

changes lyrics的相關標籤

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吳子龍 - For the Mother 這首歌講一個人發現了大自然和大地之母(我叫祂天母)不只是一個可以利用的資源而是是一個活的又有保護跟照顧性的超意識。發現了這個之後當然對生命、愛、生活、地球、人的看法完全改變。 這是live版本、歌詞旋律跟編曲是我自己的。 錄專輯時會有多些厲害的音樂人的幫助也許會更不一樣! This new song of mine talks about a person finding out that Gaia, Mother Nature, is not just a bunch of resources to use but it’s actually a super consciousness of caring and loving nature. Once he/she finds out the Mother’s loving nature , the whole view about life , love, the planet , people changes forever. The lyrics, music and arrangements are mine but when we record the album there will be some great musicians working with me and it’ll get even more different!

吳子龍 - For the Mother 這首歌講一個人發現了大自然和大地之母(我叫祂天母)不只是...