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🇭🇰[Can] 鳥巢? 龜苓膏? 豆腐? 甜品?! 朱古力同餅乾到底發生咩事?! 今次我妹妹同我將會嘗試一啲最奇怪嘅甜品(喺外國人眼中啦)。 喺呢個M&M'S 幸運抽獎中,每種朱古力嘅顏色代表唔同嘅甜品!除咗粉紅色之外,因為粉紅色係今次特別活動嘅代表顏色!💓 而家如果喺M&M'S包裝入面,抽中粉紅色嘅M&M'S朱古力,就可以換領M&M'S鎖匙扣一個,以及可以獲得贏取粉紅色M&M'S行李箱嘅機會! 你所需要做嘅就係前往 www.mmspinkhunt.com,將一張連同包裝,收據同埋特別版粉紅色M&M'S朱古力嘅相片發送到網頁上提供嘅WhatsApp號碼登記! 💛 - 榴槤班戟 🧡- 麥芽糖夾餅 ❤- 紅豆沙 💚- 燕窩 大家不如分享吓你哋最鍾意以上邊款甜品? 🇬🇧[Eng] Birds nest? Turtle jelly? Tofu? Dessert?! What happened to chocolates and biscuits ?! This time my sister and I will be trying strangest (in foreigner eyes ) desserts. In this M&M’s lucky draw Each color represents a different dessert apart from pink since it a special event color! 💓 Person who finds pink M&M’s in their pack can win a special keychain as well as a chance to win a pink M&M’s suitcase ! All you got to do is visit www.mmspinkhunt.com and send a pic of the pack , receipt and the special pink M&M’s to the mentioned WhatsApp number! 💛 - durian pancake 🧡- sweet cracker ❤- red bean soup 💚- birds nest Let me know which out of the desserts you like the most? #捕獲幸運粉紅色MMs #MMschocolate #MMs

🇭🇰[Can] 鳥巢? 龜苓膏? 豆腐? 甜品?! 朱古力同餅乾到底發生咩事?! 今次我妹妹同我將會...