【#懶人包ForDummies】**Please scroll down for English version**
• 香港是中國最主要的境外投資來源地
(2018年香港對中國的直接投資金額為961億美元,佔中國 FDI 總數74.7%)
• 香港是中國最主要的境外上巿集資地
(現時合共有1,146 間國企、紅籌、民企在香港主板巿場上巿;2018年中國企業在香港的IPO金額高達35萬億美元,佔中國企業境外集資總額79.6%)
• 香港是中國最主要的境外銀行貸款來源地
(2018 年香港各銀行對中國大陸銀行和非銀行客戶的淨債權總額高達 910億元美元)
• 香港是中國最主要的境外債券融資平台
(2018年中國企業在香港發行的美元債券總額高達723 億美元,佔中資企業境外發債總額的64.2%)
• 香港是中國最主要的境外人民幣交易中心
(2018 年香港佔全球人民幣境外交易量的79%)
• 香港是中國最主要的境外私人財富安全港
I will repeat this post until everybody understands it. Despite of the usual claims that “Hong Kong is depending on China to survive” as advanced by many Chinese and Hong Kong elites, in reality “China heavily depends on Hong Kong’s international financial centre status to survive”. For many years, Beijing has tried to make best use of Hong Kong to serve its agenda on one hand, while chipping away at Hong Kong’s autonomy on the other hand, now it finally hits the wall. “Burn with us” means Beijing can either give Hong Kong's autonomy, so that OCTS is good for both China and Hong Kong; or Beijing can lose Hong Kong as an international financial centre, risking itself to face the breakdown of its capital chain.
• Hong Kong is China’s largest source of inward direct investment
(the total amount of FDI contributed by Hong Kong in 2018 was USD 96.1 billion, constituting 74.7% of China’s total FDI in 2018)
• Hong Kong is China’s major offshore equity financing place
(a total of 1,146 H-shares, Red-chips and Mainland private enterprises have been listed in Hong Kong’s main board; the total amount of IPO raised by Chinese companies in Hong Kong reached USD35 trillion in 2018, constituting 79.6% of the total offshore IPO funds raised)
• Hong Kong is China’s most important source of offshore bank loans
(the total amount of Hong Kong banks’ net claims on bank and nonbank customers in China exceeded about USD91 billion in 2018)
• Hong Kong is China’s overriding offshore platform for corporate bond financing
(the total amount of US bonds issued by Chinese companies in Hong Kong exceeded USD72.3 billion in 2018, representing 64.2% of the total amount of US bonds issued by Chinese companies in all offshore financial centres)
• Hong Kong is China’s largest offshore RMB clearing centre
(79% of the world’s RMB payments were settled through Hong Kong in 2018)
• Hong Kong is China’s its offshore safe heaven for hiding private assets
(it is estimated that a total of USD3.1 trillion was managed by Hong Kong’s financial firms in 2018, the majority of which are seen as private assets of Chinese elites)
▋延伸閱讀 Further reading
Hong Kong and the US-China New Cold War/Brian C. H. Fong
▋資料來源 Information sources
FDI: http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/article/tongjiziliao/v/
Equity: https://www.hkex.com.hk/…/HKEx-…/2019/CCEO_MPE_201906_e.pdf…
Loans: https://www.hkma.gov.hk/…/…/annual-report/2018/18_Annex.pdf…
Bonds: https://www.hkex.com.hk/…/HKEx-…/2019/CCEO_MPE_201906_e.pdf…
RMB: https://www.swift.com/…/business-intel…/renminbi/rmb-tracker
Assets: https://www.sfc.hk/…/Asset%20and%20Wealth%20Management%20Ac…
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懶人包fordummies 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最佳解答
【#懶人包ForDummies】**Please scroll down for English version**
• 香港是中國最主要的境外投資來源地
(2018年香港對中國的直接投資金額為961億美元,佔中國 FDI 總數74.7%)...
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