production deployment when PRODUCTION env var is set. Usage. include: - project: SocialGouv/gitlab-ci-yml file ... ... <看更多>
production deployment when PRODUCTION env var is set. Usage. include: - project: SocialGouv/gitlab-ci-yml file ... ... <看更多>
I am trying to add needs between jobs in the Gitlab CI yaml configuration file. stages: - build - test - package - deploy ... ... <看更多>
每次 push 的时候GitLab CI 会根据 .gitlab-ci.yml 配置文件运行你流水线( Pipeline )中各个阶段的任务( Job ),并将结果发送回 ... ... <看更多>
You are not able to create multiple .gitlab-ci.yml but you can manage to have what you want. You currently have multiple software in the same repository with ... ... <看更多>
gitlab -ci.yml关键词完整解析(一)使用GitLab自带的流水线,必须要定义流水线的内容,而定义内容的文件默认叫做.gitlab-ci.yml,使用yml的语法进行编写。 ... <看更多>