東京朋友Rie Nishinaka -Street Photographer-用廣東話介紹佢嘅攝影展呀!!
【写真展のお知らせ】*Cantonese is below
2月我喺東京開攝影展, 我整下呢段movie出嚟, 喺呢段片度我講下廣東話!
我玩下㗎啫! 你哋香港朋友聽唔聽得明呀?
其實有一排冇講廣東話, 我真係好驚!
ニシナカリエ 写真展
“ 上海狂詩曲 - Shanghai Rhapsody - ”
2019.2.15 (金) - 2.27 (水)
フォトカノン戸越銀座店 ギャラリー(東京)
OPEN 10:00-20:00
〒142-0041 品川区戸越2-1-3
tel & fax: 03-5498-1641
都営浅草線 戸越駅(出口A2)より徒歩4分
東急池上線 戸越銀座駅(出口1)より徒歩7分
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“Hong Kong - China Medley”と名付けたシリーズのプロローグは「中国・上海」。
This time, we will be holding a solo exhibition in Tokyo from February 15th (Fri) to 27th (Wed).
See below for more details.
By the way, I tried making the video with a full play. Leads or my Cantonese!? Lol
I opened a photography exhibition in Tokyo in February, and I came out this movie, and I speak Cantonese in this segment!
I am playing! Can your Hong Kong friends listen?
In fact, there are a row who did not speak Cantonese, I am really shocked!
Western Photo exhibition
“ 上海狂詩曲 - Shanghai Rhapsody - ”
2019.2.15 (Fri)-2.27 (Wed)
Photo Kanon Togoshi Ginza Store Gallery (Tokyo)
OPEN 10:00-20:00
Close Thursday
2-1-3 Togoshi-ku, Shinagawa-ku, 142-0041
How to find us
4 minutes walk from toei asakusa line Togoshi Station (Exit A2)
7 minutes walk from the tokyu ikegami line Togoshi-Ginza Station (EXIT 1)
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It's been 5 years since I've been in Hong Kong, and now I'm going to put the base of the shooting in Hong Kong.
"thinking of Hong Kong and China" will expand the 3TH PART OF THE SOLO EXHIBITION FOR 1 years.
The Prologue of the series named " Hong Kong - China Medley " is " Shanghai, China ".
Various challenges to face the current Hong Kong, and various phenomena that have been superficial, are deeply connected to the changes in China situation. In other words, knowing China leads to knowing true Hong Kong, and snuggles with the heart of Hong Kong people.
Hong Kong for the author is no longer a tourist city. In order to reconsider and reconsider about this land and people that I truly love, I needed to stand on the Hong Kong themed exhibition and see China directly.
Shanghai, the largest economic city in China, which is a financial city of Asia next to Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo.
What was seen from the streets of Shanghai that I visited in early summer 2018?
And what is the message that was cast towards Hong Kong?Translated
戸越銀座 観光 在 しながわ観光協会 - 戸越銀座商店街「第22回 とごしぎんざまつり」 的推薦與評價
戸越銀座 商店街「第22回 とごしぎんざまつり」 https://shinagawa-kanko.or.jp/event/togoshiginzamatsuri/ 8月24日(土)・25日(日)開催! ... <看更多>
戸越銀座 観光 在 【戸越銀座】¥3000(2人)で関東一長い商店街を食べ歩き 的推薦與評價
【ロケ企画】 戸越銀座 商店街で全員名前を呼ばれるまでロケ続行 · 【しらべてみたら】アツアツ小籠包 & 激安おでん! · 【栃木旅行】日光のオススメ 観光 地を ... ... <看更多>