20度!!!在有「雨都」之稱的維爾紐斯遇上晴空萬里好天氣!說什麼也要在一大早出門,爬到維爾紐斯經典地標Gedimino pilies bokštas(格迪米納斯塔)眺望這座城市。
走了一整天的路,下午4點回到Hostel煮東西吃。這時白俄羅斯新朋友傳訊息來,問我想不想再出門?於是趕在太陽完全下山前,我們來到另一個很適合看落日的Trys kryžiai (三十字架山)。雖然摸黑爬到有點喘,但眼前夜景美到不思議!值得!
“Čia Lietuva, čia lietus lyja,” is a very common saying in Lithuania, which means, “It is Lithuania, the rain is raining here.” Every tourist should be prepared for rain while visiting Vilnius.
But the weather is pretty nice this week. So I went to Gedimino pilies bokštas which is an important state and historic symbol of the city of Vilnius and of Lithuania itself to look over the city yesterday. 20°C, no reason to stay at the hostel.
I walked all day long. When I went back to my hostel, my new friend, a girl from Belarus asked me if I wanna go out again or not. So we just went to Trys kryžiai to see the sunset. Although we felt losing our legs, but it's worth it!
On the way to our hostel, we bought Lithuanian ice cream. Sitting by the side of the street and watching people what they're doing. There were also street performers who played music in the distance. What a beautiful night!