@WageSlave. @WageSlave 191K subscribers 1.6K videos. Subscribe. 社畜時代FB. Home. Videos. Shorts. Live. Playlists. Community. Channels. ... <看更多>
@WageSlave. @WageSlave 191K subscribers 1.6K videos. Subscribe. 社畜時代FB. Home. Videos. Shorts. Live. Playlists. Community. Channels. ... <看更多>
訂閱社畜時代YouTube ▻▻ https://goo.gl/bvpA01 全新職場系列短劇強勢來襲! 低薪資、高工時,在我們被操到化回白骨之前社畜時代和大家一起掙扎著往上爬. ... <看更多>
來測你最像哪種動物、奴性指數有多高!測完有機會送你去溫泉飯店泡湯,放飛你的社畜魂. ... <看更多>
真實犯罪Podcast節目「我在案發現場」首場聽眾見面會來啦,只要訂閱節目,就有機會抽中入場門票喔。活動當日除了可以與主持人陳豐德近距離接觸外,同時也會策劃「聽眾會客 ... ... <看更多>
Formats. WageSlave can generate payment files in the following formats: Available. ABA / Cemtext (Australian Banks). Coming soon. ... <看更多>
See what Travis Beyer (wageslave) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. ... <看更多>