Eat right to protect against the sun
A female start was recently on vacation, and she was in the sun for an extended period of time after touching lime juice with her hands. Black spots formed on her hands as a result. In reality, citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, and grapefruit, and vegetables such as basil, lettuce, celery, cilantro, potatoes, carrots, or other things like pineapples, papaya, black sesame are all sensitive to light. They contain copper like metal elements and once exposed to UV rays from the sun, they can increase melanin pigmentation in the skin, leading to black freckles. So before you play in the sun, avoid consuming these foods that are light sensitive to reduce melanin in the body.
On the other hand, things that are high in Vitamin C such as tomatoes, kiwis, apples, cherries, pomegranate, strawberries, winter melon and spinach can help to reduce melanin pigmentation and prevent black freckles.
Aside from watching your food intake, remember to use sun screen on your skin, wear protective clothing and hats, and use an umbrella!
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