「立穩根基,共創未來:AIT@40—1979年後美台關係特展」#桃園場 前兩天揭幕囉~ 不僅展示台美關係40年來的歷史照片、文件、訪談資料,還有 #AIT 內湖新館跟 #雙橡園 的VR實境體驗 🤩
更多資訊 https://bit.ly/2Mkh6cF
#只到8月25日快衝 💨
#台美恆久夥伴 💎
Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan, MOFA Deputy Minister Hsu Sze-chien and AIT/T Director Brent Christensen kicked off the “Strong Foundation, Bright Future: US-Taiwan Relations Since 1979” exhibit in Taoyuan City.
The exhibit will be held until August 25th. You don’t want to miss out.
For more information: https://bit.ly/2H6bY7t
#TRA40 #AnEnduringPartnership
八月是AIT@40安全合作月!AIT處長酈英傑於8月14日星期三在桃園市政府文化局,為「立穩根基,共創未來:AIT@40—1979年後美台關係特展」桃園場揭幕,並發表了關於增進美台安全合作的大型演講。處長在致詞中強調美台安全合作關係——及美台的整體關係——乃是奠基於人權、自由及民主等美台共享的根本價值。美國今天是、未來也將繼續是台灣真正的朋友,而美國對《台灣關係法》所載義務的承諾,始終堅若磐石。本展覽主旨為慶祝美台40年來的合作,桃園場另外特別展出「黑貓中隊」的精選文件和影像。本展覽展出至8月25日,誠摯邀請各位到桃園市政府文化局看展!處長致詞稿全文請見:https://www.ait.org.tw/…/the-third-promote-speech-promotin…/。#USTaiwanRelations #AITat40celebration #SecurityCooperationMonth #安全合作月
It’s AIT@40 Security Cooperation Month! On Wednesday, August 14, AIT Director Christensen delivered a speech on U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation at the “Strong Foundation, Bright Future - AIT@40: U.S.-Taiwan Relations since 1979” exhibition at the Department of Cultural Affairs in Taoyuan. In his speech, Director Christensen emphasized that “the U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation relationship – and our relationship writ large – is grounded in our fundamental shared values of human rights, freedom and democracy. We are and will remain a true friend of Taiwan, and our commitment to the obligations enshrined in the Taiwan Relations Act is rock solid.” Read Director Christensen’s speech here: https://www.ait.org.tw/the-third-promote-speech-promoting-…/. The exhibit celebrates U.S.-Taiwan cooperation and includes a special section on the Black Cats. Stop by the Department of Cultural Affairs in Taoyuan and come see the exhibition until August 25th!