疫情期間,不管是 #遠距辦公、娛樂效果,AR應用都變得更加普及、重要,但其實應用場景比你想的更務實!製造業在這段期間,產線人員短缺,促使「遠距生產」成為新話題,不少人便將腦筋動到了AR眼鏡身上。
台灣智慧眼鏡廠家 佐臻股份有限公司 跟 Epson 合作,推出比市場老大哥 #微軟 #HoloLens 更輕巧、便宜的裝置,能不能為AR眼鏡撕掉「科技玩具」的標籤?
佐臻ar眼鏡 在 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Facebook 的最佳貼文
According to a Research and Markets report, the AR and VR markets are forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 38.1% and 27.9% respectively from 2020 to 2025 under the influence of the pandemic 📈 One can certainly tell from the winners of this year’s COMPUTEX d&i Awards that AR and VR applications are changing the way people interact in increasingly diverse fields 🙋
The J7EF Plus AR glasses from Jorjin Technologies create a more intuitive way for human-computer interaction, providing better remote management for fields such as manufacturing and logistics. Yajantech offers AR SDK (Software Develop Kit) that allows for the introduction of AR solutions to applications such as smart manufacturing and modeling in a short period of time. Retina Stereotactic Surgery Navigation System from Eped integrates smart healthcare technologies and is compatible with AR glasses, which enable doctors to perform minimally invasive surgeries with success! Tune into COMPUTEX for more first hand information on the latest forward-looking technologies! 🏃♂️
根據市調公司 Research and Markets 預測,在疫情影響下,2020 年至 2025 年間,AR 市場的年複合成長率達 38.1%,VR 市場則以 27.9% 速度成長📈而從 COMPUTEX d&i Awards 得獎產品中也可以發現,AR/VR 應用場域更加多元,不斷改變人們互動模式🙋
佐臻股份有限公司推出 J7EF Plus AR 智慧眼鏡,可創造更直覺的人機互動方式,提升如工業、物流等各領域的遠距管理體驗;雅匠科技的跨平台 AR SDK(軟體開發套件),讓智慧製造、建築建模及其他多元應用情境,能在短時間內輕鬆導入 AR 解決方案;EPED Inc. International 醫百科技的雷帝納 Retina 手術導航系統,結合智慧醫療技術和服務,甚至可搭配 AR 眼鏡,協助醫師更精準地執行各類微創手術!想第一手接觸更多國際性的前瞻技術,別忘了持續鎖定 COMPUTEX 展會🏃♂️
佐臻ar眼鏡 在 民報 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【影音】「佐臻」是台灣AR智慧眼鏡的領導先驅,當前已掛上自有品牌,推出台灣最先進AR眼鏡。18日在高雄5G AIOT活動會場展示最新的智慧眼鏡,吸引各界參觀。尤值一提的是,針對眼鏡族的配戴方式的新開發,讓人眼睛為之一亮!