anxiety disorder 在 Lama Sangat PKP, Ramai Stres, Hilang Pekerjaan, Kewangan Merosot, Diserang Anxiety & Depresi Mental 的影片資訊
? You can also follow me here: Portal: IG: Twitt...
? You can also follow me here: Portal: IG: Twitt...
Most of us have enough free time and opportunity to focus on our happiness but unfortunately, we’re ...
心理鯊來了?|其實我有社交焦慮?與陌生人接觸便感到焦慮不安???♀️??和你聊聊社交焦慮症的6⃣️個症狀! 如果你患上社交恐懼症, 你與其他人在一起時會感到無比緊張, 擔心其他人可能會批評自己...
【我係咪有焦慮症?】 無論係工作、學業定係人際關係令你覺得壓力好大,一定唔可以無視咗佢!焦慮症呈現嘅徵狀同嚴重程度因人而異,若持續出現過度嘅擔憂而又負面咁影響日常生活,就要及早尋求專業協助啦!??⚕...
I really wanted to make this video to clear some things up about the aim and purpose of this channel...
I Broke Down After Having Panic Disorder (Panic Attacks) and I Went Live on Facebook And Cried. An ...
在我們生活中社交是社會活動主要的一部分! 大多人社交不會感到任何恐懼壓力,可是對一群人來說卻是可怕焦慮的事情。 他們為被稱作「社交恐懼症」的一群人,社交對他們來說非常困難並且恐怖! 但並不是人們認為的...
#焦慮症 #症狀 #治療 按這裡,你可以幫助志祺七七繼續日更: ✔︎ 成...
I've been getting a lot of DM's and tweets of some of you guys telling me what you're going through ...
HIIIII! GET READY WITH ME: FALL EDITION. Usually when I’m feeling and looking crap, I’ll do a warm...