美國夏威夷東西中心(East-West Center)舉辦2014春季傑佛遜交流計畫 (Jefferson Fellowships),邀請來自亞太地區及美國的平面及電子媒體記者參加。研討主題為「民主轉型的挑戰」(Challenges of Democratic Transition),參訪地點包括夏威夷的檀香山、印尼的班達亞齊、以及緬甸的仰光和奈比多。申請截止日期為2013年11月12日。
活動期間: 2014年2月 22日至3月16日
附加活動:參加傑佛遜交流計畫的成員,將順道參加東西中心舉辦的第四屆國際媒體會議,本次的地點為仰光。會議為期三天,主題為「新聞自由帶來的挑戰」(Challenges of a Free Press)。
Spring 2014 Jefferson Fellowships: Challenges of Democratic Transition
The East-West Center is accepting applications for the Spring 2014 Jefferson Fellowships program, Challenges of Democratic Transition, through November 12, 2013. The program offers to print and broadcast journalists from the United States, Asia and the Pacific Islands a travel study tour to Honolulu, Hawaii; Jakarta and Banda Aceh, Indonesia; Yangon and Naypyidaw, Myanmar.
Announcing: Spring 2014 Jefferson Fellowships
Program Theme: Challenges of Democratic Transition
Destinations: Honolulu, Hawaii; Jakarta and Banda Aceh, Indonesia; and Yangon and Naypyidaw, Myanmar
Dates: February 22-March 16, 2014
Extra Opportunity: Jefferson Fellows will attend the East-West Center's 4th International Media Conference in Yangon. The theme of the three-day conference is "Challenges of a Free Press." Please see details below.
Application Deadline: Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Who Can Apply: Working print, broadcast, and on-line journalists in the United States, Asia and the Pacific Islands. Five years of experience preferred. English fluency required. Total 12-14 fellowships will be awarded: 4-5 for American journalists and 7-9 for journalists from Asia and the Pacific.
Information and applications: For more information about the program and how to apply, please visit the website: www.EastWestCenter.org/jefferson