關於atrocious的評價, Bubzbeauty Official
I'm saddened to hear about the tragic shooting event in Connecticut. May the victims rest in peace....
I'm saddened to hear about the tragic shooting event in Connecticut. May the victims rest in peace....
美國左翼呼籲在教育界、警隊、醫生、律師、所有「老闆」(all bosses ) 行業,將「保守主義者...
Credit: @nypost This one hit close to home. Pak H...
#明明已經落咗閘佢哋仲可以喺入面 仲咁惡咁大聲 你話呢啲咩人嚟 Who #playing part ...
想不到,以下Nancy國際線文宣來自一位名醫。不忍卒睹。 //Strength in unity!...
A message for the world In the day of children… I...
林鄭懶理港人死活 武漢肺炎自由襲港 ================== 面對由中共輸出、肆...
林鄭懶理港人死活 武漢肺炎自由襲港 ================== 面對由中共輸出、肆虐全球的...
*Institute of Excellence for Islamicjerusalem Stud...
The Best Opportunity to “Laam5Caau2”* (Lee Yee) S...