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Ghost DJ Studio
Tags: 入門監聽喇叭推薦
DJ Michelle 咪雪兒
About author
跟隨Club的流行演變至今,從地下電子音樂最輝煌的時期到現在最流行的Electro Remix,對音樂感受認知經驗豐富,接觸DJ工作之後很快就勝任為正式駐店DJ,DJ Michelle那愛變化多端,在那令人繽紛眩目的電子舞曲的彈跳旋律裡,和來店裡的舞客互動熱絡現場派對總是氣氛火熱。
除了台灣大小夜店表演之外,曾受邀至澳洲/墨爾本/布里斯本 新加坡 馬來西亞等海外許多知名夜店,也與許多國內外知名DJ同台演出。
跨足電音開始至今,不斷進化,擅常將Elector、 Progressive等多元元素混入她最愛的Techno、Tech House 之中,以重節拍元素帶入十足性感節奏,
06年玩樂John Digweed 同名派對@ 感觸了解電音最重要的是鋪陳與意境。
11年 接觸到Techno曲風衝擊影響,她的觀念裡電子音樂的世界無限可能。
從2013年時下最流行的Party Electro流行電音,到國際性的大型派對中都可聽見EDM型曲風,或更加是純電子音樂非主流Underground TECHNO舞曲,每場Party都由她專業的感受去詮釋出不同曲風跟音樂類型,是一位多元,又非過於主流擁有自我特色的DJ,帶領舞客進入電音的多元層次,挑動許多熱愛跳舞人們對音樂的神經,遊走活躍在各大主題派對中。
Started and influenced by music culture since age 16, DJ Michelle has followed the trend of club evolution since then. She has been through the glorious period of underground electronic music. All these experience has equipped her with strong music perceptions and extensive musical knowledge.
Ever since she started her career as a DJ, with her talent, DJ Michelle was quickly recognized and promoted as resident DJ within a short period of time. She loves to interact with the audience and ignites the crowd with her charisma on stage.
Besides performances in many popular night clubs throughout Taiwan, DJ Michelle was also invited to perform at many well-known clubs in Australia, Melbourne, Brisbane, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. And of course, co-performed with many famous DJs from Taiwan as well as overseas.
DJ Michelle is good at mixing elector, progressive and other diversified elements into her favorite techno and techno house. Using the heavy beat element mixing with exuberant sexy tempo, she leads the dancing crowd into the multi-element of electronic music, and arouses the music nerves of the dancing maniacs. DJ Michelle is no doubt a DJ combined with sweet sexy looks and capability in ruling the turntable!
Viva Club
La Vida Club
Barcode 高雄
2011.07.08 高雄樂孚 Lounge 微小重擊派對DJ
2011.07.10 台北國際啤酒節派對DJ
2011.07.13 台中現代汽車頒獎晚會DJ
2011.07.16 La Vida Club 無敵女力比基尼派對DJ
2011.07.23 House Nation派對DJ With DJ劉軒
2011.0813 金典飯店75樓 東京攝影師之夜派對DJ(米原康正攝影展)
2011.08.27 台北Space Club Guest DJ
2011.09.17 旗津海洋音樂季DJ (活動網址http://www.cijin-festival.net/02.html)
2011.09.17 高雄MK Lounge Summer Bikini Party DJ
2011.10.22 台南 東方Club Guest DJ
2011.10.28 樂孚 Lounge 萬聖變裝派對DJ
2011.11.12 橋頭糖廠 Spunite造音廠戶外電音派對Stage3 Techno DJ
2011.11.18 台中Baby09 Club Guest DJ
2011.12.02 澳洲墨爾本OMG Friday Club Guest DJ
2011.12.31 墾丁跨年派對DJ
2012.02.22 台北 ATT 4 Fun Stream Lounge Bar*香檳派對 Guest DJ
2012.04.06 Taiwan Electronic Music Carnival 2012 春吶/第一屆台灣電子音樂季(墾丁白沙灣新浪潮)派對DJ
2012.04.07 墾丁夏都春樂|2012 Chateau Spring Music Festival(Free Entry) 派對DJ
2012.05.19 Spunite Productions 斯邦奈 / Danceport 電音港 2012 ft. Pelussje, Allure, Richard Bedford @ 高雄興達港情人碼頭 派對DJ
2012.05.23 馬來西亞/柔佛 ShowHouse Club Guest DJ Michelle
2012.05.26 台中Baby09 Club 第二度受邀 Guest DJ
2012.06.01 澳洲/布里斯本 Baby Face Club {Melody Party } Guest DJ
2012.06.02 澳洲/墨爾本 Love Machine Club Guest DJ
2012.06.29 台中 APEX Club DJ Michelle Party
2012.07.14 台南 Funkoo Bar (Housy Foxy 浩室甜心Guest DJ)
2012.07.27 馬來西亞/新山 Malaysia’s The Hub Club Guest DJ
2012..08.11 Hendrick's 亨利爵士琴酒 同名派對 派對DJ
2012.09.01 Moonlight2012@台北 M.D.C 月光飛舞嘉年華 沙灘派對
❤️ DJ Michelle咪雪兒 DJ & Party 愛音樂&愛派對女孩❤️ 歡迎活動Booking 請洽經紀人 Manager:+886-926369421 Shang http://www.ghostdjstudio.com
❤️ DJ Michelle咪雪兒 DJ & Party 愛音樂&愛派對女孩❤️ 歡迎活動Booking 請洽經紀人 Manager:+886-926369421 Shang http://www.ghostdjstudio.com
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