神奇膠 Wondergarl
About author
WonderGarl is an entertaining musical unit, formed in 2007 by a group of “hot-blooded” teenagers from Hong Kong. Mission of the band is “Making new friends all over the world”. The music genre of WonderGarl is quite varied, their lyrics are all about the society and modern life style in Hong Kong including all kinds of emotions like happiness, anger and sadness. Although music cannot change the world, we would like to bring out different social issues by some interesting approaches so that our audiences will pay more attention to the society. We hope everyone can think about these issues seriously and rebuild their values and finally we can make the world become more pretty. We can say WonderGarl is a band with very strong local awareness. Not only representing Hong Kong to perform in Canada Quebec City Music Festival, Wondergarl also joined many different Music festivals in Taiwan and Macau.
香港獨立樂隊神奇膠,熱血港青愛交友、讓我每天膠你多一些! 想搵我地出SHOW就SEND INBOX MESSAGE俾我地啦!
香港獨立樂隊神奇膠,熱血港青愛交友、讓我每天膠你多一些! 想搵我地出SHOW就SEND INBOX MESSAGE俾我地啦!
夜粥製作有限公司 在 夜粥製作有限公司 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
簡介| 三、增加跌倒和骨折的發生風險| 四、增加心腦血管事件的發生風險| 五、容易引起內分泌紊亂| 正確認識和勇敢面對夜尿增多| 加強對盆底功能鍛煉| 三、控制鈉鹽的攝 ... ... <看更多>