Godzilla 2 King of the Monsters Suit Construction Record
This project is done by the following members:
Chu chi--making the base suit with sponge and the fins.
Master--all electronic devices and the main painting job.
Shredder Mei--sculpting skin, muscles, tail and face and velcro attaching.
Mr. Tsai--attaching all artificial leathers.
Yi-Shouan--providing specialized waterproof base glue.
Coneco Lin couples--detailed painting of mouth and head.
Soycorce Jing--providing knowledge of electronic devices.
Liang--providing the knowledge of using velcro and super glue.
Chu chi, Kaname and Annie.
There are too many electronic devices inside the prototype Godzilla suit and make the inner space much smaller than we thought.
So it only can be worn and controlled by slender girls.
New orders will fit customer’s body.
※ 裡衣: 由啾吉製作,身體和腳為重要的步驟,由它慢慢延伸整隻哥吉拉。我們可以看到剛完成的裡衣哥吉拉可以比耶非常靈活。
※ 全身肌肉和尾巴雕塑: 通通使用海棉才方便行動,海棉的塑造技術大部份是「研磨」和「電烙鐵燒」,這樣才能控制我想要的樣子。 臉部比較特別,必須先上乳膠,在上面使用特製輕土去雕塑,最後再用電烙鐵燒出鱗片。
※ 塗色: 使用壓克力顏料為主,在上色之前務必上2-3層特調底漆,之後直接上色。
※ 控制晶片跟Led燈條控制: 由瑋哥寫程式,這方面就不解說了,這需要專業的知識,這使哥吉拉背鰭能發光使出「紅蓮型態」,嘴巴也有嘴砲喔!
Construction Sequence:
Base suit--body and legs were finished first and extended to other parts.
The base suit is very flexable.
Muscles and tail--they are stacked with amount of sponge.
The shape was sculpted with mini grinder and soldering iron.
Face--emulsion needed to be applied first and sculpted the shape with light clay.
Scales were sculpted with soldering iron.
Painting--waterproof base glue needed to be applied 2~3 times first.
The whole suit was painted with acrylic color.
Electronic devices--We used lithium batteries to power all LEDs and control circuit.
Fin lights can be switched between blue and red.
The fading frequency is also controlable.
There is a speaker and smoke generator for roaming and shooting atomic heat beam.
(伍)、活動規劃: 感謝好友馬可多的規劃與幫忙,和各位朋友的幫忙,有了您們台灣哥吉拉才被世界所看見,謝謝。
Activity Plan:
Thanks for all supporting of Makoto Tsai and all other friends.
Taiwanese Godzilla is proud of you.
哥吉拉怪獸之王2019皮套製作全記錄 在 哥吉拉怪獸之王2019皮套製作全記錄... - Shredder Mei' s ... 的推薦與評價
壹、裡衣:哥吉拉的內裝,採用全海棉製作,包含背鰭這部份由我乾女兒啾吉負責。 貳、電路和Led燈配置,控制晶片的程式填寫和哥吉拉基礎上色,這部份由我 ... ... <看更多>