east coast time 在 EAST COAST TAIWAN - BIKE HUALIEN TO TAITUNG (in the rain) 🚴 自行車三日行後悔了嗎?在雨中從花蓮騎腳踏車到台東 的影片資訊
#腳踏車旅行 #東海岸 #Insta360 Insta 360 One R https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_r?insrc=INR0P5F Katherine an...
#腳踏車旅行 #東海岸 #Insta360 Insta 360 One R https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_r?insrc=INR0P5F Katherine an...
Follow me as I go about the first half of February! February was a hectic month filled with shoots, ...
I'm back with a weekly vlog! This week was super productive, I filmed a new video, attended an event...
First vlog of the year! Started off January recharging through cycling, feasting on good food, bakin...
大家好,我來自馬來西亞 在艱難的2020年,我透過留學的方式來到了紐西蘭拍攝 為了完成這組作品,記錄下最原始純凈的中土世界自然風光 我花了10個月時間實現新西蘭南北島自駕大縱走,超過32000公...
20首免版權Vlog音樂推薦 您可以在任何視頻中使用這些音樂,但必須於影片中或影片片尾註明曲名與作者。 Royalty free relaxing music for use in your vi...
Sharing with you guys my November/December snippets in this episode of #VlogmasWithMong! ✨ It’s been...
Listennnnn let me tell you - knowing how to drive in Ghana is a sure way to know how to drive in oth...
#Taitung #Chishang Township #池上鄉 IG @wesofthesun I spent last weekend traveling around the beautiful...
日本とは時間が違うのだよ、日本とは! ~~~~~ 日本語 / Japanese ~~~~~ 少なくとも「※」で囲まれている項目には目を通して下さい。 ?♂️...ご挨拶 初めまして。ヨージで...