但這個星期五,我是絕對不會不知道的,更早早就設定了手機鈴聲提醒,來個以防萬一!為何如此慎重?一切只因,我要披頭散髮穿著睡衣,舒舒服服的窩在自家沙發上,欣賞百老匯的知名音樂劇《歌劇魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)!
這個史上最成功的音樂劇之一,當製作人 Andrew Lloyd Webber日前宣布,將於加拿大時間4月17日在YouTube頻道「The Shows Must Go On!」平台上開放給全球觀眾限時免費收看時,我就滿心期待著。
這次播放的25週年慶祝版本,是2011年在英國倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall)的公演,由Ramin Karimloo及Sierra Boggess所主演的Phantom和Christine,劇長2小時17分鐘,場景及陣容都相當堅實。
這個25週年的版本大家一定要看到最後,最後謝幕的一刻,會有歷代 The Phantom男演員與繆思女主角Christine 的莎拉布萊曼(Sarah Brightman)同台演出!氣氛相當感人😭
What a wonderful night 🎵 ♥️
音樂劇作家安德魯・韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)宣布,響應疫情期間Stay Home的呼籲,每個星期五(加拿大時間),製作團隊都會在YouTube的頻道「The Shows Must Go On!」平台上播放一部他的熱門經典作品供提全球觀眾限時免費收看~
「手機 鈴聲 stay」的推薦目錄:
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 Oh Canada 陳太太在加 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 2Dogg Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 stay鈴聲下載的評價和優惠,YOUTUBE和商品老實說的推薦 的評價
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 Stay 鈴聲 的評價
- 關於手機 鈴聲 stay 在 iPhone 鈴聲製作教學: KKBOX 、 YouTube 等各種音源都能 ... 的評價
手機 鈴聲 stay 在 2Dogg Facebook 的最讚貼文
The first stop motion animation that I made for 頑童MJ116 n 本色音樂 is on! More to come n stay tuned~
Thanks Soda Yeh for gave me lots of opportunities.
Thanks 廖崇淵 from 二人三角 M.Synchrony for great editing n co-direct this project!
怎麼樣?還不趕快早晚三柱香 每天點三次🤣🤣
♫ MyMusic→ https://www.mymusic.net.tw/ux/w/album/show/589662
♫friDay Music→ http://music.fetnet.net/albumpage.php?album_id=1462896
♫Walkgame、Auer 台灣
(中華、台哥大、亞太、台灣之星) 手機鈴聲
手機 鈴聲 stay 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
The Unexpected Surprises of Destiny
(English version below)
拖著倦累的身驅,走近設備完善的書房,欲將還沒完成的文章給完成,手機鈴聲響起,心中早已知曉,來電者是誰,所為何事也。為何知之?因知 曉十二地支屬性也。來電者為馬肖人,馬肖人最為長氣,同樣一件事情,她他可以說上千萬遍,祇為了達到其他目的也。哎喲喲!好可怕哦!
既然接聽了,吾就打起十二分精神,好好「迎戰」。其實吾也感謝她的來電,因為在一個多鐘頭的通話中,再印證吾 的玄學心得,實而無誤。對方聽出耳油,笑聲四起,欣喜讚嘆一個人的八字,竟然有這麼多的「看頭」,並一「馬」當先地與吾預約批大人的八 字,小朋友的名字,以及居家風水之堪察事宜,以期「馬」到成功。
當吾運用「四柱算命術」,於她他人及自己時,都一樣地讚嘆,命運的驚奇居然含藏於我們的生辰四柱裡,才八個天干地支,就道盡了我們一生的 榮枯,起、居、飲、食、行、住、坐、臥,如該在什麼時間起床,該住什麼類型的房屋、該喝什麼飲品,該食什麼食物及水果,該走哪一條路,該 駕哪種車,該睡什麼素質的床,等等等。為人批八字,若心存解決眾生的煩惱,實為菩提事業,實為修行。
有些人選擇不批八字,因不想活在擔心害怕中,我們就尊重她他。吾,玳瑚師父,則選擇早知,最起碼吾可以少走冤 枉路,眼前的障礙物,吾可先移開,或跳越過,眼前的坑洞及陷阱,吾也可以避過,更何況,吾也可以虔心誠意地向那位師父乞討,化解障礙的妙 方,這樣又何來活在擔心害怕中呢?請勿庸人自擾。
As I dragged my weary body towards my well-furbished study room, planning to finish a half-written article, my mobile phone rang. I already knew in my heart the identity of the caller and her purpose of calling. How did I know? Because I am well-versed in the inherent characteristics of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs. The caller is of the Horse zodiac sign. People of that zodiac sign are very long-winded, and can repeat the same thing a hundred million times just to achieve their objectives! How scary is that!
Since I answered the call, I raised my spirits to get ready for "battle". Truth is, I was grateful for her call because in the over-an-hour conversation, I once again proved the authenticity of my Chinese Metaphysics. The caller listened attentively and, in the midst of laughter, was full of praises that a person's birth chart could yield so much information. She was as quick as a horse in securing an appointment from me to read the birth charts of her family, the names of her children, as well as a Feng Shui audit of her residence. She hopes for success to follow, as sure-footed as a horse!
When I read birth charts of myself and others, using the Four Pillar Destiny technique, I am just as awe-struck and full of praises that the thrills and surprises of destiny are actually buried deep within our birth chart. A birth chart consists only of 8 characters from the heavenly stems and earthly branches, yet they hold the deepest secrets to the rise and ebb of our fortunes and all aspects of our lifestyles.
For example: what time should we get out of bed? What kind of house should we stay in? What beverage should I consume? What food and fruits should I eat? Which route should I take? What car should I drive? What kind of bed should I rest in? etc, etc.
If one decipher the birth charts with the heart of wanting to solve the sufferings of sentient beings, it is a noble career of Bodhicitta and utmost compassion, and an extension of your spiritual cultivation.
Some people prefer not to have their birth charts analysed so that they will not live in fear and anxiety. We should respect their wishes. On the other hand, Master Dai Hu chooses to gain an early access to a deep insight into my own destiny, so that I can be spared the sufferings of treading on the wrong path in life. With this insight, the obstacles in front of me can be moved away, or easily overcome. I can also leap over the deep manhole or traps in front of me. Furthermore, I can sincerely seek advice from the Master, on how to eradicate these obstacles. With wondrous solutions available to me, why would I live in anxiety and fear of the unknown? Only people of mediocrity worry about such things.
《圓智溫宵聚慶佳節 - 以茶會友(九)》
Yuan Xiao Festival : Tea Session with Master Dai Hu - #9
Let Master Dai Hu teach you how to live a fulfillling 2016, free from fear and anxiety, no matter what uncertainties may come your way this Fire Monkey year.
手機 鈴聲 stay 在 iPhone 鈴聲製作教學: KKBOX 、 YouTube 等各種音源都能 ... 的推薦與評價
今天就來教大家如何使用簡單的方法,親自動手做iPhone 鈴聲!這次的iPhone 鈴聲製作教學只要利用螢幕錄影搭配轉檔工具和GarageBand App 就能輕鬆搞定專屬 ... ... <看更多>
手機 鈴聲 stay 在 Stay 鈴聲 的推薦與評價
Stay 鈴聲 · Music in this video · Learn more. ... <看更多>