#法式甜點關鍵詞] #如何成為一個甜點師?學徒制、廚藝學校與實習 / How to become a pâtissier? apprenticeship, culinary schools, and internship (for English, please click "see more")
成為專業的甜點師、優雅地做出無數個美麗蛋糕與甜點,是很多人的夢想。那麼,究竟該如何一步一步達到目標呢?本文除了介紹歷史悠久的 #學徒制 之外,也為大家介紹法國的 #廚藝學校、#證書 與 #實習,更有許多圈內人的 #經驗之談,是嚮往法國、希望成為甜點師的你不能錯過的一篇!
📌 #取得廚藝學校的證書不代表擁有甜點師資格
📌 #實習制究竟是快速獲取實戰經驗的捷徑,#還是企業壓榨勞力的合法途徑?
📌 #擴大招生的廚藝學校與國際班課程,#反而破壞了實習制的意義?
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Becoming a pâtissier that makes beautiful cakes and desserts is a dream for many, however, do you know how to realize it? In this article, we talk about the apprenticeship, culinary schools, and internships that are critical to the development of a pastry chef. If you are keen to come to France to learn pastry-making and are thinking to become a pâtissier one day, this is a must-read.
Key points to highlight:
📌 obtaining a diploma/certificate from a culinary school does not mean that you're officially a pâtissier.
📌 Are internships a shortcut to get real experiences in the industry or a shield for the entreprises to get cheap labor without risks?
📌 Is the quick expansion of culinary schools and international programs risking the development of a future chef?
Click on the link below to read further.
🔖 Recommended posts on related topics:
What exactly does a chef do? Getting to know the kitchen brigade and their job responsibilities: https://tinyurl.com/y4wva4h3
French pastry keywords that you have to know: https://tinyurl.com/y5c99dd8
#yingspastryguide #pâtissier #culinaryschools #apprenticeship #internship
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