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👉Recycling Fun《資源回收真好玩》:佩佩豬與爸媽學習垃圾分類
👉Camping Trip《佩佩豬露營》:佩佩豬與家人開著露營車去旅行
🎧️ 現在就收聽!《#英語共讀魔法屋》EP07 | 跟著童書界的萬人迷 Peppa Pig 佩佩豬學英語:https://bit.ly/3tIiCbf
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市議員李順進 轉傳 [110/06/23 ~ 06/24] 衛生福利部 及 高雄市政府 要點公告
●環安、治安、交安、工安、婦幼安 代言人!
[110/06/24] 衛生福利部 民眾使用COVID-19家用快篩試劑流程與注意事項
#衛福編編報報 發文時間:2021.6.24
●衛生福利部 LINE@:https://lin.ee/24imWWE
●衛生福利部 Twitter:https://twitter.com/MOHW_Taiwan
●指揮中心指出,COVID-19家用快篩試劑可由醫療器材販賣業者、藥粧店、醫療器材行、便利商店等或藥局販售,民眾購買時,請確認產品名稱是否有「家用」、包裝是否刊載「防疫專案核准製造第XXXXXXXXXX號」或「防疫專案核准輸入第XXXXXXXXXX號」等字樣(已核准之家用快篩試劑名單可至 衛生福利部 食品藥物管理署[下稱食藥署]網站確認)、產品效期是否在有效期間或保存期限內,並依使用說明書或操作影片進行採檢及操作。對使用家用快篩試劑有任何疑問,可洽詢販售該產品之醫療器材商或藥局,或逕洽詢試劑廠商。
#防疫最前線 #謝謝辛苦的檢疫人員
#謝謝臺灣醫護人員 #謝謝所有第一線人員 #臺灣加油
[110/06/24] 衛生福利部 指揮中心與相關單位持續精進「市場專案」相關措施,達到社區清零目的
●衛生福利部 LINE@:https://lin.ee/24imWWE
●衛生福利部 Twitter:https://twitter.com/MOHW_Taiwan
[110/06/24] 衛生福利部 真相說明:食藥署澄清,媒體報導EUA審查委員遭撤換一事與事實不符
[110/06/24] 衛生福利部 保健闢謠:味精會致癌嗎?
[110/06/24] 高雄市政府 0624高雄市新增本土確診個案+6
●高雄市政府 已全面消毒,請市民朋友們安心
●市府官網查詢 https://bit.ly/3vMIXV2
●回顧本市確診個案足跡 https://reurl.cc/eEdVOx
●請民眾務必先行預約,再依時間前往接種 https://bit.ly/3vKIl25
●高雄市6/26(六)起提供孕婦接種疫苗服務 https://bit.ly/3qoFU4s
●COVID-19疫苗接種注意事項 https://reurl.cc/R0zxYG
●曾出入相關場所民眾請進行自我健康監測,若出現 #發燒、 #上呼吸道、 #腹瀉、 #嗅味覺異常等症狀,應佩戴醫用口罩,儘速至就近指定社區採檢院所就醫,不得搭乘大眾運輸。
●提醒曾經於附表中時間地點活動的民眾,請進行自我健康監測,如有出現相關症狀請撥打1922、或者 #衛生局防疫專線07-7230250
[110/06/23] 高雄市政府 高雄就是要 #高規格精準防疫,全力守護社區安全!
