海參 — 性溫,具補腎滋陰、養血益精功效,適合腎陽不足、陽痿遺精人士食用。
白鱔/鰻魚 — 性平,具補虛、養血、抗癆的功效,尤其適合男子腎虛陽痿、脾胃虛弱、體虛衰弱、貧血等人士食用。
松茸 — 性平,具補腎強身、理氣化痰、補氣養血功效。
蠔 — 性平,具滋陰養血補腎功效,含有大量鋅元素,有促進精子形成的作用。
腰果 — 性平,有健脾補腎、利尿降溫、止咳除痰作用。
蓮子 — 性平,有補腎固精、健脾止瀉的功效,適合脾腎不足、遺精者食用。
羊肉 — 性溫,具益氣血、溫元陽、補虛損、滋補強壯的功效,適合腎陽不足、腰膝酸軟人士食用。
7 ingredients with replenish kidneys and strengthen yang
Chinese culture have a saying that you can eat ingredients shaped similarly to your organs to replenish those organs. Many men believe ingredients that look like the reproductive organs can help to strengthen yang, such as sea cucumber, eel, and matsutake. These ingredients can indeed replenish the kidneys and strengthen yang, but it is important to note impotence can also be related to asthenic heart and spleen, damp heat, and qi stagnation body types. In order to see improvement, do not just focus on certain ingredients but work to strengthen the functions of the liver and kidney as well as improve your lifestyle habits and eat based on your body constitution.
Sea cucumber- warm in nature, can replenish kidneys and nourish yin, nourish blood. Suitable for those with insufficient kidney yang, and those suffering with impotence and nocturnal emission.
Eel- mild in nature, can replenish asthenia, nourish blood. Suitable for male with asthenic kidneys and impotence, asthenic spleen and stomach, weak health, and anemia.
Matsutake- mild in nature, can replenish the kidneys and improve health, regulate qi and relieve phlegm, nourish qi and blood.
Oyster- mild in nature, can nourish yin and blood and replenish kidneys. It is high in zinc and can improve sperm production.
Cashews- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and replenish the kidneys, promote diuresis and lower temperature, relieve cough and phlegm.
Lotus seeds- mild in nature, can replenish kidneys, strengthen the spleen and relieve diarrhea. Suitable for spleen and kidney deficiency and those with nocturnal emission.
Lamb- warm in nature, can nourish qi and blood, warm primordial yang, replenish deficiency. Suitable for those with insufficient kidney yang, weak knees and back.
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