關於paints的評價, Culture Trip
This artist paints with the sun! 🖌☀️...
This artist paints with the sun! 🖌☀️...
【職業醫學】~ 造船業可能的風險 週末騎騎ubike,沒想到還可以經過造船廠!印象中,只覺得高雄是造船、拆船的重鎮,原來北部也有造船廠⋯⋯真是長了見識⋯⋯ 在光鮮亮麗的船舶後面,從業人員可能...
Sometimes when the world you’re living in seems full of uncertainty, you just gotta paint your own w...
This artist paints with the sun! 🖌☀️...
This artist paints with the sun!☀️🖌...
我沒關係我先講。我是台灣人。 Picture paints a thousand words. T-...
This artist paints with the sun! 🖌☀️...
“ A smile paints a thousand meaning, express yours...
【第四輪集體獨家贊助名單出場!】 各位久等了,第四輪嚟喇嚟喇! 今次單位更多元,包括手作雜誌、油...
Follow model and artist Sasha Pivovarova, who fron...