關於profession的評價, Leonardo DiCaprio
There is no excuse for sexual harassment or sexual assault — no matter who you are and no matter wh...
There is no excuse for sexual harassment or sexual assault — no matter who you are and no matter wh...
瞎譯始終無畏的洪蘭 剛剛發現一位著作甚豐、值得閱讀的法律學者Cass Sunstein。搜索他言論的同時,偶然又驚見「超譯大師」洪蘭荼毒《快思慢想》的刀痕,再記下一筆。雖然並不意外,驚的仍是她不...
My profession requires me to work in all kind of ...
Pic - Sleeping Doctors My dream is to make all my...
Tidak mudah menjadi guru, kesabaran dan pengorbana...
Today is Singapore Nurses’ Day. It is a day to hon...
Innalillahiwainnahirojiun ... Takziah kepada kelua...
Great news – Singapore Hawker Culture has been ins...
・・・ Ya Allah rindunya dekat cinta hati Abi dua ora...
有一日,我係到收緊症,病人問我「點解醫護界大多數都咁黃架呢」?我就同佢講左以下呢一個故事。 內科病...