關於halfway的評價, Jordan Yeoh
Do's and Don'ts. Especially when you are getting tired halfway thru the workout....
Do's and Don'ts. Especially when you are getting tired halfway thru the workout....
I would like to thank all my English speaking friends and supporters in the US and world abroad for ...
I would like to thank all my English speaking friends and supporters in the US and world abroad for ...
Vlog|阿咪阿載週末怎麼過? 我跟阿載大概從一兩年前開始喜歡上釣蝦 一開始是跟著朋友偶爾去玩 後來買了自己的竿子~跟一些小東西 沒有買很多,但就是出去都會用自己的器材 釣蝦也漸漸變成我們的興趣啦 ...
I was having a stressful day today. The house needed cleaned, laundry needed done, dishes were pili...
Meet me halfway 👾...
一包多用的 WOTANCRAFTPionner 拓荒者腳踏車包,下車後還可以當作側背小包,多用途的背法,真實用。 騎車時也不用背東背西,不是小布的腳踏車也沒差,我的捷安特小折也可以用(當然配小布真的...
When you're halfway through January and already broke your New Years' resolutions... (Credit: Lin...
超可愛的泰迪熊,你看了沒? 只要上傳「與騎著GIANT小折的泰迪熊合照」並「tag好友留言」,就有機會抽中小折Halfway 7S喔(市價$11,800元) https://www.faceb...
When you're halfway through January and already b...