關於fresh off the boat的評價, 許瑋甯(Ann'space )
明天Fresh Off The Boat 記者會見😉😉 ...
明天Fresh Off The Boat 記者會見😉😉 ...
I'M SORRY. Aku dah bosan. Kita hidup dalam abad ke 22 tetapi masih ada banyak dinasour yang berkeli...
These past few weeks I’ve learnt that nothing makes me happier than a great big hug, the sound of th...
Dash singing "Row row row your boat"!! Although he only knows the first 3 words lol. He repeats th...
[時事英文] 美國影集: 菜鳥移民 (Fresh Off the Boat) 最近在美國一個電視劇名稱為 Fresh Off the Boat (菜鳥移民)英文原直翻為「剛下船」。全劇改編自台灣移民...
#不得不推薦學英文素材 天哪! 家裡有netflix的人, 拜託快去看看黃艾莉的stand-up comedy, 一個大肚子的亞裔女人做脫口秀,而且她是「菜鳥新移民(Fresh Off th...
祝大家端午節快樂!幾天前去香港沒吃到粽子但是吃到Jes最愛的流沙包!剛好也拜訪了香港法國學校,跟學生分享Transition的故事! Happy Dragon Boat Festival! We ...
Semalam in the boat watching dolphins in beautiful...
イグアスの滝:アルゼンチン・ブラジル 世界三大瀑布(滝)のひとつ。水量は毎分36億ℓにも及ぶ。滝の...
Painting with fire on chopsticks! A piece to find ...