●請務必持續遵守相關防疫措施,出門全程戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距離 https://bit.ly/3qmDEud
○2.頻繁於新北傳統市場移動之案14302及其友人 均已找出感染源並加速匡列相關人員。
●0623確診個案足跡詳見 https://bit.ly/2SlntB3
●市府官網 https://bit.ly/3zS2dDZ
●回顧本市確診個案足跡 https://bit.ly/3fpUYte
●首波COVID-19疫苗合約診所名單及適用接種對象 https://bit.ly/3zPZRp3
●6/24社區長輩疫苗接種站 https://bit.ly/3d5lic0
●孕婦疫苗專診醫院 https://bit.ly/3xYUQZJ
●棧貳庫營業時間調整 https://reurl.cc/mLd05Y #棧貳庫KW2
●新聞稿:北部醫院群聚感染延燒高雄陳其邁:疫調、匡列、隔離最重要 https://bit.ly/3j35SbR
[110/06/23] 高雄市政府 工廠校正7月1日開跑 網路申報防疫又快速
為落實工廠管理並瞭解營運狀況, 高雄市政府 將配合經濟部於7月1日至8月10日期間,針對去年底前取得工廠登記的7,673家營運中工廠展開校正及營運調查作業。高雄市經發局指出,為配合防疫,今年維持通信調查為主方式辦理,包含電話、傳真、郵寄調查表及網路申報等方式,籲業者踴躍利用網路申報,防疫又快速。
臉書貼文連結 >>> https://www.facebook.com/LeeShunJin/posts/1283122242142858
LINE貼文連結 >>> https://timeline.line.me/post/1162452572805041894
#高雄 #議員 #李順進 #環安 #治安 #交安 #工安 #婦幼安 #代言人 #轉傳 #衛生福利部 #高雄市政府 #公告
垃圾分類英文版 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最佳解答
(隨後附上英文版本 Please scroll down for the English version.)
79天的雨傘運動,估計超過一百萬港人參與,成為歷來最大規模的民主抗爭。我們堅持和平、非暴力原則,堅守行動底線爭取民主政制。可是,香港政府無視民意,北京政府堅持 不義的「八三一方案」,最終使整場運動無功而還。
Your Honour,
“Perhaps pragmatists will say that we only talk about ideals and never rationalise on them. But if students were all worldly and tactful, who would be left to wholeheartedly pursue ideals and strive to bring changes to our society?”
“We believe we have to deal with the problems our historical moment proposes – the burden of our time. The burden that our time confers upon us is to insist on the implementation of genuine universal suffrage and to build a fair and just political system. It is impossible for us to escape or retreat from such attendant responsibility. We choose to face up to these challenges of our time.”
At this moment, I yet again recall the inauguration speech I gave to my fellow students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Inauguration Ceremony back in September 2014. During the 4-week trial in Court, the recordings played by both the Prosecution and the Defence also sent me down the memory lane of everything that has happened 5 years ago.
The Beginning
In March 2014, our Cabinet “Claritas” received a total of 3431 votes, which was equivalent to almost 80% of the total number of votes of confidence, and was officially elected as the 44th Executive Committee of the Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
When we were campaigning for the election, we published our political platform for our fellow students: we would only accept a form of universal suffrage that had a reasonable threshold and not one that precluded any screening of candidates. We also promised that, if the final constitutional reform proposal did not meet these basic standards, we would during our term of office exert all efforts to promote, propagate, actively participate and facilitate the organisation of the Occupy Central Movement. The subsequent events all took place in fulfillment of these solemn promises we had made to our fellow CUHK students during our Student Union election campaign.
“Boycott Classes, Not Education” was the precursor of the Umbrella Movement. Although we did not attend classes, we learned and educated ourselves on democratic theories. That week ended with the recapture of the Civic Square. Students leaped faithfully into the Civic Square, but what they had exchanged in return were a siege by policemen and numerous criminal charges. That night, protestors not only desired to fight for democracy, many more times they were calling upon authorities to “protect the students”, because students were simply acting upon their idealistic pursuits, hoping to secure a better future for all.
All Hong Kong citizens and students are actually just birds of the same feather on this tortuous road to democracy – we have to learn from our bumps and battle scars, yet our motives are pure and selfless. At the early stages of the Umbrella Movement, participants generously distribute resources, tidily sort their rubbish and even set up self-study areas for students to revise. They were always reaching out and helping those around them without expecting anything in return – these touching scenes have persisted in my mind ever since.
