TRAVELING AND WORRIED ABOUT JET LAG?!?! Here are some of mama's tried-and-tested top tips!
Estimate about one day for every hour difference just to give you some expectation of how long it might take.
Be gentle but also go with the flow. If your little one is hungry at her usual feeding times from destination of origin or wanting a nap...feed her, nap her, etc.
You are much better off taking half an hour to give her a little snack at 3am (lights are low, quiet, no animated loud playing, little snack or warm cup of milk/nurse then back to bed) over trying to fight her to go back to sleep for the next 3 hours on a hungry stomach that will turn into screaming and finally everyone waking up and giving up and starting the day exhausted and cranky.
Similar to that, there is also no point trying to keep her up when she's clearly exhausted because she will just be really really angry at the world and fall asleep eventually anyway. If her body is tired, and she's asking for a nap. Put her in the carrier/stroller and let her nap while you go about your day.
True story, our daughter fell asleep as we got to Disneyworld for their last night of Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party that we had specially bought tickets for.
Instead of trying to keep her up, we let her rest and take a little nap, enjoyed that special time of just my husband and I exploring and soaking it all in on a special date.
When she woke up, she was in a great mood and ready to party! Because she wasn't tired, hungry, or overstimulated, she could fully take it all in - the decorations, the characters, the fireworks, the magic, and it is one of our very most precious memories as a family.
BUT the key is also to still go with the flow and slowly adjust to the new time zone. As much as you can, try to work them towards acclimatizing.
If it's morning and you have something planned, go ahead and take her out. Eat breakfast at breakfast time, etc. Visit family, go out to the park, sight see. Be flexible but don't let jet lag limit you. Do whatever it is that you were wanting to do but just build in time and grace for you both to adjust.
Traveling with little ones is always an adventure but also what an incredible time together. To be able to introduce all these new cultures and experiences and to be there for so many of their firsts. Our daughter will grow up calling many places home and it is both a privilege and sometimes hard but also remember that half the battle is perception - are you going into it saying bring on the crazy or are you dreading expecting the absolute worst?
Glass half full, you got this, mama!
Got any toddler crazy questions you'd like answered? Drop me a comment or come join my Toddler Wars! workshop on January 6 and learn practical, loving, solutions for raising kind, compassionate, confident, respectful children.