volunteer… |.
#36. 用community造句简单 - 优全网
community造句复制1、Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy thecommunity.(犯罪和对犯罪的恐惧占据了这个 ... 3、The volunteers for community service are doing.
#37. volunteer造句并翻译
学霸们,求many of的用法及翻译,我如果想造句:Many of the students study hard.应该用study还是studies?快的采纳!much of和many of一般放在一些 ...
#38. 用volunteer造句简单 - 欧宝知识网
volunteer 造句 / 例句1.Volunteerwork gives her life (a sense of) purpose. 做志愿工作使她的生活有了意义。 《牛津词典》 2.
#39. volunteer to do sth造句- 35招生网
He volunteered to do the job.他自愿去做那份工作.我来回答类似推荐used to do sth.造句配中英文用decide to do sth造句造句decide to do sth决定做某事.
#40. voluntee for sth造句 - 双龙网- 首页
volunteer for sth 自愿做某事I want to be a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympics.而且我还想成为2008年北京奥运会的志愿者。
#41. volunteer的用法及短语- menf
unit 3 I AM A Volunteer 学生通过合作学习的方式基本能从课文中寻找到重点词组和知识点,但无法讲解清楚,而且在用词组造句方面有一定难度。运用课文知识点缩写.
#42. volunteer的用法及例句- 捷高网
volunteer 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可以引出直接引语。 volunteer用作不及物动词时,其后常跟介词.
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volunteer 名词动词造句. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer ... volunteer的adj形式是什么? ... volunteer的形容词就是:volunteer,意思:志愿的。
#44. 志愿的意思和造句 - 美莱文化网
1.用volunteer造句形式be 加动词ing ... They should be volunteering to provide support and expertise. 人们应该去提供资金和技术。 For example, if you're a guy, you ...
#45. volunteer的用法及短语- tqcc
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你想当一名义工去为老人们服务吗??want to be 想成为.....the old 老人. volunteer造句. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.
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volunteer to do sth造句. by at 2022-09-20 06:46:58. 本文标签:. 上一篇:; 下一篇:. volunteer to do sth造句相关文章. volunteer to do sth造句相关搜索.
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如: Provided enough good climbers volunteer , a fells rescue unit will be formed . ... 如: 0 The atmosphere in Beppi's is as lively as it was 276 第六章造句.
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by trouble造句简单翻译 at 2022-09-17 13:44:19 ... 用journey造句挺难的Journeyto Daylight Land, Sudbury, University of Sudbury, ... volunteer造句简单带翻译.
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volunteer造句. 16、Ivolunteerbecause I love my city and I need to give back something to it other than tax dollars. 17、Ivolunteerbecause I want to not just ...
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2、Aunt Mary volunteered tocleanup the kitchen.(玛丽姨妈主动要求打扫厨房。) 3、A sha. clean造句. clean 造句/ 例句1. The house needed a goodclean.
#52. 用community造句简单 - 图页网- 首页
community造句复制1、Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy thecommunity.(犯罪和对犯罪的恐惧占据了这个 ... 3、The volunteers for community service are doing.
#53. 用volunteer to do sth造句? - 花语世界
用volunteer to do sth造句? 一、i volunteer to help the people in need. he volunteered to write the article. 今天就介绍到这了,对于用volunteer ...
#54. volunteer - ttgc
volunteer,volunteer是什麼意思_volunteer在線翻譯_英語_讀音_用法_, ... 在下图中,您可以看到VOLUNTEER的主要定义。 ... volunteer造句_用volunteer造句大全.
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表达“自愿、挺身而出做某事”,我们最容易想到的当然是volunteer to do,volunteer as,也可以小小的变化一下词性:do sth voluntarily,do sth on a purely volun.
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... 我觉得我的英文更纯正了,而且也爱说了,课上经常当volunteer。 ... 查字典,造句,在学完之后写整篇课文的summary,还自己作单词和句子的听写练习。
#58. volunteer的短语_观纹网
volunteer military 志愿役。 Volunteer Army 志愿军; 义军。 volunteer group 志愿者小组; 志愿者团体。 volunteer,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词、 ...
#59. Whether or not 用法分析|常見錯誤
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#60. volunteer的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
VERB主動提供(資訊) · The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information... 房間很安靜,無人主動提供更多的資訊。 · 'They were both great supporters ...
#61. 有没有什么推荐的大学生义工平台 - 吹鱼文化网
义工什么造句. 1.用volunteer造句. And for this I need one volunteer. 为此,我需要一个志愿者。 I volunteer because I have the time.
#62. Volunteer - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
volunteer holiday. ph. 志工假期,義工假期(指在度假期間志願為支援某項計畫 ...
#63. volunteer的用法及短语- javacodeqa
题目和参考答案——青夏教育精英家,FOR instance, volunteer to give guidance to ... 课文中寻找到重点词组和知识点,但无法讲解清楚,而且在用词组造句方面有一定难度。
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devoir & falloir造句. 請按照例句照樣造句,換掉關鍵訊息就好一般來說,週末的時候應該 ...
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volunteer的动词 · volunteer造句 · volunteer · teenager · volunteer固定公式 · volunteer副词怎么写 · reduce是什么意思 · Volunteer短语 · volunteer的派生词 ...
#66. callup造句
call up 等几个词造句- ______ she called up a firend just for a chat call up 英文释义叫醒,[军]召集,朝上方叫喊,给…打电话. 在句子中Callup需要大写吗?
#67. volunteer 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
volunteer 志願者(a.)志願的(vt.)(vi.)自願.
#68. Youth Peace Volunteers shoot video introducing monuments ...
Since 2019, we have been supporting the activities of Youth Peace Volunteers—volunteer guides who take visitors from overseas for tours in Peace Memorial ...
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