Divided and Lost
It was estimated that over one million people in Hong Kong participated in the 79-day Umbrella Movement, making it the largest scale democratic protest in this city’s history. We insisted to uphold the peaceful and non-violent principle, standing firm on the bottom line of our action in our quest for democracy. Nevertheless, the Hong Kong Government completely disregarded the clear calls of the public, while the Beijing Government hung onto the unjust “831 Proposal”, eventually leading to the ineffectuality of the Movement.
Although I have witnessed countless heart-warming moments throughout the Movement, as our protest became protracted, conflicts accumulated and turned participants’ differences into splits. Towards the end of the Occupy Movement, some of us perhaps felt lost, uneasy and uncertain about the Movement’s fate. As there were divided views, there were doubts. As there were misunderstandings, there were mistrusts. As there was hostility, confrontations gradually emerged. The fruits of today are the seeds of yesterday – since some participants were discontented with our decisions, incidents such as “tearing down the big stage” occurred. Communication problems paved the way for more serious disagreements regarding our city’s political road map, which persisted until this day.
The curtains of the Umbrella Movement have been long drawn. We have yet to attain genuine universal suffrage. Yet, we harbour animosity towards each other due to divergence in political stances; we even vocally attack each other, making the wounds among us even more difficult to heal. In the face of recent events such as the disqualification of Legislative Council members and candidates, the Mong Kok Case and different kinds of political oppression, our sense of helplessness took over. Actions aiming to bring about systematic changes, including participation in elections, voting and engagement in the political discourse, were reduced to futile efforts. Pretty much everyone feels lost and unsure of what he could do to effect meaningful changes in this day and age.
Tracing Back to the Original Intention
Human beings are no saints. It is impossible that we do not feel any antipathy towards others. It is just as impossible to tell people to let go of their differences and to not fight each other anymore. My only wish is that people who started on the same path will not grow any further apart. The days to come may be very difficult, but let us not forget about the beauty of our selfless sacrifice at the start. We should work hard on repairing relationships with each other and understanding each other’s thoughts and difficulties. We can only go further if we replace rejection and antipathy with tolerance and communication. We can only go further if we hold true to our original intention.
I still remember this phrase from my inauguration speech: “what we get to enjoy today are the outcomes from our forebears’ choice to protest; the future of Hong Kong depends on our very own choice.”
The students then are now all grown up. Some of them might have become more seasoned and tactful. Nonetheless, I know that we all remember our original intention: together we choose our own destiny. I knew as early as five years ago that I would eventually find myself at the defendant’s dock today, but for our small yet precious city’s future, I remain true to my originally intention. I am incredibly honoured and privilege to be able to participate in the Umbrella Movement with my fellow comrades. In spite of criminal sanctions, I will remain neither condescending nor servile.
With the impending sentence, I know many of you would feel sorrowful and miserable. But when it is all over, I hope that you will all remain resilient, harness your feelings and transmute that energy into a positive force that safeguards our originally intention. I count on you to continue leading our society forward.
垃圾分類英文版 在 落實垃圾分類英文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 動漫二維世界 的推薦與評價
... 「壯圍鄉公所」清運種類宣導單中文版, 另開視窗:壯圍鄉資源回收分類清運表. 宜蘭縣垃圾清運種類宣導單中文版| 【詢問】嘉義縣環保局- 自助旅行最佳解答-20210516線上 ... ... <看更多>
垃圾分類英文版 在 落實垃圾分類英文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 動漫二維世界 的推薦與評價
... 「壯圍鄉公所」清運種類宣導單中文版, 另開視窗:壯圍鄉資源回收分類清運表. 宜蘭縣垃圾清運種類宣導單中文版| 【詢問】嘉義縣環保局- 自助旅行最佳解答-20210516線上 ... ... <看更多>
垃圾分類英文版 在 【跟著大衛美語一起學♻️垃圾分類的英文怎麼說?】 根據報導 的推薦與評價
litterbug [ˋlɪtɚ͵bʌg] 在公共場所亂丟垃圾的人(例句)Don't be a litterbug. (別亂丟垃圾。) #大衛美語#垃圾分類英文#廚餘英文#生活美語#成人美語#回收英文| ... ... <看更多>